Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 235: Poison Dragon

Chapter 237 235. Poison Dragon

  Zheng Shan returned to the hotel, first asked Du You to book the air ticket, and then made a phone call to his home.

   "Mom, I have found the whereabouts of the fourth child, but it may take a few days, don\'t worry." Zheng Shan was the first to report safety.

   After reporting safety, Zheng Shan asked the fifth to answer the phone, and the fifth said, "I found out what Dafeng Hotel is."

  Zheng Shan said that he understood that this should be the name of the relative\'s restaurant of the fourth child. To be honest, the fifth child was a little surprised that he could find out about this.

  Zheng Shan immediately hung up the phone and called Rachel.

   He breathed a sigh of relief now, first of all knowing that the fourth child went to the exact location of Singapore.

   Secondly, Singapore is not a big place, and it is relatively easy to find people. If you are in China, it is really too difficult to find someone because the place is too big.

   Another point is that the law and order in Singapore is not bad, which also makes Zheng Shan feel at ease.

   "Now you and I will fax you my brother\'s photo. You can help you find it, and at the same time, find a restaurant called Dafeng." Zheng Shan ordered.

  Rachel already knew from Du Yougao that Zheng Shan had something she needed to do, and after hearing Zheng Shan\'s instructions, she probably guessed what it was.

   "I\'ll arrange it immediately, by the way, do I need to communicate with the government here?" Rachel asked.

   Now Xishui Group has become more and more influential, Xishui Supermarket has some scale in Singapore.

   Coupled with the fact that Xishui Group will be listed soon, some well-informed people have already learned about the situation.

   And the propaganda of people like Goldman Sachs, Xishui Group\'s reputation is getting bigger and bigger, especially Zheng Shan\'s personal reputation.

   According to the valuation they gave, Zheng Shan has become one of the ten richest people in the United States.

   This is not counting the Chinese market. Goldman Sachs will never miss these favorable news.

   Therefore, although there are not many people who know Zheng Shan, there are many people who have heard of him. Xishui Group will also receive some preferential treatment in projects in many countries, which is normal.

  Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "Yes, but you don\'t need to fight, and don\'t leak the news."

   Although the law and order in Singapore is good, it does not mean that no one will take risks. If anyone finds out, the fourth child is his own younger brother, and he ran out alone. It is normal to have bad thoughts.

After    ordered this side, Zheng Shan took a short rest. There is no flight ticket today, and he needs to wait for tomorrow\'s flight.

  Zheng Shan was finally able to sleep peacefully for a while, but he didn\'t sleep too deeply. He woke up early and re-read the news he got from Boss Lai.

   Although Boss Lai didn\'t have much contact with the people who connected with him, they also had some information.

   The person over there is called Dulong. He has been on the battlefield and lost one eye. His methods are quite cruel, but according to Boss Lai, although his methods are cruel, he is a very disciplined person.

  Because the people who sent it over were all money bags and people who could make money for them.

   Of course, Dulong didn\'t do too much. If they made enough money for them, they would let people go free.

   According to Boss Lai, Dulong is the most disciplined person here, so Boss Lai likes to cooperate with him every time.

  People who follow the rules will always make people feel more at ease.

   The people here used to be sent to work in factories every time. Except for some living necessities, their wages were directly handed over to Dulong and them.

   When the money is enough, it will not be charged again, and it can be paid in about two years of normal work.

  Zheng Shan got off the plane, and as soon as he walked out of the station, he saw Rachel and four strong men standing by the side waiting for him.

   This is Zheng Shan\'s security in the United States. He was urgently transferred by Zheng Shan. Since Zheng Shan left the United States, these people have been arranged to work within the group.

   Now that Zheng Shan needs them, it is naturally a matter of one sentence.

   "Boss." Rachel and the others greeted each other, and many people beside him were stunned.

  Zheng Shan was not in the mood to care about this at this time, nodded and took the lead to leave.

   "Boss, I found Dafeng Hotel through some connections. Dafeng Hotel has a total of five branches, with a total value of about one million US dollars.

   In addition, the news of the poisonous dragon was also found, and you can go there at any time. \' Rachel reported briefly.

  Zheng Shandao: "Go directly to the poisonous dragon."

   Now the most important thing is to determine the safety of the fourth child, and finding this poisonous dragon is the most direct.

  Rachel nodded, then made a few calls, and then said, "Boss, the people are still there."

   "Well." Zheng Shan nodded, sitting in the back row and closing his eyes.

  Dulong had long noticed that someone was watching him, or they didn\'t hide it at all, they just looked at him generously.

He also knew someone   , a detective at the police station here.

   "Officer Lin, I\'ve been very honest recently, there\'s no need to look at me like that, right?" Dulong was a little uncomfortable, and walked over to say hello.

Officer Lin is a middle-aged man in his forties, he is slick, and he said with a smile: "No way, Dulong, don\'t make me embarrassed, it was the above who asked me to look at you, saying that someone wanted to find you. Ask something."

  Dulong was startled, but he quickly relaxed and just asked about things. If there was really something, he would have been arrested long ago.

   "What\'s the matter? Who is the big guy?" Dulong took out a cigarette and handed it over.

   "Don\'t ask more about this, I don\'t know, I just know that it is the best choice for you to stay and clarify.

  Otherwise you will regret it, I am not trying to scare you. "

When Dulong saw this, he didn\'t ask any more questions. He just stayed here and waited for people to come. In addition to being ruthless, the most important thing for Dulong was to have self-knowledge and not get angry with people who shouldn\'t be in conflict. battle.

   Not long after, a row of cars drove over and stopped in front of them.

  Dulong subconsciously stood up, knowing that it should be the Lord.

   "Officer Lin, I\'m sorry to bother you." Rachel said with a smile.

   Officer Lin waved his hand and said nothing, it should be, and then saw Rachel give up her figure, and a young man came over.

   "Poison Dragon?" Zheng Shan asked while looking at the person in front of him.

  There is a smile on the face of the poisonous dragon~www.novelhall.com~ Yes, I am the poisonous dragon. I wonder if I have offended this gentleman in any way? "

   "No, I\'m just asking you something." Zheng Shan said.

   then took out the photo of the fourth child and asked, "Have you seen this person?"

   After speaking, Zheng Shan stared at Dulong\'s eyes. After Dulong saw the photo, the corners of his mouth twitched subconsciously. He was about to say something when he heard the man in front of him say, "Have you seen it?"

Although    is an interrogative sentence, the tone is very affirmative!

  Dulong knew that his changes were seen by young people, so he simply did not deny it, "Yes, I have seen this person, this gentleman, did this person offend you? I am looking for them now."

   "Huh?" Zheng Shan narrowed his eyes.

  Dulong immediately knew that he might have guessed wrong, "He and the other two people were smuggled here. It was originally arranged, but they refused to accept the discipline and finally got into a fight with my people.

   They are really capable of fighting, I have a dozen people under my command, they all beat them to the ground, and then ran away. "

   When talking about this, Dulong also felt that his face was dull.

   (end of this chapter)