Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 775: Can stand the wind and rain, but can't stand the dull?

Su Zibao didn\'t know how he came out, and the anger in his heart wanted to rush up to ask directly, but thought that Pei Yi could not see the slightest difference before saying that when he made an appointment at night, his legs were like lead filled, and he couldn\'t move at all. verb: move.

With the sound of the waves, Ye Hanjun looked at Su Zibao, who had been silent for a long time, and said, "Abao, I\'ll accompany you to drink. We won\'t go home if we don\'t get drunk, and forget about these unhappy things."

Su Zibao was silent.

"Say it out if you\'re not happy, or you\'ll beat me?" Ye Hanjun grabbed Su Zibao\'s hand and said, "I heard that being beaten is the most exasperating, come and beat me."

Su Zibao shook his head slightly, his voice low, "Thank you Han Yun, but now I want to be alone."

"I don\'t worry about you alone." Ye Hanjun looked at Su Zibao in embarrassment.

If this kind of thing were bumped into by another woman, he should have rushed up and slapped them both in the face, but Su Zibao was strangely calm, but his mood was slightly depressed.

It\'s like a suppressed volcano, wrapping all your negative emotions tightly, but it just looks okay.

"I said I wanted to be alone, can you please not follow me." Su Zibao broke away Ye Hanjun\'s hand, his tone cold.

After saying this, even Su Zibao felt that her attitude was bad. But she is really in a bad mood now. She doesn\'t have the mood to force a smile in front of others, and she doesn\'t want to see anyone, she just wants to be quiet by herself.

Ye Hanjun\'s eyes dimmed a bit, but he nodded slightly, "Okay. I understand, you should be careful alone, I\'ll go first."

After saying that, Ye Hanyun turned around and left. Su Zibao faced the sea and didn\'t care about Ye Hanjun who was leaving behind him.

At this time, there is only herself left here, and she can truly face her feelings. As if all his strength was drained, Su Zibao slumped on the beach with his legs limp, took a deep breath, but felt his heart twitch in pain.

Covering his heart with his palm, Su Zibao pursed his lips, and his eyes fell on the sparkling sea in front of him.

The night view of the island is really beautiful. The stars twinkle in the night sky, the bright moon is in the sky, and the silver light is sprinkled with stars. The sea seems to be full of stars, shining. But the wind at night was very cold, as if it was cold from outside to the bottom of my heart, without a trace of temperature.

Su Zibao just stared at the sea in a daze, and didn\'t think too much in his mind. It seemed that he would lose the ability to think, the ability to judge, and the reason for a while, but he just kept repeating the words Fei Ying said over and over again. .

They were old acquaintances, they slept, they had at least one night stand.

Who hasn\'t had a bit of the past, the **** in Haicheng at the time, I don\'t know how many lovers he had. But before that, Su Zibao couldn\'t deny his past, just like he couldn\'t deny that his first love was Mu Yunlan.

She can\'t deny the existence of Fei Ying now. But the past is the past, and the present is the present. The old lovers meet, should we sleep together now?

What\'s the point of such narration. What is Pei Yi doing, what is he trying to do?

Does every man steal fishy? Su Zibao thought of this sentence and suddenly felt that Fei Ying was a little scary, because her words would have been circling in his mind for so long, as if he had been hypnotized by her subconsciously.

It\'s ridiculous, does Pei Yi really want a new taste occasionally?

Su Zibao suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion in his heart. No matter what dangers are encountered in the market, no matter how

No matter how the big bosses and superpowers suppress them, she has never been afraid, she is calm and calm, and she is able to do it with ease. But once Pei Yi is involved, once it is a relationship problem, he becomes helpless.

In fact, Su Zibao knows very well that wealthy couples have always been seen by outsiders as bright and beautiful, and their appearances are inseparable under the marriage, and they respect each other like guests. But in fact which one is clean behind. Even her own father had an extramarital affair.

The married life of a wealthy family is like this, as long as the surface is kept bright. Many men will have a one-night stand on the scene, and the men will flutter outside with colorful flags, but it is a tacit fact.

It\'s kind of ridiculous to talk about one person for the rest of your life in a place like this.

But Su Zibao always felt that they were different from those wealthy couples. They were not just a business marriage. They had gone through so many ups and downs. After the man known as the first **** in Haicheng married her, he never had an affair with any woman again.

But now this scene, how to explain.

Could it be that there are some feelings that can withstand the wind and rain of risking one\'s life and go through fire and water, but can\'t stand the dullness and dullness of the ordinary fleeting years?

Su Zibao curled up and hugged his knees tightly, his mind was full of the images just now, and he couldn\'t get rid of it.

Behind an irregular cylindrical reef standing not far from the beach, Ye Hanyun silently looked at Su Zibao\'s back. The sea breeze is slightly cold, the air is slightly salty and moist seafood, the sound of the waves lapping on the shore, and the sound of the splashing water is very pleasant.

She just stayed so silently, and he just watched silently.

It was not the first time that she had followed her secretly. Four years ago... no, it\'s five years ago. When she tossed and turned with the divorce agreement in Yangcheng alone five years ago, he watched silently from the window. Five years later, she went to the Medog Snow Mountain alone, and he followed him on the snowy mountain road. Now she drove him away and didn\'t want to see him, but he could only stand behind the reef.

It\'s ridiculous. He, Ye Hanjun, loves a woman so much that he sees her heartbroken for other men again and again, but he can\'t even go up to give her a hug, and he has to hide in a place where she can\'t see and watch her secretly.

Because she doesn\'t want anyone to insert into their world even when she\'s sad. From beginning to end, Pei Yi was the only one in her script.

Time passed bit by bit, and the night gradually deepened. I don\'t know how long it took, and Su Zibao, who was sitting on the beach, finally planned to go back.

She wanted to stand up, but because her legs were numb from sitting for too long, she just got up and her feet were soft and fell directly into the sand.

"A Bao!" Seeing Su Zibao fall, Ye Hanjun completely forgot that he was "peeking" just now, and rushed out from behind the reef.

Su Zibao turned his head in surprise, "You...why are you here?"

"I..." Ye Hanyun, who has always been good at speaking, got stuck now and said with a stiff face, "Passing by."

What a joke, who walks by the beach at night?

"Cough, why did you fall?" Ye Hanjun asked with concern after passing his topic.

Su Zibao squeezed his knees and said, "It\'s alright, it\'s just that I\'ve been sitting for a long time and my feet have lost consciousness and can\'t exert any strength. I\'ll be fine in a while."

"I\'ll take you back. The ground temperature on the beach is low at night, and you\'ll get cold when you sit like this. I\'m afraid it\'s not just numbness in your legs, but the intrusion of cold air. Hurry back to the villa and put on a blanket to warm up." Ye Hanjun said, He grabbed Su Zibao by the waist and picked him up.