Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 765: Sorry, I don't make decisions for Pei Yi

This is a semi-public private auction. Although it has created all kinds of sensations, it is impossible for people who are not at this level to know these things.

Just like Su Zibao, she didn\'t know there was such an auction before.

Ten billion dollars is really not much for investment, but it is really expensive to buy a phoenix crown.

After the auction, those who did not know the inside story left one after another, and all that remained were those who came to the final banquet. At this time, there were only a few dozen people left in the original hundreds of people in the luxury yacht.

Since the filming of Snow in the Sky, the yacht\'s management has arranged for Su Zibao an ultra-luxurious VIP room. At least on this yacht, it can be guaranteed that there will be no problems with the snow in the sky. After disembarking, it is not responsible.

"This thing is worth 70 billion? If you buy my favorite ultra-luxury car worth 100 million, you can buy 700 cars, which can fill a super-large underground parking lot." Ye Hanjun looked at the phoenix crown, left Look to the right, "Except for the diamonds being bigger and the pearls being more unique, there\'s nothing unusual about it."

Su Zibao nodded, "Yes, that\'s all, if I really bought it, our Su family would go bankrupt and go bankrupt. But for those of them, it\'s just a matter of buying a luxury with a higher price, and Those bags of tens of thousands of yuan are no different. And the reason why they are unwilling to pay is just because the original bag of 50,000 yuan, there is no need to spend 5 million to buy it.”

"I found that apart from Han Ruoyan and one or two women in the VIP room, no one bid." Ye Hanjun said.

Su Zibao nodded, "I know. They are trying to avoid suspicion. The bigwigs in the VIP room are unwilling to intervene in the fight between the two masters behind the auction. If anyone buys Snow from the Sky at a high price, wouldn\'t that offend Simon? Others The bidders don\'t know about betting. So in fact, those who are really powerful are watching the show. For some people, they have bought a long-awaited baby, but for them, the real good I keep things in my warehouse, so I don\'t look down on them at all."

The fact that Su Zibao can become the focus of this auction does not mean that she is very powerful. The people who came to compete today are all ordinary wealthy families, and none of the superpowers have intervened. They just regarded the auction as an impromptu show before their banquet started.

And these people, the big bosses she was about to see at the banquet, were the real troublemakers. Whether we can find reliable allies to cooperate, this banquet is the key point.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Han Ruoyan said, "A Bao, are you there?"

Ye Hanjun and Su Zibao looked at each other, walked over to open the door, and said, "What\'s the matter with Miss Han?"

"I didn\'t expect Ah Bao to attend the banquet too. I\'m curious. You should know that the first time you attend this banquet, you must auction things at the auction, so..." Han Ruoyan looked at Su Zibao and said, "When you take pictures of the snow in the sky, You just want to attract Nangong Yu\'s attention with this?"

Su Zibao looked blank, "Who is Nangong Yu?"

"If it wasn\'t to please Nangong Yu, how could you fetch such a high price for the things he took out. I didn\'t expect you to be so well-informed. I didn\'t know until now that the snow in the sky was actually Nangong Yu\'s thing." Han Ruoyan said.

It was only now that Su Zibao realized that the owner of the snow in the sky was called Nangong Yu. That mixed-race man actually had a name from country Z, and like Huangfujing he liked to use a compound surname.

"Whatever you think." Su Zibao said lightly.

Han Ruoyan said, "Even if you have the qualifications to enter, it\'s not that easy to talk to those people about cooperation."

"You don\'t need to worry about it. If you want to test your words, you don\'t have to. You will know at the next banquet."

Han Ruoyan said, "I\'m not interested in what you want to do. It\'s still the agreed condition. I think we can talk about it again."

"Talk about it?" Su Zibao frowned, "Didn\'t you already cooperate with Els?"

The look in Han Ruoyan\'s eyes is inexplicable, "That\'s Dad\'s decision. I prefer Pei Yi to Els."

"Sorry, I can\'t make a decision for Pei Yi. If you want to cooperate with Pei Yi, go to Pei Yi." Su Zibao said directly.

Han Ruoyan wanted to say something, but at this time the waiter came over and said that the dinner was starting, and invited Su Zibao and the others to come over. Han Ruoyan had to leave first.

"Now the Han family is cooperating with Els, but listening to Han Ruoyan\'s words, it seems that she is willing to bite Els back at any time for Pei Yi. This woman is a bit scary." Ye Hanjun said.

Su Zibao nodded slightly, "I know. Her skills are no worse than Mu Yunlan, but she won\'t be the second Mu Yunlan. Because we won\'t suffer twice. No matter what Han Ruoyan\'s abacus is, leave it to Pei Yi. Disposal, I don\'t plan to intervene anymore, just do my own thing."

The banquet has begun.

Because of Su Zibao\'s eye-catching performance at the auction, the eyes of these bigwigs without exception were immediately attracted to her. She was wearing a long silver-white dress, with an elegant and indifferent smile on her beautiful face. Although it was the first time to attend such a banquet, she could not see the slightest restraint. It is generous and gives a good first impression.

"Mr. Simon, that is Miss Su Zibao who photographed the snow in the sky. She has nothing to do with Nangong Yu, but... is Pei Yi\'s wife." said the person beside her.

Simon frowned slightly, Pei Yi, why is he related to him again?

"Beautiful Miss Su, why didn\'t I see you wearing the snow from the sky. Such a beautiful thing is just right for you." Morxi walked over with a glass of red wine and said with a smile.

Su Zibao bowed slightly, and said politely, "I\'ve won the prize. I haven\'t prepared the dress to match the snow in the sky yet, so I can only put it on the shelf."

"It turns out to be like this. In fact, a beauty like Miss Su is already perfect." Mo Xi smiled and raised the red wine in his hand, "Introduction, my name is Mo Xi, and I have been very unpleasant to the Oli Group recently. I think Miss Su should be like this, so we can definitely make friends."

Su Zibao instantly understood that this man and Nangong Yu were in the same group. Nangong Yu didn\'t know why he didn\'t take action himself, but let someone deal with Ouli Group. The person in front of him is the direct action person who devoured the Oli Group.

Mo Xi was very curious, why the snow in the sky finally fell into the hands of Su Zibao, is there anything special about this woman? So I will approach her. Moreover, judging from Nangong Yu\'s performance, he seemed to know this woman.

No matter what kind of thoughts Mo Xi had, his gesture of affection was like a signal that the newcomer Su Zibao was accepted at this banquet, like a fish in water.