Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 752: Pei Yi's teacher, the Tang family

Pei Yi shook his head slightly, "First, it is not certain that there must be an antidote. According to the information obtained so far, the biochemical virus they developed is intended to be placed on the Middle East battlefield, and what is needed is lethality, so it is yet to be determined whether an antidote has been developed. Second, even if there is an antidote, it is absolutely impossible to sell it, so as not to be analyzed and copied before the beneficial results are obtained. Even if there is a public sale of the antidote, it will be at least a few months after the overseas war has stabilized. "

Middle East battlefield...

People in China may feel that war is a very distant thing in this era, but Su Zibao has been in Western Europe for four years and knows that the world is not peaceful.

In some places abroad, there has always been war.

Obviously, someone is developing this biochemical virus and wants to make a fortune in war.

Lei Lie was silent for a while and asked, "Pei Yi, can I know why they choose to develop viruses in our country. I think they are crazy for profit, but why don\'t they go to the desert wasteland where there are no people, and have to choose In a bustling commercial city."

"Because this kind of research requires a lot of materials and an absolutely stable environment, this place meets their requirements. But you can rest assured that things like this have always been handled by special departments, this is just an exception. And after this incident, presumably The inventory will be more careful." When Pei Yi said this, his face became solemn.

Su Zibao couldn\'t help but said, "I don\'t want to know what the impact of this incident will be, and I don\'t care what the big guys will do. I just want to know, there is a way to get rid of the virus in their bodies."

"There is a way to try it." Pei Yi said.

This time, even Lei Lie was stunned, "Huh? Is there a way?"

"Well. I checked their data and found that the virus they were studying was an upgraded version of a biochemical virus that appeared in our country during the war a hundred years ago. In order to fight against this biochemical virus, some experts once developed an antidote. Recipe. It\'s just that in the past 100 years, their virus has been upgraded, so that recipe also needs to be improved." Pei Yi said.

Su Zibao finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It\'s good to have a solution! How to solve it? It\'s not too late, let\'s go. No matter what, try it first!"

A mountain city crisis that did not cause a storm was suppressed in an understatement, but some people would find that the Blue Wolf Gang, which was originally active in the mountain city, completely disappeared overnight.

A small-scale explosion occurred in the always calm mountain city, which collapsed some mountain peaks, and there were no casualties, so there was no news even reported. No one knew that the underground research room was completely in ruins.

At the same time, the military merits of Lei Lie and Bo Yina rose again and again. But these two people disappeared from the public eye.

Half a month later, in the summer resort on Yunwu Mountain, Pei Yi was calculating some incomprehensible chemical formulas on a piece of white paper with a pencil. Next to him, Xu Fan quickly tapped on the computer, reporting a few words from time to time. numerical value.

Both of them are dedicated, serious men have a different kind of charm.

On the other side, Su Zibao was chatting with a white-bearded grandfather.

"The last half month has really troubled Grandpa Tang. Thank you Grandpa for helping to take care of and heal my two friends." Su Zibao said with a smile, "Grandpa Tang\'s medicinal wine has also opened my eyes. I don\'t know what Grandpa Tang treats me. Are you interested in the previously proposed plan to promote these national quintessence medicinal wines to the world?"

Before the old man could speak, a girl in her twenties said, "I don\'t know how many people come here to want grandpa\'s medicinal wine, but let alone take it out and sell it, he is even reluctant to give it away. Do you want to do it? Don\'t think about the medicine and wine business!"

"Yuqing, how did you talk to Abao!" Tang Muqing scolded.

Tang Yuqing shut up unhappily. She looks fresh and refined, and has the elegance of an orchid, but Su Zibao discovered this girl from the first time she came here, and she has obvious hostility towards her and is not welcome at all. But he is very good to Pei Yi, and he is still an old acquaintance.

Su Zibao recalled carefully and determined that he had never seen her before, and after thinking about it, he could only think of one possibility. Pei Yi, can\'t you not attract girls like this?

"If Po likes these medicinal wines, I don\'t want these things to be buried in the soil with me. I can give you the recipe, but I have two conditions that I hope you will agree to." Tang Muqing said.

Su Zibao immediately corrected his attitude and said, "You are Pei Yi\'s teacher. If you have anything to do, please tell me directly, and we will do it. Besides, if you hadn\'t acted, my two friends would have lost their lives. should be answered."

The place where Pei Yi brought Su Zibao and the others to is the residence of this old man Tang. The Tang family is an ancient martial arts family, just like the inheritance family of the martial arts like Wing Chun Boxing and Baguazhang.

Mr. Tang and Mr. Pei used to have some friendship. When Pei Yi was young, he sent him to Mr. Tang to stay for a while to learn boxing and kung fu, and then he was sent to the army.

Probably because there is only one granddaughter and no male grandson, or because Pei Yi is too sensible and obedient, Mr. Tang likes Pei Yi very much. When he was a child, he gave Pei Yi a bath for those precious medicinal wines without money, and he spent half his life in martial arts. After teaching each other, Pei Yi became so perverted, thanks to the cultivation of this old man.

Because Tang Muqing was not in South China, lived far away, and didn\'t like to be disturbed, Pei Yi usually just gave some gifts and came to visit occasionally.

That is, until now, Su Zibao didn\'t know that Pei Yi actually had a teacher. This teacher has the grace of teaching Pei Yi, and Pei Yi respects him very much.

In addition to being famous for boxing and kung fu, the ancestral medicinal wine has various magical effects. Even the biochemical virus that appeared a hundred years ago, thanks to an ancestor of the Tang family who accidentally discovered that a certain medicinal wine could kill the virus, and then extracted the key ingredients in it. Until now, the Tang family still retains some information about the development of virus antibodies.

This time, it was also thanks to the old man that Lei Lie and Bo Yina\'s illnesses were relieved. And Pei Yi and Xu Fan were directly caught, and they helped to research and analyze the materials and weights needed. This is a big project. After half a month, there is no progress, but for the time being, Lei Lie and the others will not be in any danger. They just have to stay here for treatment.

Until the detoxification solvent that absolutely deciphers the virus is developed.