Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 824: Spring breeze is not as good as you

In the early morning, the morning sun shone through the screen window, and a little spot of light fell. Su Zibao supported his body to get up, looked down and glanced at it. It was not his own clothes, and the wound had been bandaged again.

The breeze was blowing lightly, the wind chimes under the eaves ding-dong, and the Japanese-style house exuded a touch of sandalwood. Su Zibao glanced around, but there was no one there.

What about Pei Yi? Was it a dream last night?

Su Zibao got up from the tatami with bare feet, only to realize that he was wearing a bathrobe-style kimono. The red and white skirt barely covered his thighs, exposing his long and tight legs, snow-white shoulders, and **** collarbones. , with a beautiful large bow tied at the back waist.

The slightly curly hair was pulled into a simple bun by a pear-flower wood hairpin. This outfit really looks like a Japanese-style woman who came out of the painting.

Su Zibao was only slightly surprised and realized that these clothes should be bathrobes for the VIPs who came here. After soaking in the hot spring, the clothes were all wet, so Pei Yi asked someone to change them. Hey? There seems to be no one else here except him and Yanxu, so he changed the clothes?

Su Zibao\'s face stiffened, but when he thought of Xu Jinyao and the killer who was chasing him, he didn\'t bother with him, so he should first ask how it was.

Walking to the door of the house, Su Zibao was about to find someone to ask where Pei Yi was when he saw a slender figure standing under the cherry tree on the other side of the pond across the pond.

He leaned lazily against the tree trunk and raised his head slightly, with his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker. .

The spring breeze is blowing, and the fallen flowers are colorful. Some petals fell on his shoulders and hair, but he was so absorbed in thinking that he didn\'t notice.

He stood there, it was a painting.

The spring breeze is not as good as you.

That\'s probably what it\'s saying.

Su Zibao originally wanted to find him, but he didn\'t bother him, so he just stood at the door and looked at him, sipping slightly.

Across a pond, the handsome man leaning on the tree trunk and contemplating, silently looked at his charming woman, time seemed to stop at this moment.

"I just said I felt a burning gaze, it turned out that the baby was peeping at me." Pei Yi noticed Su Zibao at the door, walked around the porch next to the pond, approached her step by step, his handsome face almost pressed against hers On his face, "Just look at it, I don\'t charge money."

Su Zibao leaned back against the door, turned his head and tried to distance himself from him, "Who wants to peek at you? You talk well, why are you so close."

"I was afraid that you would be too far away to see clearly, so I brought it to the door myself, high-definition without code." Pei Yi smiled with a stern look.

Su Zibao looked at him angrily, "Smelly shameless!"

But when he turned his head, he was directly facing Pei Yi\'s face, and the distance between their lips was less than two centimeters.

"啾." Pei Yi\'s thin lips moved forward a little, and he almost kissed him directly, but he finally kissed him.

Su Zibao\'s pupils shrank, and he had no choice but to say with a cold face, "I don\'t beat you because of my obligation."

But in fact, the back of the ear couldn\'t help but turn slightly red.

"It\'s like you can beat me." Pei Yi took Su Zibao\'s shoulders, walked into the room, and said, "Since you keep talking about your wife\'s obligations, wife, I want to drink tea, you make it

? "

Su Zibao walked in with his arms around him. His voice was indifferent and without a trace of emotion, as if a woman who looked invincible put on her gorgeous mask and said, "Bubble."

"I want to eat, do you cook?"


"Hey, you\'re really obedient. I still want to watch a striptease, do you want to take it off?"

Su Zibao gritted his teeth unbearably, "Take off your uncle!"

"Hahaha..." Pei Yi laughed wildly, Su Zibao resisted the urge to kick him with a sullen face, and the two returned to the tatami in the room.

"Pei Yi, is there any news about Miss Jinyao?" Su Zibao calmed down the emotions that Pei Yi had stimulated, and asked in a formulaic tone.

Pei Yi nodded, "Yes."

"How is she?" Su Zibao asked immediately.

But Pei Yi raised her eyebrows lightly, "Mrs. Pei asks me everything I know, but Su Zibao has the same tone as a stranger. I can answer Mrs. Pei, why should I answer a stranger\'s inquiry."

"You!" Su Zibao knew that he was just taking advantage of the situation, and wanted Su Zibao to talk to him in a soft and good-natured manner.

But how could Su Zibao give in so easily? After glaring at him, he lowered his eyes and thought silently.

"Hey, are you angry?" Pei Yi raised Su Zibao\'s chin with his index finger, and there was a hint of emotion in his eyes.

Su Zibao pursed his lips and smiled brightly, "No. If I guess correctly, Miss Jinyao must be fine, and now that she is in a safe place, Gu Yian is also very likely to have joined her. It is precisely because She\'s fine, that\'s why you\'re teasing me about it. If something happened to her, you\'d tell me directly. Right."

"Tsk, you can speculate so much just by looking at words and expressions. As expected of my wife Pei Yi. Indeed, Xu Jinyao was sent to the hospital by onlookers after being knocked unconscious yesterday. I\'ve contacted Gu Yian, I\'m going to find you, and I\'ve informed them that you\'re safe." Pei Yi said lightly.

Su Zibao breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were already speculations in his heart, he still couldn\'t rest assured that he could not get Pei Yi\'s personal statement.

"You can guess this, you don\'t want to know the person behind the scenes who sent you to kill you?" Pei Yi smiled.

Su Zibao said, "Who else can be except Fei Ying. That killer is very skilled, and at first glance, he is a member of the Sakura Organization."

"I guessed wrong this time. He is not a member of the Sakura Organization, and it has nothing to do with Fei Ying that you are being hunted down." Pei Yi said.

Su Zibaodai raised her blue eyebrows slightly, looked at him and said, "So sure, it\'s like you and Fei Ying have the same heart, otherwise how would you know that this person was not sent by her."

"Apart from Fei Ying, it\'s not that no one else wants to get rid of you." Pei Yi\'s face stiffened. Su Zibao\'s mocking tone, could it be that the jealous jar has been broken again.

Su Zibao tutted, "The news of my visit to Nara this time is secret, even Li Han and Chen Xi don\'t know about it, and it\'s even less possible for others to know. If they want to do something to me, they have to confirm my location after two or three days. I can only arrange it, I was assassinated as soon as I arrived at Yoshino Mountain, except for Hii Ying, who has always been here, who can notice me faster than her."

"Still guessed wrong." Pei Yi\'s lips curled slightly, like a big bad wolf seducing a little girl, "Come and kiss me, and I\'ll tell you who it is."