Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 757: When did you change your name to Pei Qingming?

Su Zibao\'s plan to find out about Pei Yi\'s childhood embarrassment was blocked by him so simply and rudely. Until the next morning, Su Zibao was still very angry and looked at him, "When did you change your name to Pei Qingming?"

"When your name is Su Hetu." Pei Yi took the next sentence indifferently.

Su Zibao\'s teeth were itching with anger, but, forget it, this matter had to be abandoned. And for Pei Yi, when her daughter-in-law is disobedient, she just needs a nap.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Su Zibao, Pei Yi, Xu Fan and Tang Yuqing left Yunwu Mountain and returned to the imperial capital.

Pei Yi and Si Jinjian teamed up to check Els\'s stronghold in China. Meco and Cass started a new round of confrontation, while Su Zibao went abroad to attend the auction that Ye Hanjun helped her arrange. They all have their own things to do, but even if they are not together, for them now, their hearts are always closely connected.

Above the sea, among the luxury submarines like castles, many rich people from all over the world boarded this ship, waiting for the upcoming auction.

Some are just for the auction, and some are for the private party after the auction. Su Zibao belongs to the latter.

Standing on the deck, looking at the rolling waves of the sea, I can\'t see the edge at a glance. It is already deep in the ocean, and there is sea water everywhere, but no land can be seen.

"You haven\'t returned to the imperial capital, I\'m really worried about what happened to you." Ye Hanjun looked at Su Zibao and said, the beautiful peach blossom eyes were clear and pure.

Su Zibao snorted, "It\'s true that something happened, but it wasn\'t me. It was Lei Lie and Bai Yina who were involved. Although the news was blocked, you should have known about the power of the Ye family in the political world."

"The details are not clear, but the general situation is known. How are Lei Lie and Bo Yina now? You can consider sending them abroad for treatment, maybe there is still hope." Ye Hanjun said, "I know some experts who study viruses, and I can introduce them to you. "

Su Zibao sighed, "It\'s useless. The virus has already been reported. If there is a way, it is impossible to give up Lei Lie and Bo Yina. They have made outstanding contributions this time, especially the Bai family is the No. 1 military family in Cangxi. Now we can only wait for Mr. Tang to develop the formula, or..."

Or find the mastermind behind the Blue Wolf Gang and get the antidote from them.

But whether it is the former or the latter, there is little hope. Pei Yi is right. If you want to find a detoxification solvent, it is better to wait for the research from Mr. Tang.

But if there was another way, how could Su Zibao sit and wait. Waiting in vain is really exhausting.

"Or, find the mastermind behind the Blue Wolf Gang." Ye Hanjun continued.

Su Zibao asked casually, "Do you know the news behind the Blue Wolf Gang?"

Ye Hanjun didn\'t speak.

Su Zibao immediately raised his head and looked at him. If he didn\'t know, Ye Hanjun would deny it. But now, the silence means he knows.

"You know? Who is it, tell me!" Su Zibao said immediately.

Ye Hanjun hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "Forget it. They are too dangerous, don\'t touch them. Trading with them is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger."

"Tell me." Su Zibao stared at Ye

Han Yun, with a firm tone.

If it was Pei Yi, he could completely stop Su Zibao and block her, and Su Zibao didn\'t dare to ask more questions in front of Pei Yi. Just staring at her like that with his narrow eyes was enough to suppress.

However, Ye Hanyun could only say silently, "Sakura Organization."

"What is that?" Su Zibao asked.

Ye Hanjun said, "You can understand it as an international mercenary group. There are many people who are good at assassination, there are also many spy hackers, highly educated research experts, and masters in certain fields. The business they undertake includes assassination, reward, sales and trafficking. Intelligence, and also cooperated with some plans to devour business groups. They are supported by a large consortium, but no one knows which consortium. The leader of the Sakura Organization is a woman, and the other members have no direct information. "

"You... have dealt with them?" Su Zibao said in surprise.

Pei Yi refused to tell her, but Su Zibao also investigated and called Li Han, but found nothing. But now Ye Hanjun can say it so clearly, at a glance, he knows that he knows them.

"The Sakura Organization has basically not appeared in our country. Wherever there is chaos, they will be there. They can be regarded as profiting from the chaos. But occasionally because of the mission, the Sakura Organization once assassinated my uncle." Ye Hanjun said lightly, "Because of this, the Ye family has investigated them specifically to seek revenge, but they haven\'t even found their shadow."

Su Zibao took a breath, "Your uncle... passed away?"

"No." Ye Hanjun said, Su Zibao breathed a sigh of relief, and saw him continue, "However, my uncle has since become a crippled and completely retired from politics."

Su Zibao bit his lip, but he didn\'t expect that the Sakura Organization was still related to the Ye family.

"Although we didn\'t find anyone from the Sakura Organization, they sent someone to deal with it and carried out a major purge. And that stupid political enemy was cleaned up by the top without our Ye family\'s action. It\'s really stupid, don\'t you know how to lead it? Is it against the rules for foreign organizations to come in?" Ye Hanjun sneered and didn\'t say more, "Since that time, there has been no news of them in China, otherwise our Ye family would have made them look good. This is my first time. The second time I heard that they appeared in China, it has been seven or eight years."

Su Zibao said, "What about the last?"

"In the end, we can only let it go. If they dare to appear in the imperial capital again, they will definitely make them come and go, of course, if we can find out. But if they are abroad, even our Ye family dare not act rashly. Because of the uncle\'s I have always been following the dynamics of this organization, and I know better than anyone how difficult they are, they are a group of daring desperadoes." Ye Hanjun persuaded, "Abao, I hope you don\'t have anything to do with them, otherwise you will suffer a loss. It\'s only you."

"But since they do the task of offering a reward, it means that they will still trade with others. And their purpose is very clear, that is, to ask for money." Su Zibao analyzed.

Ye Hanjun said, "It\'s still very dangerous anyway."

While the two were talking, there was a loud noise from the cabin, and then some gentlemen and ladies who were attending the reception inside came out.

There are still two days left for the auction, and there are daily banquets on the cruise, free wine and food, and beautiful girls on call. Countless rich people gathered here, and many cooperations were negotiated while drinking. Therefore, many people participated in this auction just for this opportunity to expand their contacts.