Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 764: The frightened Han Ruoyan was heartbroken

"This lady is indeed qualified to bid. Please forgive the inconvenience caused to you, and we will continue the auction!" said the auctioneer on the stage.

Isa sneered, "Six billion!"

"Sixty-one!" Su Zibao said lazily.

Han Ruoyan\'s voice came from the box again, "Sixty-five!"

"Sixty-six!" Su Zibao was always only 100 million higher than the price they offered, and it looked like he was the one who was specifically responsible for raising the price.

"Seventy!" "Seventy-one!" "Seventy-five!"

The speed of the three bidders was very fast. Basically, as soon as Su Zibao made a bid, Isa or Han Ruoyan would follow suit. The speed was so fast that no one else could talk.

Those ladies who originally planned to bid on the Snow in the Sky, seeing their bidding speed so fiercely, had already concluded that the three had hatred, and now they raised their prices to each other, depending on who the final price would be.

Although the snow in the sky is very valuable, five billion dollars is actually very reasonable.

Su Zibao didn\'t care as the price kept going up. Anyway, the boss paid the bill, and she was only responsible for speculating the price. Now it seems that the frying is very successful.

"Nine.5 billion!"


"Ninety-nine!" After Han Ruoyan shouted, her heart skipped a beat.

Oh my god, Su Zibao must never stop, he must go back. Now it\'s not just her, even Els is nervous. Although the Han family has a big business, they don\'t have much liquidity. If they use all of them to buy this phoenix crown, it\'s really a ghost.

"9.9 billion US dollars! Is anyone still raising the price! 9.9 billion US dollars once!" the auctioneer shouted excitedly. God, this sky-high price is about to appear in his hands.

The entire auction venue was silent.

Han Ruoyan\'s face was ashen. When it was over, I was actually trapped by Su Zibao again! 9.9 billion, just one billion has already made her not know how to go back and explain, and now add 9.9 billion... It will have a huge impact on the cooperation between the Han family and Els.

With the 9.9 billion smashed into her own hands, she already expected a gloomy future. His hands and feet were cold, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Els slammed his fist on the table, "You said you like to cheat people so much, why are you cheating yourself every time? Why are you so stupid!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never cheat again, Su Zibao, you must increase the price, you must increase the price!" Han Ruoyan did not dare to argue, she was about to cry, and muttered silently.

And Isa on the other side was also in shock. Fortunately, in the end it was Han Ruoyan, not her. If Su Zibao stopped when she was bidding, she would be as desperate as Han Ruoyan now.

Isa is now a million lucky people who are unlucky that Han Ruoyan is not herself, anyway, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Even she herself was a little strange, how could she shout such a high price, she had already photographed what she was satisfied with before, and the snow in the sky was not her goal, even if it was to run on Su Zibao, she would not be so crazy.

I vaguely felt that the rhythm of the crazy price jumping just now seemed to be manipulated by someone. With Su Zibao bidding again and again, the fast rhythm made her and Han Ruoyan involuntarily increase.

Are they really cheating on Su Zibao?

"The second time at 9.9 billion US dollars!" the auctioneer on the stage shouted again.

Su Zibao watched this scene with a slightly raised lip line. This crown is really expensive, almost catching up with a Su Group from five years ago. If it wasn\'t because the big man insisted on taking it back, Su Zibao really thought it would be good to cheat on Han Ruoyan.

"Ten billion dollars!" Su Zibao raised his placard.

The whole room was silent.

This is not the same as the price hike just now. Han Ruoyan just now obviously accidentally smashed the price into her own hands, and now it\'s too late to regret it.

And this one bought this phoenix crown at a sky-high price in a very rational situation, which means that people don\'t care about this money at all. And looking at her expression at this time, she was lazy and elegant, while Isa beside her was already full of cold sweat, and Han Ruoyan in the box was even more miserable.

This is everyone\'s demeanor, throwing 10 billion is just like playing, and throwing a Su Group five years ago.

But in fact, Su Zibao is so calm because it\'s not her money at all, she doesn\'t care at all! I also think the price is too low, I don\'t know if the big brother is satisfied.

"Is there anyone else increasing the price? I don\'t think you should give up such a good thing easily!" Su Zibao said with a serious face, following good advice.

As a result, her tone of voice made the originally silent venue instantly silent, and no one dared to speak, for fear of being misunderstood as a price increase.

"Ten billion dollars once! Twice! Three times! Deal!"

At this moment, everyone is watching.

The auction is finally over.

When Han Ruoyan packed up her emotions and came out, she found that her legs were still weak. Su Zibao was talking to the people at the auction, Ye Hanjun was holding a crystal clear box in his hand, which was the phoenix crown that stirred the situation.

Han Ruoyan, who had just gone out, and Su Zibao, who was coming out from the inside, happened to be facing each other.

"I didn\'t expect you to spend 10 billion dollars on this thing. Your Su family should also go bankrupt. Are you planning to put it in the exhibition hall and collect ticket fees to maintain income?" Han Ruoyan couldn\'t help it. ridicule.

She was almost scared to death just now, but fortunately, Su Zibao finally bought it back.

"Whether our Su family will go bankrupt, I won\'t bother you." Su Zibao said lightly, looking at Han Ruoyan\'s lips with a slightly upward arc, "Miss Han\'s condition seems to be not good, the psychological endurance is too weak, so don\'t do it. Come and participate in the auction, otherwise it will be troublesome if you enter the hospital."

Han Ruoyan was about to say something, but Su Zibao\'s eyes showed a hint of sarcasm, "If I hadn\'t increased the price just now, you might have been admitted to the hospital. No thanks."

"Hmph, don\'t you like to raise the price the most? In the end, the price of Snow in the Sky was raised so high, you are doing it yourself." Han Ruoyan said without talking about herself.

Su Zibao just smiled lightly, "Speaking of this, I really should thank you. If it weren\'t for you and Miss Isa\'s help, I would not have been able to get such a high price."

Ten billion US dollars, equivalent to more than 70 billion RMB, is of course a very high price.

Presumably, that one will be very satisfied.

At this time, Nangong Yu\'s lip line was slightly raised, looking at Simon with a gloomy face next to him and said, "I won."

"Go and check, what\'s the origin of this woman." Simon said to the people around him, turning around and leaving angrily.

On the other hand, Mo Xi looked at Su Zibao and Nangong Yu, and seemed to understand something.