Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 805: Who is Su Zibao's biological mother?

"Miss, your blood type has been studied by us and inherited from your mother, and now no one in the Su family has the same blood type as yours..." Gu Yian looked at Lin Xuejiao, and he really couldn\'t go on.

Su Zibao reluctantly took a deep breath, "You won\'t tell me that I\'m not my mother\'s biological child, right? Am I my father\'s illegitimate daughter? Parents, this is a joke."

The blood type is inherited from the mother, and it is inconsistent with his own mother, doesn\'t it mean that he is not biological?

"Baby, of course you are not an illegitimate daughter, you are the eldest miss of our Su family!" Lin Xuejiao said immediately, gritted her teeth, "I planned not to tell you this for the rest of my life, but now I have to."

It turned out that Su Guoqiang once had an elder brother, but it was not like Su Zibao thought that his father had no siblings.

It\'s just that a long time ago, the eldest of the Su family went abroad to study when he was still in junior high school. He didn\'t expect that the war abroad was chaotic at that time, and the news that he returned to China was that he was dead. So the Su family also thought he was dead.

This Su Zibao knew a little bit, and most of the older generation in Haicheng also knew it.

After the news of the death of the boss of the Su family came back, the Su family was very sad, but the matter was over. Unexpectedly, just over twenty years ago, he came back alone. Holding a child is Su Zibao.

Abandoning the baby girl, he left overnight. He had a secret conversation with the old man once, and even Su Guoqiang didn\'t know what was going on. The news of his return was known only to the old man and Su Guoqiang, so after the two sealed up, no one in the Su family would know.

Not only did the old man never mention what happened when he came back, but he also made Su Guoqiang think he was dead. As for the mother of the baby girl, there is no mention of it.

Only the old man knows, and the old man has now brought this secret into the coffin.

In order to conceal Su Zibao\'s origin, the old man made Su Zibao the daughter of Su Guoqiang and Lin Xuejiao. At that time, Lin Xuejiao had been married to Su Guoqiang for a year but she was not pregnant. There was also an illegitimate child of Su Guoqiang outside. Considering all aspects, Lin Xuejiao recognized this daughter. be your own child.

At first, it was just that she had no children, but the mistress outside had an illegitimate child and needed a child to maintain her status. Moreover, it was the decision made by the old man who was the head of the family. The old man naturally stood on Lin Xuejiao\'s side. Even after Lin Xuejiao only gave birth to one daughter, she had no more leverage than the mistress with both sons and daughters outside, but the old man did not want one When the grandson inherited the family property, he agreed with Su Guoqiang\'s nonsense that he wanted to support the junior third.

There was nothing to say about the merits and demerits of the past, but now that Su Guoqiang and Lin Xuejiao are both in harmony, the previous hurdle has passed.

Su Zibao was brought up by Lin Xuejiao. Although it was not his own, it was better than his own. Su Guoqiang also regarded his eldest brother\'s daughter as his own daughter.

Although she is not the daughter of Su Guoqiang\'s husband and wife, she is indeed the eldest miss of the Su family.

"Guoqiang and I both regard you as our own daughter. The reason why we have never told you is that the old man\'s will must not be leaked, and on the other hand, we don\'t want you to know your own background." Lin Xuejiao wiped away Put tears, sigh.

She didn\'t want Su Zibao to feel that she was a child abandoned by her biological parents, and wanted her to grow up as carefree as a normal child.

Su Zibao\'s parents have never appeared. For so many years, they are not biological parents, but they are better than parents.

"It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this..." Su Zibao muttered to himself, even if he was strong, he suddenly

When I encounter this kind of thing, I still feel that it is a fantasy.

Su Guoqiang said with a sigh, "I originally wanted to keep you from telling you so that you can live a carefree life. But I didn\'t expect you to reject our blood. Your blood type is inherited from your mother, and if you don\'t find your mother, this operation will be all over the place. There\'s no way to do it."

"She hasn\'t shown up for so many years, how could she show up in just four days. Mom and Dad, I understand. Thank you for your kindness in nurturing and nurturing for so many years. I want to be alone." Su Zibao said in a trance. .

"Baby, don\'t think too much, we\'ve always taken you seriously, and it won\'t change now." Lin Xuejiao said quickly.

Su Zibao looked at her and smiled moved, "Mom, I understand, I know it all. It\'s just a little hard for me to accept it for a while, so let me be quiet."

"Okay. Then your dad and I won\'t disturb you. We\'ll accompany you outside. Your blood type... We\'ll find a way to find someone." Lin Xuejiao gave Gu Yian a wink after she finished speaking. He motioned him to take a good look at Su Zibao, and if Su Zibao couldn\'t think of anything, he must call them immediately.

Gu Yian nodded.

The ward was completely quiet, Su Zibao looked at the ceiling, his mind was in a mess.

Her own feelings had just been severely traumatized, and she didn\'t expect to wake up to hear her parents tell her such a fact. Although she was not the original owner of this body, she had fully accepted the original owner\'s memories, and after getting along with her, she regarded Su Guoqiang and Lin Xuejiao as her biological parents.

I didn\'t expect that my parents were someone else. The information I know is really too little, not to mention her biological mother who doesn\'t know where she came from, even her biological father is full of fog.

The teenager went abroad to study and was rumored to have died in the war. As a result, he secretly returned home 20 years ago and left a baby girl, and he never appeared again.

Grandpa blocked all news and pretended that his living son was dead.

How weird these things look.

Is it really still alive? If alive, why have my parents never looked at me for so many years. Is it already...

What was behind her life experience?

"If I can\'t find someone with the same blood type, will I die?" Su Zibao said.

Gu Yian replied immediately, "No. If surgery is not performed, the condition will continue to deteriorate, and there are still drugs to control it for the time being. The doctor expects that there will be no life-threatening danger in the next 20 years, but the eldest lady needs to be treated all the time. Especially in the later stage, I am afraid that I will not be able to get out of bed. And if you have an operation, you must have blood of the same blood type, otherwise, in the current situation of the eldest lady, the rejection is too serious, and the operation will be life-threatening due to excessive blood loss. "

"I understand. It means that if I don\'t have surgery, I will continue to lie down and receive treatment. I can live for 20 years. For surgery, I must find blood of the same blood type, or I will die on the operating table." Su Zibao sighed, beautiful His big eyes were clear but without the slightest emotion, "If it was in the past, if I had just encountered this kind of unbearable blow and then knew such bad news, I would have thought that it would be better to die."

"Miss!" Gu Yian exclaimed.

Su Zibao tilted his head and smiled at him, "But even if it turns into a jar of medicine for sick seedlings, I will continue to treat it. Because some people are still alive."

The people who framed her and plotted against her are still alive, how could she be so embarrassed to go first.

This time, she wants to take revenge every step of the way.