Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 774: cheating? Su Zibao saw

Su Zibao asked Ye Hanjun with a consulting attitude. A man went to see another woman with his wife behind his back, and he also lied. What did it mean?

"Let\'s go, I\'ll take you to catch the traitor!" Ye Hanjun dragged Su Zibao away without saying a word.

Su Zibao said, "Wait...why do you say catching a traitor, Pei Yi and her have nothing, what a traitor!"

"That woman has already demonstrated in front of you, why are you hesitating? Abao, you are inexperienced in this kind of thing, leave it to me, and when I catch Pei Yi, I will beat him hard." Ye Hanjun waved Said his fist.

Su Zibao snorted, "Come on, it\'s like you beat Pei Yi. I didn\'t think Pei Yi had an affair with that woman, I just thought something was amiss about it. Think about it, is there any secret? ?"

"In the middle of the night, lonely men and widows, **, let\'s talk about the old days. If it\'s nothing, why would Pei Yi carry you behind your back?" Ye Hanjun said.

Su Zibao pursed his lips, "I don\'t believe Pei Yi has anything to do with that woman, I just...just..."

It\'s just that my man goes to another woman\'s room at night, how can I feel uncomfortable. But it is impossible to say that Su Zibao suspects that Pei Yi is having an affair. She never draws conclusions by guesswork.

"Even if he didn\'t cheat, let\'s go take a look." Ye Hanjun said, "Maybe Fei Ying is the daughter of some big consortium, and I like meco\'s strength and want to talk about cooperation."

He didn\'t believe it himself. If it is about cooperation, there is no need to lie to Su Zibao and use words as a shield.

"Forget it. I\'ll ask him directly when he comes back." Su Zibao couldn\'t help but take a step back and said, "I\'ll look for Yanxu later, and then it\'s logical to find out that Pei Yi is not there, and when he comes back, I\'ll ask what\'s going on. already."

Ye Hanjun sneered, "Are you stupid? Let me tell you, if a man doesn\'t want you to know one thing, he tells the first lie, and he will continue to tell the second lie. Now he says he is looking for a story. , even if you find out that you are not with Yan Xu, it can be said that you just met an old acquaintance and was pulled to catch up. For example, when you meet Simon, you can\'t go to Simon to confront him."


Ye Hanjun said, "Don\'t do it, let\'s go, let\'s go directly to Fei Ying\'s villa, don\'t think about it here, you can see what they are doing!"

"No! This is a matter between me and Pei Yi. I don\'t want to make such a big fuss and let outsiders see jokes. I\'d better wait for him to come back and ask again, I won\'t go." Su Zibao insisted.

I always feel that it is not good to be in someone else\'s house.

But Ye Hanjun doesn\'t have so many ideas. The man of the woman he loves dares to cheat and cheat. You don\'t know how to appreciate such a good peony flower. If you go to pick other people\'s wildflowers, you must teach him a lesson and give it to A Bao Exhale.

"Okay, then you have a good rest at home, I\'ll go take a look!" Ye Hanjun said, turned around and left.

Su Zibao hurriedly ran after him, "Han Yun, wait! Wait!"

"You don\'t go, but don\'t stop me. I want to see what Pei Yi is doing!" Ye Hanjun was even more angry than Su Zibao.

Su Zibao couldn\'t stop him, so they both went to the door of Fei Ying\'s villa.


sp;The villas here are all built along the coast, and you can see the sea view outside by opening the window. I don\'t know if Fei Ying is very concerned about the security system here, or for convenience, there are no bodyguards in the entire villa.

Su Zibao planned to wait until the door, and Ye Hanjun would be stopped by Fei Ying\'s people, but he didn\'t expect that there was no one here.

After entering the gate of the villa, you can hear the voice of a man and a woman talking clearly from the courtyard in the middle of the villa. They walked on the carpet without making a sound. Ye Hanjun planned to rush in, but Su Zibao shook his head at him.

If you want to know what Pei Yi and Fei Ying have to say, this position is enough, there is no need to break in.

"I didn\'t expect to see you on Simon\'s boat after a few years. Even I can\'t find any trace of you. Your identity is so closely hidden that you have become a **** in Haicheng." Fei Yingjiao said with a smile. , "If I knew you were Pei Yi earlier, I wouldn\'t have to work so hard, I would have come to you to relive my old relationship."

Su Zibao clenched his fists and turned his head slightly. Through the skylight hollowed out on the wall, he could vaguely see Pei Yi sitting on a flower stand in the yard. Hii Sakura wore a simple pink Japanese pajamas kimono, revealing her snow-white shoulders and thighs. While talking, he directly sat on Pei Yi with his legs crossed.

This scene is too dazzling.

Su Zibao retracted his gaze, closed his eyes, and pinched his nails deeply into his flesh.

"I don\'t like the smell of perfume, get up." Pei Yi said coldly.

Fei Ying put her arms around his neck, "If I don\'t get up, I won\'t get up. Are you afraid that your little wife will smell the perfume on your body? Then I will rub your body with my smell. She smells it, makes her jealous, and lets her know you have a woman outside."

"Fei Ying, don\'t make trouble, it\'s business." Pei Yi frowned slightly, peeled her fingers away from her leaning face, and said concisely.

Fei Ying smiled charmingly, "Yo, can\'t wait to get in bed with me so soon? Don\'t be in a hurry, let\'s talk about love first, then chat later, the night is long, why worry."

"I\'ll leave in half an hour." Pei Yi\'s eyes were cold, with a warning in his eyes.

Sakura chuckled. "Half an hour? Yo, I didn\'t expect that I haven\'t seen each other for a few years. Pei Yi, who was so powerful back then, can only last for half an hour. You used to be able to play with me all night. It seems that you sleep with too many women. , the body is broken. But it doesn\'t matter, I have a lot of medicine here. I will give you supplements, and I will accompany you to practice. Men\'s time is too short to do, maybe your little wife has to go outside to find a man to satisfy her. Don\'t blame her then, you can\'t do it."

"Fei! Sakura!" Pei Yi\'s face was instantly as cold as an arctic glacier.

Fei Ying\'s eyes trembled. Although she knew how terrible this man was, it was the first time she had seen such a face. If it wasn\'t for him looking for her for something, she wouldn\'t dare to be so presumptuous.

"Okay, I won\'t talk about it. Your little wife is gentle and virtuous. Unlike a woman like me, she won\'t give you a cuckold. Hee hee... We won\'t talk about her anymore. I haven\'t seen you for so long. I miss you. I\'m done." Fei Ying said, grabbed Pei Yi\'s hand and pressed it on her body, and said lightly, "My body misses you very much, too."

Su Zibao looked at the swing over there like a conditioned reflex, and saw that Fei Ying had untied the straps of her shirt and sat naked on Pei Yi\'s body.