Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 760: Is your lord looking for news?

The man holding the red wine smiled as if he couldn\'t help it, "Understood, your grumpy temper really hasn\'t changed. Don\'t worry, after this time is over, go back and do something to the Oli Group. Such a good thing. , you remember me. To be honest, did you like my sister? I can introduce it to you."

"Do you want to die?" The man threatened without looking back, his tone icy cold.

"Hahaha, it seems that you are not looking at my sister, but me?"


After being punched, only the red wine man was left on the deck. He looked at the back of the other party entering the cabin and shrugged. Of course, he knew that the reason why he made his move was because Simon stared too tightly, and any action would be targeted by the other party with great fanfare. If Nangong Yu made a move, it might be even more troublesome. Doing it yourself can save you some trouble.

And since Nangong Yu opened his mouth, he would definitely help, and then the two would split the account by 50 to 50 percent, which was a very good deal. So, it\'s really good to be friends with him.

The man holding the red wine smiled and looked in the direction of the sea. Now it\'s getting more and more exciting. It would be a pity if that person didn\'t come.

The banquet was still going on in the cabin. In addition to flipping through the illustrated book in the cabin, Su Zibao looked at the favorite products, and stood on the side of the boat, blowing the sea breeze, overlooking the sea, and waiting for the auction to start.

Occasionally, I think of Pei Yi who is far away in the imperial capital, and I don\'t know what the situation is on his side.

If this time is successful, then it is truly qualified to stand by his side and accompany him to advance and retreat together.

"I didn\'t expect to meet Miss Su here. Did Miss Su also come for the snow in the sky?" A familiar European-style Chinese accent came from beside her.

Su Zibao turned his head and saw that the person who came was actually the Duke of Cass, Huangfujing, and beside him was the old housekeeper Qin Hexiao.

"Huangfujing?" Su Zibao glanced at him in surprise, thinking that in his capacity, he should be a frequent guest at the last banquet, and said, "I can\'t afford the snow in the sky."

Huangfujing raised a beautiful smile on his lips, and his light blue pupils were as pure and pure as the sky at this time, "But I heard that you are because of the snow in the sky and Miss Isa of Oli Group. There was a conflict, and the other party threatened to bring down your family."

"Big fish eat small fish, it\'s just an excuse." Su Zibao said lightly, "It has nothing to do with the snow in the sky."

Huangfujing tilted his head slightly to look at her, "Really? But some people are planning to swallow the Oli Group, because Miss Isa\'s remarks about the snow in the sky made some people very unhappy."

"Is it the master of the snow in the sky?" Su Zibao asked immediately.

Huangfujing smiled slightly, "No, but the person who shot it has a good relationship with him. Does Miss Su know him?"

"It turns out that the lord is here to inquire about the news." Su Zibao raised his lips slightly, "I don\'t know. Do you think I would know that kind of big man?"

Huangfujing touched his chin and smiled warmly, "Don\'t you know a big man like me? If you really know him, I wouldn\'t be surprised. Although Miss Su didn\'t tell me anything, I I can tell you some news. The auction here is held by him and another monster. The two men fought before the auction started.

Bet, bet on whoever takes out the antique sells for the highest price. "

"For the sake of gambling, I even took out a heritage treasure like the Snow in the Sky." Su Zibao felt speechless, she didn\'t understand the world of big shots.

Huangfujing said with a smile, "I don\'t know what to bet on, but the three items that guy selected are very good."

"Three items? What about the three items he chose?" Su Zibao asked.

There was a smile on Huangfujing\'s lips, "No, he just took the snow in the sky. Individually, the value of the snow in the sky is worth two, but one worth three... It\'s a bit difficult. He deliberately beat it. Face, he clearly stated the total value of the three items in the auction, and that annoying guy didn\'t come up with the things that really pressed the bottom of the box. He just picked three good items at random, and he took the sky directly. Zhixue, if you want to win three by one, it\'s really a shame. Even if the opponent wins, three wins and one, it can make people who are disgusting unhappy."

"Do they have a grudge?" Su Zibao asked again. Isn\'t it about the joint auction held together, why is it still the same as the enemy.

Huangfujing smiled lightly, "That hatred is much deeper than that between me and Pei Yi. Me and Pei Yi only had a little conflict of interest when he was grabbing territory in Western Europe. You have been fighting with me for so many years, and you are addicted to it. But they are dead. Enmity, until one of the families perishes, it is impossible to reconcile."

This muddy water in the global business world seems more unfathomable than it was in the imperial capital.

"I heard that you had a conflict with Isa, and I thought you had something to do with the person behind the snow in the sky. He also has a grudge against meco." Huangfujing said with a smile, very kindly talking to Su Zibao.

Su Zibao raised his eyebrows, "Is there anyone here who has no grudge against meco?"

"Hey, so smart." Huangfujing said with admiration.

Su Zibao was indignant, "Although I don\'t know what\'s going on, but I generally understand that all of you are the beneficiaries of the old-fashioned families. The emergence of meco has broken the division of interests in some parts of Western Europe, and you are the beneficiaries. I definitely don\'t want to see such a situation appear. So I want to erase him and maintain the previous division of interests, right?"

"As expected of the woman that Pei Yi likes, I just said a little and you can get through. Yes, almost all of the people who appear here have participated in the business plan of sniping meco, but that guy Pei Yi is very, very annoying. Let them think that if they want to break him, they will pay more, and the gains outweigh the losses, so they have to recognize his status." Huangfujing said, "I just want to tell you, if you want to use the identity of the meco president\'s wife to make peace with you Talking to these people doesn\'t help."

Su Zibao raised a smile, "Your Majesty is afraid that I will find an ally and affect the decisive battle between you and meco? I didn\'t expect you to be so jealous of me, I\'m really honored. But don\'t worry, I\'m not here to find an ally."

Instead, make myself his ally.

After going through the events of the Han family, Su Zibao has learned a lesson. Who knows what excessive demands will be made when an ally is brought in, it is better to let her be Pei Yi\'s ally. Because the only thing she could be sure of was that she herself would definitely stand with him unconditionally.

After saying this, Su Zibao smiled politely, turned around and entered the cabin. Huangfujing looked at her back and pondered, and Qin Hexiao next to her said, "If your lord is worried about her making trouble, why don\'t you help Oli to delay the time, let them kill the Su family first, and then Oli\'s life and death will be the same as that? The lord is irrelevant. Presumably the person who did it over there will also give the lord this face."