Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 800: Bao, wait for me outside

"Thank you, I thought I was going to die, but I didn\'t expect to see you here. Thank you." Tang Yuqing climbed out of the broken window. Although she was locked up for a while, the doctor just gave her a special gift Dabu\'s bone soup and delicious meals seem to be in good spirits, but the mood is not stable.

It is impossible for any guinea pig who is kept in such a place to be used as an experiment to be emotionally stable.

"I don\'t want to see you here at all, cumbersome." Ye Hanjun said coldly, with a very disgusting tone.

Tang Yuqing was stunned for a moment, the eldest lady got angry and said, "Who are you calling a burden, I didn\'t force you to save me, don\'t save me if you don\'t want to see me."

"You!" The two bodyguards couldn\'t stand her arrogant temper.

Gu Yi\'an\'s gentle eyes narrowed slightly, and said coldly, "He really doesn\'t want to save you. If he doesn\'t save you, we have already retreated quietly, and we won\'t tell everyone where we are with gunshots."

"I..." Tang Yuqing\'s momentum instantly weakened, and in the end she was just a little girl who was strong on the outside and hard at work.

Ye Hanjun stared at her and said, "Let me tell you, if it wasn\'t for Su Zibao who insisted on saving you, we wouldn\'t care about your life.

His tough aura made Tang Yuqing dare not take a breath.

"Whose eldest lady has such a temper, if it weren\'t for our Second Young Master Ye, you were still locked in the laboratory, you would dare to speak up here." The female bodyguard immediately defended her boss and said, "Originally, our Second Young Master Ye was still there. I plan to walk away as if I didn\'t hear your voice, if Miss Su insisted that you are still locked inside. Now that you are rescued, you can speak slanderous words. You really saved a white-eyed wolf. Second Young Master, leave her alone and block her. The gun is ready."

Tang Yuqing\'s expression changed when she heard that the gun was blocked. Looking at a group of people and waiting, I found that they were not good people, so I didn\'t dare to say more.

"A Bao promised your grandfather to take care of you, this time it\'s fine. I told you this is nothing else, A Baoli will save you, and if you dare to eat inside and out when you run away, I will kill you when you return to the imperial capital. You." Ye Hanjun threatened viciously.

Su Zibao was stunned for a moment, Ye Hanjun\'s tone of voice, he wanted to separate from her?

"Where are you going?" Su Zibao grabbed Ye Hanjun\'s arm and said worriedly.

Ye Hanjun looked at the concern in her eyes, and the expression on her face eased unconsciously, and her lines were much gentler. "The sound of gunfire has alerted the people below, and they will chase here in less than three minutes. But the reinforcements are still there. The lower level, I will lead the two of them away from those chasing soldiers, Gu Yian will lead you up first, and then let Xu Fan cooperate with you and point out a correct way."

Xu Fan had already invaded the surveillance system here, and he knew exactly where the enemies were located, and he could also hack some surveillance images, just to help them escape.

"Divert the pursuers? It\'s too dangerous..." Su Zibao\'s heart was pounding.

Ye Hanjun looked at her and said, "The other party\'s purpose is you, not me. Even if I end up in their hands, the Ye family still has a chance to negotiate a redemption with them. But if you are caught, they will succeed in their conspiracy, and everyone will I don\'t know the consequences."

"That doesn\'t work either, I can\'t watch you have an accident." Su Zibao clenched Ye Hanjun\'s wrist tightly, and countless images flashed in his mind.

Ye Hanyun who threw her out before the stones in the Tianqi mining area fell. In the snow-capped mountains of Medog, she carried the injured Ye Hanjun on the back of the Lama Temple. Because of her drunken remark, Ye Hanyun, who went to the ground to dig sweet potatoes in the middle of the night. And that night blooming on the rooftop

The fireworks, fire trees and silver flowers, the beauty is shocking.

In the past five years, she never expected to have such a deep bond with such a person. He first appeared as the younger brother of Pei Yi\'s ex-girlfriend\'s husband, and the two of them came to trouble her.

At the time of tit-for-tat, the first impression was that this man was the enemy.

Not hate, but position.

After so many years, most of those enemies disappeared. He fell out with his eldest brother because of her. He was beaten and admitted to the hospital, lying in the hospital bed and looking at her with a smile. How can there be such a stupid person, he clearly said that even if he is not with Pei Yi, he will never be with him.

But he remained the same.

"Second Young Master, they are not ordinary people. Even if you fall into their hands, you may not have a chance to negotiate with the Ye family. The fact that the Sakura Organization was able to assassinate your uncle back then shows that they don\'t care about the Ye family at all, nor do they care about the Ye family. You can open your eyes." Su Zibao sees the crisis better than anyone else, "Let\'s go together. If we can escape together, even if we can\'t escape, I have to see what they want to do."

"Gu Yian, A Bao will be handed over to you. Be sure to take her out, run out and don\'t come back, her injuries can\'t be delayed any longer!" Ye Hanjun looked directly at Gu Yian and said.

He didn\'t talk to Su Zibao any more, it was too late, and she would never leave him.

He was really afraid that after this stupid woman ran out, she would run back because of him.

Then the sacrifice now is meaningless. Moreover, she was injured by a bomb, and she was simply bandaged. If the operation cannot be performed as soon as possible, her life will still be in danger.

"I understand. Thank you." Gu Yian said in a deep voice.

Su Zibao still held Ye Hanjun\'s hand and refused to let go. No, she didn\'t come here to exchange her life for another life.

Ye Hanjun, don\'t have an accident. But at this moment, she couldn\'t stop it at all.

Gu Yian lifted Su Zibao in his arms, nodded to Ye Hanjun, and then said to Tang Yuqing next to him, "If you don\'t want to die, just follow."

Tang Yuqing knew the seriousness of the matter when she saw them like this. It seemed that her relationship had exacerbated their crisis. Ye Hanjun said it was true that he didn\'t want to save her. Who would want to add to the burden at this juncture of escape.

She is really boring.

But they still took her because of Su Zibao. Because of her grandfather\'s entrustment and because she was the granddaughter of Teacher Pei Yi, Tang Yuqing was extremely complicated for a while.

"Ye Hanjun!" Su Zibao\'s eyes instantly became wet, and he refused to let go.

And Ye Hanjun, for the first time in his life, broke the hand of Su Zibao, who was holding him tightly. If it was a different place and a different time, Su Zibao would hold his hand, and he wished he would never let go for the rest of his life.

But now, the more he knew about the Sakura Organization, the more he could predict that if Su Zibao fell into their trap, the ending would be tragic.

Either death or disability, nine deaths and one life.

She must escape.

"A Bao, wait for me outside." Ye Hanjun hugged Su Zibao hard, this sentence is an agreement, it is better to say it is just a comfort.

He turned and walked towards the stairs. Two bodyguards followed closely, and the three guarded the narrow terrain at the entrance of the stairs.