Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 205: main house

Zheng Shan watched the fifth one leave and let out a light breath.

Zheng Shan actually thought a lot about Yin Li. The first thought was actually the same as Li Yuan\'s thought after he found out, that is, he didn\'t see it.

After all, this loss is not even a drop in the bucket for him.

And Yin Li is Zheng Lan\'s sister-in-law, and she still has to get along at ordinary times. For Zheng Lan\'s consideration, it\'s best for him to pretend he doesn\'t know.

But Zheng Shan just felt aggrieved, and Li Yuan came to the door himself and said his thoughts at the same time.

Li Yuan wants to make the furniture store bigger, which is a good thing, and he can\'t make it difficult for Li Yuan to do it.

If you don\'t care, it will definitely become a big problem in the future, and maybe it will lead others to do the same.

Shaking his head, seeing these thoughts in his mind temporarily thrown out, no matter what, he still has to listen to Zheng Lan\'s thoughts.

If Zheng Lan doesn\'t want to tear her face off with Yin Li, then Zheng Shan doesn\'t know, but in the end she will definitely have to change her job, it\'s impossible to stay with Li Yuan and cause trouble to Li Yuan.

When I came to the school by bicycle, the teachers in the office had already arrived, and some had lessons immediately, and began to prepare lesson plans, tea and so on.

Yan Qingqing is buried in the desk, writing something.

Zheng Shan reached the opposite side of Yan Qingqing and said with a smile, "Mr. Yan is so busy early in the morning?"

Yan Qingqing raised her head and glanced at Zheng Shan when she heard the words, and then lowered her head to write her own thing, but said: "Hey, there is no way, whoever makes some people escape from work all day long, I can only be as busy as possible. some."

Zheng Shan laughed twice, knowing that he was really busy during this time, "Sorry, sorry, so, I\'ll invite you to dinner tomorrow, and you can order whatever you want."

Yan Qingqing\'s eyes lit up when she heard that. She still likes the dishes at Mingfeng Tower, but they are a little expensive.

Although Yan Qingqing has some savings in her hands, she also wants to save some money and buy a suitable house, so she is usually reluctant to eat.

"It\'s better to hit the sun than to choose another day. How about today? And can you show your sincerity in this way?" Yan Qingqing said with bright eyes.

Seeing her foodie appearance, Zheng Shan was a little amused, but still said: "It\'s not that I\'m being dishonest, but that there are some things that need to be dealt with this afternoon."

Yan Qingqing snorted, "Then tomorrow, by the way, if you have time today, go to a class meeting. I still have some things to do here."

Zheng Shan said: "No problem."

Since Zheng Shan doesn\'t teach, he still has plenty of time. He should have prepared some lesson plans and other things that need to be done. Because he is very popular in the office, no one asked him to do so.

From time to time, Zheng Shan will bring some refreshments and the like, which is a little perk in the office.

In addition, he can talk and do things well, so everyone has a good relationship with Zheng Shan.

The most important thing is that Zheng Shan has no conflict of interest with them. Anyway, their establishment quota and promotion quota have nothing to do with Zheng Shan.

In the afternoon, Zheng Shan first went to hold a teacher meeting organized by the school. At the meeting, he listened to the leaders of the department and some things that the teachers needed to complete.

There is also some supervision in the study.

This time, Zheng Shan and his class were not named again. Ever since Zheng Shan wanted to cancel some people\'s temporary jobs because of their grades last time, these people have worked hard to study.

Those who can be admitted to universities at this time, especially Peking University, are basically very smart people with high IQs, so after working hard and studying hard, few of them fall behind.

Zheng Shan listened to the meeting and looked at the class schedule. It happened that their class had no classes for the last two classes in the afternoon, so he simply asked Lin Yu to notify everyone to the class.

After eloquently finishing the story, Zheng Shan clapped his hands and said, "Are there any questions? If not, then the get out of class will be dismissed."

Seeing that no one was talking, Zheng Shan announced the dismissal of get out of class, then returned to the office to pack up his things, and left work.

Riding a bicycle to the door of Limin Textile Factory, Zheng Shan was sitting at the door waiting for someone before he got off work.

"Young man, are you waiting for someone?" The uncle at the door seemed bored. Seeing Zheng Shan at the door, he asked with a smile.

Zheng Shandao: "No, I\'m looking for my sister."

After answering, Zheng Shan asked curiously, "What? Are there a lot of people looking for someone here?"

"Of course, you don\'t even look at where we are, you can see it after a while." The uncle said quite proudly.

The situation of the Limin Textile Factory has improved, and even the old janitor has received a lot of benefits, so he usually talks more.

Zheng Shan was so bored that he took out his cigarette and chatted with the uncle. Sure enough, as the uncle said, not long after, many young people on bicycles came to the door and waited.

When it was time to get off work soon, Zheng Shan didn\'t wait long when he saw Zheng Lan pushing a bicycle out.

"Dashan, what happened? The fifth man didn\'t explain it." Zheng Lan asked when she saw Zheng Shan.

At noon, the fifth one came over. She thought something had happened, so she asked the fifth one, and the fifth one simply asked three questions.

Zheng Shan did not rush to explain the situation, but first took Zheng Lan to a remote place and briefly told the story.

In the end, Zheng Shan said: "Sister, I want to ask you what you think, we are brothers and sisters, so don\'t think too much.

If you don\'t want to be unhappy with Yin Li, I\'ll just assume that nothing happened, and I\'ll just give her another place. "

Zheng Lan\'s face was very ugly, "It\'s really a shameless thing!"

This is scolding Yin Li!

Yin Li did this to make her lose face in front of her younger brother. You must know that this job was found for her by her younger brother for her own sake.

Now to actually do such a thing, Zheng Lan\'s face is of course not bright, it is really shameful and thrown home.

Zheng Lan took a deep breath, "I\'ll go to Dayuan first to make amends."

Zheng Shan quickly stopped her and said, "No need."

"No need, Dayuan is looking at your face and doesn\'t care about anything, but what does Dayuan think? And the furniture store in Dayuan is not his alone. I heard him say that he is just helping People work, and there are masters behind them.

Dayuan is definitely not good at doing it now, and he should apologize if he should apologize. "Zheng Lan said seriously.

Zheng Shan:

"Sister, I am the master behind the big garden." Zheng Shan said while touching his nose.

When Li Yuan asked some people before, he just said that someone helped him, but he didn\'t say who it was. This is what Zheng Shan asked him to do.