Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 804: please take me home, please love me

The images from the recent past are projected in my mind.

He and Fei Ying sat on the swing intimately, he hugged Tang Yuqing\'s back, Fei Ying\'s provocative text messages, Tang Yuqing\'s shy and harmless smile, and he would always just look at her silently.

So close, yet so far.

His heart was aching for a while, and Su Zibao, who was in pain, seemed to faint.

If at that moment, you appeared in front of me, I would definitely be moved to disregard the past and reunite with you. Like many times before.

Yes, from the bottom of my heart, I hope to reconcile with you, I hope you care about me, and I hope I am your only one, so I foolishly thought that you would definitely come, and it was too weak to be seen by you after a hypocritical reunion.

You and Fei Ying are unclear. For Tang Yuqing\'s risk, the women from your past came out one by one, and I was pushed aside and ignored by you for the time being.

But why at that moment, when I saw you appear, I still felt heartfelt from the bottom of my heart. When I saw your back without looking back, I would ask you to look back at me, and I would pray that you could hear my voice.

Just like a poor little animal, eagerly hoping to be picked up and brought home by the person he likes.

Pei Yi, I beg you, please take me home, please come back to me, please don\'t leave me, please... love me.

Su Zibao was lying on the ground, crouching and twitching in pain, blood dripping from the already red bandage again, dripping all over the place.

But these are numb compared to her broken heart.

Pei Yi, even at this moment, the person I most want to see is you. But, from now on, I don\'t want to see you again.

From the hope and joy of seeing him for the first time, to the prayer and sadness of watching him leave the back, and the despair when he wakes up again and is still alone.

This time, it\'s true, not seen.

Su Zibao used his last strength to slowly close his eyes. I vaguely heard the sound of someone coming in from downstairs, and I don\'t know if it was an illusion or reality...

Three days later, the Imperial Capital Taihe Hospital.

The white ceiling, the pungent smell of disinfectant, and the familiar scene made Su Zibao wonder if he was reborn again. It wasn\'t until his eyes fell on the circle of people around him that he gradually realized that he was saved.

At this moment, parents, sister-in-law, grandfather, uncle and aunt, and of course, Pei Yi. Gu Yian, Li Han and these friends were all there, and Su Zibao felt a little uncomfortable seeing so many people.

Even if it is a visit, why are so many people here?

"Baby, you\'re finally awake." Lin Xuejiao wiped away tears, her eyes flushed.

"Sister!" Su Jiaxin burst into tears.

Su Zibao said with difficulty, "\'re pregnant, don\'t be sad, be careful...child..."

The voice is hoarse and it is normal to speak slowly.

"A Bao." Pei Yi\'s eyes were full of self-blame. Just as he held her hand and wanted to say something, Su Zibao pulled out his hand and turned his back to him, "I don\'t want to see you."

"Baby, Pei Yi..." Lin Xuejiao was interrupted by Su Zibao as soon as she started, "Don\'t tell me anything about him, I don\'t want to hear it."

The doctor said on the side, "The patient is awake, which means that he is out of the dangerous period. You should go out first. If you are emotionally excited, it may affect the recurrence of your physical condition. It has been three days now, and I will invite you in the remaining four days. Get ready as soon as possible, prepare for surgery."


p; "Yes yes yes, listen to the doctor." Su Guoqiang said.

Most of the people in the house left, and Pei Yi was also driven out.

"Yian, are you alright? Han Yun, why didn\'t you see him? Did something happen to him?" Su Zibao looked at Gu Yian and asked worriedly.

Gu Yian said, "I met Pei Yi not long after I came out. Thanks to his help, I was not injured. Ye Ershao also met the bodyguard in the building, but he couldn\'t rush out, so he was injured a little during the fight, and now he is in The ward next door. It\'s not serious, don\'t worry, there\'s no danger to life, and there won\'t be any lack of arms or legs. Pei Yi arrived at a critical moment. He transferred the troops and took the doctors and them. At that time, the doctor wanted to destroy the detoxification solvent, but fortunately Pei Yi Take out the detoxification solvent first, and it has been sent to Yunwu Mountain."

"Don\'t worry, Lei Lie and Bai Yina are all right now. All the people in the building were rescued, but their research room was bombed by the doctor. Fortunately, they grabbed the antidote."

Gu Yian told Su Zibao what happened in simple language.

Although Pei Yi found Tang Yuqing and left, at that time he didn\'t care about himself at all, but he also played a major role in solving the crisis.

"Pei Yi he..."

Su Zibao frowned, "If it\'s about him, you don\'t need to tell me. I don\'t want to know at all."

Gu Yian had to be silent.

Su Jiaxin and his wife also went out. At this time, only Su Guoqiang and Lin Xuejiao were left. Both of them looked at her with worried expressions, but they stopped talking.

"Mom and dad, has something happened to our family? If you have something to say, please speak up." Su Zibao saw at a glance that something was wrong with them.

Lin Xuejiao said, "This... thing is..."

But could not speak.

Su Guoqiang was even more difficult to speak when he was not good at words.

Su Zibao\'s eyes instantly fell on Gu Yian, motioning for him to say.

"Miss, because you were shot for too long, the wound became infected and you have to have surgery. But when you were transfused with you before, I found out that your body had a strong rejection reaction." Gu Yian said, "The doctor used the most After the authoritative precision instrument test, it is found that your blood contains an active factor, which excludes other blood types. In short, it belongs to invisible rare blood."

Su Zibao\'s blood type is a very popular O type. Usually, blood can\'t find anything special, but after a thorough examination, it turns out that it is an invisible rare blood type.

"I understand that my blood type is a bit special, but blood type is hereditary. I didn\'t expect our family to inherit this rare blood type..." Su Zibao nodded and said.

Gu Yian hesitated for a while and continued, "Indeed, this is a congenital blood type. However, this rare blood type cannot be inherited by everyone, because its inheritance is only 10% compared to normal blood type. Even two sisters of the same mother may have different blood types because of this."

"I know. Just like Mr. Liang only has the same blood type as you, do you mean that Xinxin and I have different blood types? It\'s okay, even if she is the same as her, she can\'t be given a blood transfusion. She is pregnant now." Su Zibao said.

Gu Yian\'s face became more and more tangled, "Miss, the operation after four days must require a large amount of blood transfusion, and I can no longer give you normal blood, and the rejection is more serious every time. Therefore, you must find the same blood type to perform the operation. But I don\'t know if it\'s because Pei Yi\'s genes are too strong, and Aochen and Forsythia did not inherit this blood type."

Hearing this sentence, Su Zibao\'s heart sank. It\'s not because the two little dumplings don\'t have the same blood type as their own, but how could Mom and Dad sit back and let two five-year-olds have blood transfusions.

Unless they...are not the same.