Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 759: Is she your little lover

"A Bao, please apologize to Miss Isa. Let\'s just forget about it." Han Ruoyan said enthusiastically, looking for Su Zibao\'s sake. To outsiders, she was someone who tried her best to help her friends.

But in fact, she just wanted to see the humiliation of Su Zibao having to apologize and the humiliation of having to accept her feelings.

Watching Isa teach Su Zibao a lesson from a distance, it would be more interesting to come over and be a good person.

"Thank you Miss Han for your kindness, but this kind of kindness is unnecessary." Su Zibao said lukewarmly.

Han Ruoyan knew that her character was like this, with a hurt expression on her face, "A Bao, I know that because of the Han family, you have opinions on me. But we are friends, don\'t be a hero at this time, hurry up and follow me. Apologize, Miss Isa."

"A Bao didn\'t do anything wrong, Han Ruoyan, why do you want her to apologize?" Ye Hanjun said coldly, "Don\'t pretend to be kind in front of us, the circus thing hasn\'t passed for a few days, and I have a good memory. Very."

Originally, he had no hostility towards Han Ruoyan, and he was very happy to have such a woman to destroy the relationship between Su Zibao and Pei Yi, but Han Ruoyan dared to use the circus to set up a plan to murder Su Zibao, which touched him.

No matter what she does, as long as she hurts A Bao, she is against him.

Han Ruoyan naturally wouldn\'t admit it, and said blankly, "Circus? Did you misunderstand something? Although the matter between me and Pei Yi made Miss Su unhappy, other things have nothing to do with me."

"Han, others don\'t accept your kindness, and you don\'t need to speak for her." Isa said.

Han Ruoyan seemed helpless, "But after all, they are friends and people from the same place."

For a time, everyone around him pointed at Su Zibao. The kind-hearted Han Ruoyan is in stark contrast to the indifferent Su Zibao.

Ye Hanjun glanced coldly at the people around him and said to Su Zibao, "Abao, let\'s go in and rest."

"Yeah." Su Zibao responded, ignoring these people, and followed him inside.

But the Miss Isa stood in front of Su Zibao and said with a sneer, "Stop! You haven\'t finished speaking yet, you seem to be very upset about the snow in the sky. What? Are you and that little boy in Xiou who can\'t even remember his name? What does the country have to do with it?"

"It doesn\'t matter." Su Zibao said coldly when she saw her being rambunctious, "I really don\'t agree that the snow in the sky was put up for auction because of the financial constraints of the royal family. I just don\'t agree with this. Miss Isa has an opinion? You can still control it. What other people think?"

Isa didn\'t seem to think that this little-known woman would dare to talk to her like this, and said coldly, "Very well, since you insist on going against me, then I will let you know the fate of offending our Oli consortium!"

"Miss Isa, I have no intention of going against you." Su Zibao frowned. What is the logic of this woman, that if she doesn\'t agree with her point of view, she is against her? And offended her so inexplicably? It is really unfortunate to meet such a person.

Isa said lightly, "You apologize to me now, and I will forgive you. If you ask our Oli consortium to let you go, then show a begging attitude."

"Miss Isa, don\'t go too far

. "Ye Hanjun said coldly.

Isa seemed to have heard a joke and said mockingly, "What if I\'m too much. What else can you two do to me?"

"It seems that Miss Isa is interested in our Su Group. It doesn\'t matter, you can come, but I will also tell you that the Su Group is not a piece of fat, but a stone." Su Zibao stared at her, his voice cold. There is no trace of temperature, "Be careful of broken teeth."

After speaking, Su Zibao turned around and left, and Ye Hanjun immediately followed.

In the cabin lounge.

"I didn\'t expect to meet such an unreasonable person, making you an unreasonable enemy." Ye Hanjun frowned, it was not good to be a teacher, and they offended others before their goal started.

Su Zibao rubbed his temples and said, "It\'s not an unprovoked enemy, it\'s a matter of time."

"what do you mean…"

"Isa is obviously here to find fault, and she and Han Ruoyan know each other. I guess Han Ruoyan saw me when I was in the cabin before, and even mentioned it to Isa. I must have said how delicious the Su Group is. The cake caught Isa\'s attention. Then she accidentally saw me and came up to provoke him on purpose, just to create trouble and find an excuse." Su Zibao said calmly.

Ye Hanjun nodded slightly, "I know this. When there is no conflict of interest, overseas consortiums will act on small groups that are obviously not at the same level, which is not good-looking in face and attracts people to talk about. It\'s better to just give a reason, there is no one anyway. If you care about what the reason is, you will tell the outside world that you have offended people, and the other party wants to teach you a lesson."

"Yeah. So that Isa looks impulsive, but in fact she is ready. I didn\'t expect Han Ruoyan to appear here. Is it the behavior of the Han family, or with Els? Now the situation between Cass and meco is like this. Nervous, why are they here." Su Zibao said to himself.

Ye Hanjun saw that his whole soul floated away when he thought about meco, and quickly said, "Abao, what are you going to do with the Ouli consortium? Or let Pei Yi come forward. The Ouli consortium looks great, but I listen to it. In Western Europe, meco is one of the most ruthless consortiums."

"No. Meco and Cass are already evenly matched. If you add another Oli, it will destroy the balance. I will solve this Oli myself." Su Zibao said.

On the deck, Isa and Han Ruoyan looked at each other, and the expressions in their eyes were self-evident.

And they didn\'t pay attention, just on the other side of the deck, a man leaning against a column drinking red wine took a sip, "Yu, so your family is now poor and selling iron, and you want to sell the phoenix crown subsidy? Hahaha, really Laugh at me to death, don\'t tell me, if you tell me, I will give you some relief money."

And the man standing next to him looked at the blue sea indifferently, "You swallowed the Oli Group."

"Hey, no, you\'re going to destroy someone else\'s family just because of someone\'s little girl\'s unintentional mistake. Tsk tsk, it\'s so cruel." The man drinking red wine smiled at the person opposite, "It\'s still Say, you are afraid of what the Ori Group will do to the woman just now. Strange, Yu, the woman just now seems to know the snow in the sky, is it your little lover?"

"Shut up." The man called Yu said coldly, "Erase the Oli Group."