Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 236: mean

Chapter 238 236. Mean

  The reason why Dulong can recognize Zheng Kuilai at a glance is also because Zheng Kui gave him a deep impression. Now he still has several brothers lying in the hospital.

   This kid is so powerful, this is the deepest impression of Dulong.

   But after thinking about it, the impression of the fourth child in Dulong\'s mind became deeper and deeper, and then he discovered that the young man in front of him looked a bit like the man with a strange power.

  Dulong shivered in his heart, and then he comforted himself, it must be impossible. From this, he knew that he was a big man, and it was impossible to be a family with the smuggler.

   Zheng Shan squinted at Dulong and found that he didn\'t lie, the stone in his heart was completely dropped.

  Since it’s all right here, then basically there won’t be any major problems.

   "Then do you know where they went?" Zheng Shan continued to ask.

  Dulong said quickly: "I really don\'t know this, we have been looking for it all the time."

  Zheng Shan thought about it for a while, but didn\'t continue to embarrass him, "Then you go on looking and let me know when you find someone."

   "Besides, I hope you\'re not lying to me." Zheng Shan didn\'t say what the consequences of lying to him would be, but Dulong knew it very well.

   Looking at the burly men behind Zheng Shan and his fierce temperament, he knew that the means of doing certain things would never be soft.

  Zheng Shan was a little uneasy, and asked a security guard to stay here to help him watch. Dulong smiled bitterly in his heart when he saw this, and did not dare to refuse.

   Immediately, Zheng Shan took everyone into the car and left, "Go to Dafeng Hotel."

   Now that the fourth child is no longer in danger, the most likely thing is to go to the Dafeng Hotel to find his object.

   Thinking of this, Zheng Shan is both annoyed and a little distressed. This stupid brother of his own is really caught in it, and he dares to run out of the country.

   But when Zheng Shan knew that the fourth child was safe, he couldn\'t get angry, although the fourth child did it so that their family was very worried.

   But Zheng Shan understands that doing this is very in line with the heart of the fourth child at his age, and he can also see the silly and bold side of the fourth child.

   Is it because he came back from abroad that the fourth child thought it was easy to get along abroad?

   "Xinxin, are you still used to living these days?" an old lady asked with concern.

   She is Lin Xinxin\'s aunt, but Lin Xinxin only saw her when her aunt went back.

   Lin Xinxin\'s aunt is nine years older than her father. She got married when his father was young, and then came to Singapore with her husband\'s family.

   I haven\'t been back for so many years, so Lin Xinxin has never seen it at all.

   However, Lin Xinxin accepted her aunt very quickly, and the aunt treated her well. When she got here, she bought clothes and food, and there was still a lot of pocket money.

   made Lin Xinxin feel a little embarrassed.

   Hearing the aunt\'s question, Lin Xinxin said sweetly, "Auntie, I\'m fine, but I\'m not used to it for the time being."

   "Just take it easy. When you come here, you know that what Auntie said is right?" Lin Honghong said rather proudly.

  Lin Honghong also wanted to see if she could help her younger brother when she went back this time. After all, she was the one who brought up this younger brother since she was a child. When she was a child, the adults in the family were busy, so she took care of her younger brother.

   Now that she has some capital, she wants to help.

   After I went back, I saw Lin Xinxin, and I fell in love with her immediately. This girl looks a lot like her younger self.

   When I heard that Lin Xinxin can\'t study well, even a year of review is not good, so I persuaded my brother to let her bring Lin Xinxin over.

  Lin Honghong is going to let Lin Xinxin go to the school here first. If it doesn\'t work, you will come to their own restaurant to work.

   At least it is much better than in the mainland.

   "I know that the aunt is all for my own good, and I don\'t like him either, I\'m just having a romantic relationship." Lin Xinxin knew what the aunt was talking about and said coquettishly.

  Lin Xinxin really doesn\'t like Zheng Kui much. After all, Zheng Kui is not handsome either, and his brain is not good.

   If it wasn\'t for Zheng Kui\'s wealth, she would be too lazy to fall in love with Zheng Kui.

   So as soon as the aunt said that, she immediately broke up with Zheng Kui, and she said it very decisively.

   From now on, she and Zheng Kui are in two different worlds, and Lin Xinxin doesn\'t want to be entangled with Zheng Kui anymore.

"It\'s good to know. I\'ll take you out for a stroll recently to see what real prosperity is. Don\'t be fooled by some petty profits. Not everyone in our Lin family is eligible to marry." Lin Honghong smiled. said.

  Zheng Shan was already in the vicinity at this time, and asked Rachel to stop first.

   "You wait here, you don\'t have to follow me." Zheng Shan ordered.

  This time he came to look for someone, not to look for something, so it’s better to go alone.

After    finished speaking, Zheng Shan got out of the car and walked towards this restaurant. This is the main restaurant. It stands to reason that since Lin Xinxin was brought over by relatives, she must have come here.

   "Welcome, sir, how many people are there?" Looking at Zheng Shan\'s Chinese face, the waiter spoke directly in Chinese.

  Zheng Shan said: "If you don\'t eat, I\'ll find someone."

   "Who are you looking for, sir?" the waiter asked again.

   Zheng Shandao: "Lin Xinxin, just a little girl who just came from China."

"excuse me, you are?"

   "I also just came from China, my friends at home, just say my surname is Zheng."

"OK, just a second."

   Although the waiter\'s face is polite, but his heart is full of slander, where is this poor relative.

  To tell the truth, Zheng Shan\'s image is really not very good now. I have been worrying about the comfort of the fourth child for the past two days. How can I take care of it?

  Before, because Rachel and these people were all around him, people knew that he was unusual at a glance.

   But now Zheng Shan came here alone, and he was wearing simple clothes from home, and he hadn\'t had time to change, so it was no wonder that others thought so.

  Zheng Shan himself didn\'t realize this problem. After all, he basically never encountered such a situation, and if something happened before, he would change his clothes, so he didn\'t think much about it for a while.

   Soon Zheng Shan heard footsteps from upstairs. It was just after two o\'clock in the afternoon, not lunchtime, and there were basically no people in the restaurant.

  Lin Xinxin originally thought it was Zheng Kui, a silly boy, who came to the door, but she was shocked. When she saw that it was not Zheng Kui, she was obviously relieved.

   Zheng Shan\'s eyes lit up after seeing Lin Xinxin~www.novelhall.com~ and immediately stepped forward, "Student Lin Xinxin, right? My name is Zheng Shan, and I\'m Zheng Kui\'s brother."

   "Didn\'t I tell Zheng Kui all about it? We have already broken up, what do you mean by coming here?" Lin Xinxin\'s face was very ugly.

Zheng Shan was obviously stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he heard an old lady say a bit yin and yang: "What\'s going on with your family? You dare to pay such a large amount of money if you want to take advantage of it? I wasn\'t with that stupid boy from your family before. Did you say it?

   Stop stalking our family Xinxin, they are not from the same world, they are not suitable. "

   Don\'t look at Lin Honghong being very kind to Lin Xinxin, that\'s because she likes it and is a junior, but to outsiders, Lin Honghong has always been mean.

   This is especially true in store management. None of their employees is not afraid of Lin Honghong. This has always made Lin Honghong very proud.

   A few times, it was because of her meanness and careful planning that it was considered that Dafeng Hotel had survived several crises, which further encouraged her character.

   In addition, her two sons are considered business materials, so the business is getting better and better.

   (end of this chapter)