Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 801: This time, please forgive my rudeness

Gu Yian took a deep look at Ye Hanjun, expressed his gratitude, and ran upstairs with Su Zibao in his arms. Tang Yuqing followed closely. Ye Hanjun and the remaining two bodyguards attracted attention. The reinforcements are still trying to attack on the first and second floors.

Seeing such a scene, Xu Fan was also in a hurry. Why hasn\'t the boss come over yet, if he doesn\'t come, he can really only collect the corpse.

"Xu Fan, look at which direction to withdraw from, there are fewer enemies." Gu Yian said.

Xu Fan tapped his fingers on the keyboard, "Southeast."

"Withdraw to the southeast!" Gu Yian made a decisive decision.

Compared with the idleness when we came in, the retreat at this time is a step by step crisis. Su Zibao was seriously injured by the explosion, but the separation from Ye Hanyun cast a shadow over her mood, and suffered a double blow both physically and mentally.

Lying in Gu Yian\'s arms, she was confused several times, and she didn\'t even know where they were.

Until finally reaching the first floor, several exits were closely guarded. Even if the bodyguards brought by the Ye family and the people from Isa International were in a group, they couldn\'t take the opportunity to rush out. Once Su Zibao\'s identity is revealed, I\'m afraid that these enemies who are fighting will come to arrest her.

Thinking of this, Gu Yian looked at the hall where the melee was formed, and put Su Zibao down.

At this time, they were hiding behind the spiral staircase, and would not be discovered for a while.

"Every door is guarded, I rush out first, they will definitely chase me, you wait for them to chase out before rushing out." Gu Yian pointed to one of the doors and said to Su Zibao, "If you can\'t find it, We are our own people, so let\'s find a place to hide first."

Su Zibao\'s face changed, "Gu Yian, no."

Ye Hanjun is already like this, now even Gu Yian wants to help her divert the pursuers? If so, what\'s the point of her escaping by herself.

Might as well get caught with them.

"Miss, their purpose is you. As long as you go out, everything still has room for negotiation. And once you are caught, it will really be a knife and a fish." Gu Yian looked at Su Zibao and said, "So , don\'t care about me or Ye Hanyun, as long as you go out and find Pei Yi, everything will work out, don\'t worry."

"It\'s just your thoughts. Who knows if those crazy people will kill you in anger because of the failure of the plot. Even if you don\'t want your lives, those poisons will make life worse than death." Su Zibao insisted, "Let\'s go together. "

Gu Yian said, "Maybe I can run out, maybe Ye Hanjun will meet up with the bodyguards later, maybe we will all be fine."

But this comfort is too pale and weak, even Tang Yuqing next to him can hear it.

"No matter. Let\'s go together, this is my order." Su Zibao grabbed Gu Yian\'s hand and increased his tone. This was the first time she had spoken to Gu Yian in this way.

The man in front of her was obedient to her and never disobeyed her orders. Any time.

Gu Yian looked at Su Zibao and smiled, as gentle and genial as always, her right hand was tightly grasped by her, he could know Su Zibao\'s mood now.

Running away all the way, there are fewer and fewer people around, which is too cruel to her. But facing such a terrorist organization, whether it was him or Ye Hanyun, as early as the moment the alarm sounded, they were desperately prepared.

I really tried my best,

Send her out.

"I have never disobeyed the eldest lady\'s order, but this time, I\'m sorry." Gu Yian raised the hand that was tightly held by Su Zibao, kissed the back of her hand lightly, kissed her hand, and raised his head to look Smiling gracefully at her, "If we can meet again outside, I still want to be the eldest\'s housekeeper, a housekeeper who won\'t violate your wishes and make you unhappy. Please forgive my rudeness this time."

After speaking, Gu Yian stood up, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he was instantly cold. Holding a machine gun picked up on the road, he shouted, "Come on, protect me, break through!"

Both the enemy and our side in the hall were attracted by his sudden appearance. As soon as Gu Yian ran, the people from Isa International immediately chased, while the bodyguards of the Ye family chased after him, which immediately attracted a large number of people.

For a time, there was a brief vacuum at the gate he escaped from.

Su Zibao didn\'t have time to think too much at this time. Ye Hanjun went to divert the enemy, and Gu Yian also went to divert the enemy. Everyone wanted her out.

Bullying her is now seriously injured and has no right to refuse?

Whoever wants to go out alone, but doesn\'t go out, will be even more sorry for them.

Su Zibao took a deep breath, and at this moment, dragged Tang Yuqing and ran away.

"Someone ran away!"

"Two women! One of them is the boss\'s target, Su Zibao!"

"Someone, Su Zibao ran away, go after Su Zibao!"

After leaving the building, Su Zibao didn\'t find their own people. Only then did she realize that it was not only the scuffle inside the building, but also the people outside the building.

If this was in the imperial capital, the police would have stopped it long ago, but in this small and chaotic country in South Asia, let alone the police, everyone around heard the movement here and ran away, and all the houses and shops here were vacant. It is impossible to mix in the crowd.

Su Zibao dragged Tang Yuqing to run non-stop, her mind is actually a mess now, but her thinking is very clear and calm.

The whole person is on the verge of sanity and collapse.

They ran into the alleys. There were many alleys standing up and down, just like the domestic alleys, extending in all directions. This terrain is the most suitable for escaping and evading, so Su Zibao took Tang Yuqing to this place immediately. hide.

The two women didn\'t have a car or a helicopter. Don\'t expect to escape from the pursuit of these people. They can only find a place to hide and wait for the reinforcements on their side to find them first.

It\'s the only way to survive.

Tang Yuqing\'s physical fitness is very good because she has been exercising since she was a child. She runs all the way with Su Zibao. If it was an ordinary woman, she would be out of breath and unable to run, but she is in good condition, but she is surprised when she looks at Su Zibao.

She felt tired even after practicing. This woman who was seriously injured after the explosion was able to survive until now, not because of her physical fitness, but because of her will.

Because two people have been trapped, they must not live up to their will to sacrifice.

When there was a hidden abandoned old house, Su Zibao pointed to the roof and said, "The houses here have a layer of attic above them, which is climbed up by ladders. Let\'s climb up first, and then put the ladders away, so that we can hide from some eyes and ears. ."

"Well! I\'ll help you up first." Tang Yuqing said panting.

Finally, Hukou escaped.