Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 823: Whispering in a whisper, longing for love


The water splashed everywhere, and Su Zibao, who was dazed and confused, opened his eyes and was stunned for a moment. The man who appeared in front of her cocked his upper body, and water droplets fell from his sculptural body, which was outrageously sexy.

What is even more inseparable is that he has a handsome and sinister face, his long and narrow eyes are as deep as stars, and his angular outline is like a carefully carved artwork.

Pei Yi!

"You..." Su Zibao was dizzy, "Am I dreaming?"

Mingming was chased by a so-called strange man of unknown origin and had no choice but to hide in a private bath by the side of the road. How could he see Pei Yi when he woke up.

Pei Yi\'s lip line lifted slightly, "I think about it every day and have a dream at night, how much do you miss me, baby?"

The soft voice suddenly woke Su Zibao, it wasn\'t a dream, it was him, and it turned out to be Pei Yi.

"You...why are you here?" Su Zibao wanted to push Pei Yi away, but was exhausted, his feet slipped, and he almost slipped into the bottom of the water again.

Pei Yi hugged her slender waist to prevent her from sinking, and their bodies were tightly pressed against each other only through the wet clothes, "This is my bath, I didn\'t expect to find someone hiding in the hot spring when I was about to take a bath. The bottom of the hot spring was trying to peep at my body, but was stunned by the pressure of the hot spring. Baby, if you want to see it, just say it...why take the risk of peeping, if I didn\'t find it quickly, you would drown and die."

There was nothing to say. If it wasn\'t for his quick withdrawal, Su Zibao would have been kicked away as the kind of woman who wanted to climb onto his bed.

"Who wants to spy on you..." Su Zibao didn\'t even have the strength to stare at him, and said weakly.

Pei Yi looked thoughtful, "Who could not wait to take off my bath towel on the first night of the wedding? Baby, you have a criminal record."

"I...I..." I\'m going to kill you!

Su Zibao\'s words were incoherent when he was angry with him. Pei Yi, the bastard, was an accident at the beginning, and he took it out to run against her! Son of a bitch!

Pei Yi nodded in agreement, "You, yes, you are the one who ripped off my bath towel. Dare to be brave and do it beautifully!"

Su Zibao was so choked on by him that she couldn\'t say a word. After running for so long, she hid in the hot spring and almost drowned. She was already weak, and she only had half her life left.

At this moment, a voice came from the corridor, "Boss, he didn\'t catch up, he ran away."

"Well, I see." Pei Yi frowned.

Yan Xu immediately turned around and left, leaving the place to the two of them.

"Who are you chasing? Oh yes, Pei Yi, have you seen a man in a suit, he should have come in too." Su Zibao said quickly.

Pei Yi said, "If that\'s right, this is the person Yan Xu said just now."

It turned out that just when Han Ling was going to come in, Pei Yi and Yan Xu also arrived. The reason why there is no one in this place is because Young Master Pei wants to take a bath in the hot spring. He doesn\'t like being stared at while taking a bath. was sent away.

As a result, when he met Han Ling at the door, Han Ling turned around and left, Yan Xu took two bodyguards and chased after him.

And Pei Yi didn\'t care at all, he just thought it was someone from a certain force who came to investigate. It was not until he found Su Zibao in the hot spring that he felt that something was wrong.

He deliberately deceived Su Zibao to Mount Yoshino, just because he didn\'t want anything to happen before Su Zibao\'s surgery. He has already tried to get blood by coercing the bait and lure, and now he just wants to stare at Su Zibao, but Su Zibao thinks that he can\'t find anyone with the same blood type anymore.

Putting it on the operation, it is the news of Cha Feiying who is racing against time, intending to take revenge.

With Su Zibao\'s current attitude towards Pei Yi, Pei Yi could not imprison her in the hospital. Maybe she found out some news about Fei Ying and ran away, missing the final surgery time. It happened that Su Zibao asked the people from the Bai family to come forward to him and ask about Fei Ying\'s news, and Pei Yi just pushed the boat and tricked Su Zibao directly here.

Su Zibao was searching in this place where there was no Fei Ying at all, and Pei Yi stared at her, waiting for Su Zibao to return to China when the time was almost up, and then went straight to surgery, the plan was perfect!

However, even in Pei Yi\'s plan, he didn\'t plan to meet Su Zibao so soon.

He was going to show up again in the last two days.

As for the reason for choosing this place, it really has nothing to do with Fei Ying, it\'s just a tourist place that Pei Yi and Su Zibao chose specially.

Anyway, it\'s impossible to find out the information of Fei Ying, just take it as a tourist.

"Run?" Su Zibao said to himself, yes, seeing Pei Yi and the others, can you stop running? I really didn\'t expect that she would encounter such a catastrophe when she came out casually, and the person who saved her was Pei Yi.

"Xu Jinyao!" Su Zibao reacted immediately and said, "I don\'t know how Miss Jinyao is now, I\'m going to find her!"

But just as she stood up, she fluttered and fell into the hot spring. Pei Yi reached out and grabbed her waist and said, "I\'ll send someone to look for it, don\'t worry about it, just stay here."

"No, that was the killer just now, maybe she..."

"Don\'t worry, if someone died on the mountain, the news would have reached me long ago. Give me her contact information." Pei Yi stretched out a hand.

Su Zibao felt a little relieved when he heard this, and immediately took out his mobile phone from his bag and was about to hand it to Pei Yi, but found that it had been soaked. , the watery eyes were at a loss for a moment.

Seeing her like this, Pei Yi almost laughed, so cute.

"That\'s okay, I have a lot of people, so I can find it quickly." Pei Yi reached out and touched her hair to comfort her.

"Thank you." Su Zibao said politely, suddenly his eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes, "Why did you come to Yoshino Mountain?"

But just after asking a question, my brain was spinning for a while, and finally I was still exhausted and fell headfirst into Pei Yi\'s arms.

Outside the eaves of the porch, the wind chimes ding dong, the fragrance in the courtyard floats, and the hot spring is as beautiful as a fairy, she just threw herself in his arms, and only hugged him obediently after she was unconscious.

"Because of me, I want to see you." Pei Yi lowered his head and whispered into her ear.

Whispering, longing for love.

But at this time, Su Zibao, who had passed out, could not hear.

Pei Yi picked her up, walked out of the hot spring, put the wet Su Zibao on the tatami, looked at her soaked clothes, took out her pajamas and changed them with her.

But when he just picked up his clothes and saw the wound that had a tendency to fester because it was soaked in water, his eyes were instantly cold.

It seems that his plan to kidnap people and draw blood is about to speed up. Although Su Zibao looked as if nothing was wrong, the wound has not healed, and the infected bacteria have been raging in her body, which may worsen at any time.

Pei Yi\'s eyes fell on Su Zibao\'s face, and his eyes gradually softened.

One step at a time, everything will get better.

"Yanxu, go check Xu Jinyao\'s news, I want to know who did it this time."