Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 756: You don't want to be absent anymore

Bai Yina said, "Yes, it has nothing to do with you. The reason why I want to investigate thoroughly is because of my responsibility. I am a special police officer, and it is my duty to eliminate these unstable factors. The Qinglang Gang\'s attack on Yuyanluo is just a Introduction, the ultimate reason for us to get the virus is that this guy and I are going to get to the bottom of it and get rid of them."

"The beautiful girl is right!" Lei Lie nodded in agreement.

Su Zibao looked at them and smiled, his heart was full of warmth. In the beginning, it was indeed Su Zibao who asked Lei Lie to teach the Qinglang Gang a lesson, but in the end something happened and no one blamed her.

Instead, he believes that the outcome is his own choice.

This is probably the meaning of the word friend.

After coming out of the backyard where they lived, Su Zibao stood alone on the mountain peak, looking at the clouds and mists in the distance.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and then a black trench coat was draped over his body. Su Zibao looked back and saw that it was Pei Yi who appeared.

He is slender, his angular face is as handsome and fair as ever, and his long and narrow eyes are deep and dazzling. In this ethereal mountain, he is like a prince who came out of the forest.

"Have you seen them?" Pei Yi said.

Su Zibao hummed, "Yeah, I told them about our departure tomorrow. When I went over, I saw that they were still bickering and arguing as before, and they were in good spirits."

"A strong person will not succumb to a mere virus. Don\'t worry." Pei Yi said.

Su Zibao looked up at him, "What was the result of the investigation in the end? Who is behind the Blue Wolf Gang? Can you tell me?"

"You want to trade with them to find out the whereabouts of the detoxification solvent?" Pei Yi pointed out her thoughts directly. He immediately saw her plan.

Su Zibao nodded and said, "Yes. I don\'t have the ability to intervene in overseas wars. I just want to buy a detoxification solvent, so that Lei Lie and Bo Yina will not have to worry about it."

"Don\'t be delusional. It\'s better to wait for the teacher to improve the formula. Maybe there is still hope." Pei Yi\'s tone was calm, but he couldn\'t say anything. "You are not allowed to intervene in this matter."

Su Zibao opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn\'t say anything but hummed.

Although both Lei Lie and Bai Yina said that they had nothing to do with Su Zibao, they actually had a relationship. If it wasn\'t for Su Zibao, they wouldn\'t have contacted the Blue Wolf Gang at all, and it would have been impossible for them to meet. Of course, then the mountain city would continue to be shrouded in danger.

With the characters of those two people, they would rather be infected with the virus themselves to solve the base.

But even if she had nothing to do with Su Zibao, she absolutely couldn\'t ignore Lei Lie. It was a close friend who shared weal and woe with her and lived and died together.

They have experienced so many things together, and although they have not seen each other for four years, their feelings for each other have not weakened because of this. It was absolutely impossible for Su Zibao to ignore Lei Lie\'s situation.

"Trust me, the teacher will definitely develop the formula." Pei Yi said, "It may take a little longer, it may take several years, but if there is no certainty, the teacher will explain it long ago."

Su Zibao nodded, stopped talking about this topic, looked at Pei Yi and said with a smile, "If it wasn\'t for this accident, I wouldn\'t know that you still have a teacher. I always thought you were very powerful, and you were not a pervert. like people, born

You know, it turns out that you also have a teacher. It turns out that you were just a little kid who didn’t know anything at first. "

Pei Yi had a black line on his face, and he slammed his index finger between her eyebrows, "Stupid woman."

"I used to feel like it was Sun Wukong, who suddenly popped out, so powerful." Su Zibao took his arm, rested his head on his shoulder, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised, "Now I feel more and more that it turns out that you Just a human being no different from us."

Pei Yi\'s lip line rose slightly unconsciously. If he was so childish, how could his baby be so cute.

"It must have gone through a lot of things from an ordinary person to what he is now. I know that it must be difficult for a person to become strong." Su Zibao suddenly raised his face and looked at him, his watery eyes shining like the most magnificent in the world Gemstone, "Although it\'s really a pity not to be able to participate in your past, but in the long years to come, I don\'t want to miss a day."

In her eyes, he saw distress, nostalgia, joy, and unmelted affection.

Pei Yi took her into his arms. This stupid woman always said that he was a master of love words, but it was obvious that she really killed him with just a single word.

He didn\'t even know how he planted it on this woman and couldn\'t get up for five years. Now it seems that he will never remember it in his life.

"Pei Yi, I heard that when you were young, you used to climb trees to dig out bird\'s nests, and fish in the water. As long as you go out, you will have extra food for today\'s food. It feels amazing!" Su Zibao raised his head and said with a smile.

Pei Yi\'s face darkened, "What did the teacher tell you?"

"Yeah, I really didn\'t know that Pei Yi, you were so cute when you were young!" Su Zibao nodded vigorously, "Tell me now, I want to hear your childhood stories."

Pei Yi froze, "There\'s nothing to say."

"Let\'s talk, talk about it!" Su Zibao shook his arm coquettishly, "It\'s pitiful enough for me not to be involved in your past. You are now depriving me of the right to hear your past stories, which is really cruel."

The corners of Pei Yi\'s mouth twitched, so the words that moved him just now were originally to pave the way for this sentence.

Why is their baby so black?

It just so happened that he was powerless to act like a spoiled brat on her.

"Okay, if you don\'t tell me, then I\'ll go to Grandpa Tang. Grandpa Tang likes to talk about your childhood, hum." Su Zibao turned his head arrogantly and left.

Pei Yi grabbed her and said, "Stop."

"Why? I\'m leaving tomorrow, I want to hear more of your story now," Su Zibao said.

Pei Yi hugged her from behind, his lips fell on her ear, "I\'ll tell you a story."

"Would you like to?" Su Zibao turned around happily. He had already made up his mind to ask all the embarrassing things about Pei Yi when he was a child, but just as he turned around, someone sealed his lips.

Su Zibao struggled and whimpered, "You... what are you doing! Stop it!"

"Today\'s story is called..." Pei Yi let go of her, her lips lifted slightly, her wicked awe-inspiring awe-inspiring, "Climbing the River during Qingming Festival."

Su Zibao was stunned for a moment, but before he could understand what it meant, he was thrown to the ground by someone. It wasn\'t until some beast had stripped her clothes that she realized, wait, I\'m not Hetu!