Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 206: on site

Chapter 208 206. The scene

   Zheng Lan stared blankly at Zheng Shan, seeing that Zheng Shan was not joking, she didn\'t know what to say.

   But thinking about it, it doesn\'t seem to be surprising. His brother\'s performance for so long seems to explain a point. He is not short of money and has a strong relationship.

   "Real or not?" Zheng Lan asked again.

  Zheng Shan nodded and said, "Of course it\'s true, otherwise I wouldn\'t arrange Yin Li casually, just thinking of something to take care of. Who knew she would do such a thing."

  Zheng Lan took a deep breath and said, "That\'s even more impossible. I stole money and stole my brother\'s head."

   said that he was about to get on the bike and go, Zheng Shan followed silently. Since the second sister made up her mind, he didn\'t say much more.

   But on the way, Zheng Shan said: "Sister, why don\'t you move out and live, buy a house, and don\'t crowd with them."

  Zheng Shan also felt sorry for his sister, and he was in a bad mood every day because of these things at home. It was really bad luck to meet such a family.

  Zheng Lan said: "How can I have money? At most, there is a deposit of one or two hundred yuan in the family. This is saved in the last year."

  Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Isn\'t there still me? Your brother, I have money."

   "No, I can\'t take your money. What\'s the matter? If my sister can\'t help you, forget it and drag you down." Zheng Lan refused directly.

  Zheng Shandao: "Sister, listen to me, I\'m going to prepare a new house for the fourth and fifth, and forget about the boss. After all, the old house is given to them, and you can also give you a set."

   "And I have quite a few houses in my hands. I bought some when I came back, you can choose whatever you want."

  Zheng Shan also wanted to let Zheng Lan and the others move out as soon as possible. The province was worrying about this matter every day. When he was free, Zheng Shan also bought some houses.

  Zheng Lan still shook her head and said, "The fourth and fifth are your younger brothers and sisters. If you are capable, you should help them. I am your elder sister, and I can\'t ask for anything from you."

   No matter what Zheng Shan said, Zheng Lan did not agree.

   "And think about it, now that your brother-in-law and I have to work, I\'m not worried about leaving the two children at home.

  Although my father-in-law and mother-in-law don\'t make people worry, at least they won\'t let the big girl and Erniu have an accident, right? "Zheng Lan gave another reason.

  Zheng Shandao: "You can put the eldest girl and Erniu in my house. Mom usually has nothing to do, so she can help you take care of the child."

   Zheng Lan was a little moved when she heard the words, but she still refused.

   In the end, Zheng Shan had no choice but to say: "In that case, I\'ll lend you some money first, and then return it to me when you have money."

  Zheng Lan still didn\'t speak, but she was obviously a little moved, and she didn\'t want to live in that house anymore, it was really uncomfortable.

   "Is this the wrong way?" Zheng Shan looked at the way in surprise.

   Zheng Lan glanced at him and said, "That\'s right, let\'s go to your brother-in-law first. I want him to know about this. It\'s their Wen family\'s fault."

  Zheng Shan stopped talking and silently followed behind Zheng Lan.

   quickly arrived at Wen Jie\'s unit, and after calling the person out, Zheng Lan didn\'t say anything politely.

"Wen Jie, I ask myself, Zheng Lan, is it very good for your Wen family? My brother kindly helped her find a job, and also added his own favor. Now what do you think?" Zheng Lan asked with a cold face. .

  Wen Jie\'s face was very ugly, and his eyes were full of shame when he looked at Zheng Shan. He really didn\'t expect that his younger brother and sister could do such a thing.

   This made him want to find a crack in the ground to get in!

   But at this time, he also asked a fluke, "Dashan, did you make a mistake?"

  Zheng Shan sighed slightly, "Brother-in-law, this is what I saw with my own eyes, and if you don\'t believe it, you can go and see for yourself later."

After   , he was afraid of what Wen Jie would think, after all, this is his sister\'s husband and the father of his two nieces.

   "Brother-in-law, we are a family, so what should I say, I must trust you 100%, brother-in-law, and know how you are.

   It\'s just that this matter is not very pleasant to say after all, and my friend also said that he will not pursue it.

   At the same time, I want to ask my brother-in-law what do you want to do? If I don\'t see it, that\'s fine with that friend of mine, and I\'ll just take care of things more strictly in the future. "Zheng Shan saved enough face for Wen Jie.

  Wen Jie naturally understood what Zheng Shan meant and showed gratitude. This brother-in-law of his own was really authentic.

   But at the same time, thinking of his younger brother and sister, his face became even more ugly. Compared with this, it seemed that his family was even more embarrassing.

   Before Wen Jie could speak, Zheng Lan said, "No, no matter what, she has to leave the furniture store. It\'s all embarrassing. Do you still want us to wipe her ass?"

  Wen Jie remained silent, he also knew that no matter what, there was no way to keep Yin Li in the furniture store.

  Yin Li can\'t afford to lose this person, but Wen Jie can\'t afford it!

   Now he feels that he can\'t lift his head in front of Zheng Shan.

   The three of them came to the furniture store in silence, but instead of going in, they stayed at the back door of the store.

   Zhu Yuefen was about to leave at five o\'clock in the afternoon, and said to Yin Li before leaving, "Yin Li, the key is still on your side, right?"

   "Yes, I was the one who locked the door yesterday." Yin Li said leisurely with the melon seeds, as if she had some credit.

   Zhu Yuefen said: "Well, then I\'ll go first, then you remember to lock the door."

  Yin Li waved her hand and didn\'t care at all, she was really here to enjoy herself in the store now.

   When a guest comes, she will only come forward when she is really busy, and she will be very impatient.

   Even sometimes quarrel with guests.

   But in the past, Zhu Yuefen saw that she was someone Zheng Shan found ~www.novelhall.com~, so she never said anything, but just said a few words.

   But Yin Li doesn\'t seem to understand at all, she still does her own thing every day.

   Now Zhu Yuefen is not only looking at one store, but every day at every store.

   So I left earlier, and I gave the keys to the store to the staff below and asked them to lock the door every day.

  This gave Yin Li a chance.

   After waiting around 6:30, the sky gradually turned dark, Yin Li finally put down the snacks in her hand, quietly looked out the door, and then locked the door from the outside.

   But instead of leaving, she came to the back door, opened the back door, and was waiting for someone.

   About ten minutes later, two men came over on a broken tricycle. Yin Li saw them complaining and said, "Why are you so late today?"

   "Something was delayed, sorry, do you have any good stuff today?" the man asked quickly.

   "Go and see for yourself, do you want me to help you move it?" Yin Li said impatiently.

   (end of this chapter)