Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 751: I live gloriously and die great

Pei Yi went to the mountain city to rescue Lei Lie and Bo Yina. He had already requested reinforcements from his superiors through his own relationship. Su Zibao originally planned to go, but she also knew very well that she could only cause trouble for him in the past and drag him down.

Believe him, he will be able to save Lei Lie and Bai Yina.

So Su Zibao waited in Haicheng, but the waiting time was even more anxious. Su Zibao spent almost three days restlessly before receiving the news that Lei Lie and Bo Yina had been rescued.

When they were rescued, almost half of the troops in the entire South China region were transferred to the mountain city. Ordinary people don\'t know what\'s going on, and they don\'t know what kind of threat the citizens near the mountain city are facing.

"What the **** is going on?" Su Zibao looked at Lei Lie and Bai Yina who were lying on the hospital bed with a pale face.

Although people were rescued, it was as if they were going to ride a crane to the west at any time.

Pei Yi said, "They were infected with the virus. When I went to rescue them, I went to the underground research room for the first time, but I couldn\'t find the detoxification solvent."

"But it\'s good, how could they be infected with the virus?" Su Zibao asked hurriedly.

Lei Lie coughed and woke up and said, "A Bao, don\'t worry."

"Ah? Lei Lie, are you awake?" Su Zibao said in surprise.

Lei Lie nodded at her, but it was very laborious to speak. Pei Yi walked over to him, helped him up and sat, and asked, "How do you feel about your body?"

"Weak, weak, it\'s a bit like the feeling of overexertion and loss of strength when exercising before." Lei Lie said, smiling at the two of them as if to comfort them, "It\'s good to have a life back, it\'s okay."

But Pei Yi\'s face did not soften at all, but said sternly, "If you don\'t get the detoxification solvent as soon as possible, this life will not be recovered."

"I\'m just comforting Po, don\'t expose me." Lei Lie smiled helplessly. His own body, he naturally knew very well.

Pei Yi said lightly, "I can\'t help but let her go to your funeral, I\'ll know sooner or later."

"Pei Yi, what nonsense are you talking about! I don\'t want to attend Lei Lie\'s funeral. You should think of a way to save him. There must be a way. What virus is it? If it exploded, she couldn\'t accept that Lei Lie would be in danger.

Lei Lie coughed and said, "It\'s not that I don\'t care, it\'s that there is no detoxification solvent."

"Why is this happening? What the **** is going on with this **** virus!" Su Zibao couldn\'t believe it.

Riley told the story.

At first, they just wanted to clean up the Blue Wolf Gang and teach them a lesson. But he didn\'t expect that on the way to contact the Qinglang Gang, Lei Lie discovered that the other party actually had arms, which made him initially suspect that the Qinglang Gang was involved in smuggling arms.

Bai Yina\'s sense of justice was overwhelming, and Lei Lie couldn\'t sit back and watch such a gang in South China. Together, the two decided to go deep into the tiger\'s den to investigate this arms smuggling interest chain.

There must be sellers and buyers for the smuggled arms. In order to dig out this big fish, the two disguised their identities and infiltrated the Blue Wolf Gang.

they do not

Non-smuggling of arms, arms are just tools, what they are really doing is biochemical virus research.

This research has long been banned. During the war, someone from abroad once conducted research here, and an underground research base was established in Shancheng. It was later destroyed, and they went so far as to rebuild on the rubble.

"In other words, Shancheng has been conducting biochemical virus research before? Who is so mad? If the virus gas leaks, the entire mountain city will become a dead city. No, not only the mountain city, it should be said that most of the South China area is in danger of suffering. ." Su Zibao\'s heart skipped a beat.

It\'s too dangerous. Suddenly, all the people in a city will die. This is too sensational.

"Yes, we also wanted to find out who was behind the scenes, so we continued to investigate further, and reported the situation to our superiors. The imperial capital sent someone to respond. But we didn\'t expect our identities to be exposed soon, and Bo Yina didn\'t run away. When I went out, the people above were afraid that those people would be in a hurry to release all the viruses, and the entire mountain city would be destroyed by then. It is impossible for Bai Yina\'s life to endanger the whole city. So I went in again, Even I was caught this time, they were doing experiments, and they injected the virus into Bo Yina and me." Lei Lie finished, and finally looked at Pei Yi, "Your trip is really dangerous. Thanks!"

That\'s why it can\'t be rescued on a large scale.

Pei Yi just smiled lightly, saying that it was all right.

Su Zibao bit her lip, her heart pounding, she thought of the danger of the Blue Wolf Gang, but she had no idea that chemical viruses were being studied in that place. Knowing this earlier, Su Zibao didn\'t even know whether he would dare to let Pei Yi go.

What if one person is not rescued, and even he is infected with the virus? What if those people were in a hurry and let out all the virus gas? just in case…

There are too many emergencies, but the person beside him didn\'t even mention danger, just because it was her request, he went without a word. It was not easy for him to bring Lei Lie and Bai Yina back, but he had just forced him to find a way to detoxify them.

That group of people can frantically study the virus in the city and want to get the antidote from them, needless to say, it must be very dangerous.

She didn\'t want Pei Yi to take risks, and she couldn\'t watch Lei Lie die, and she was instantly caught in a dilemma.

"Abao, now because of our relationship, the virus research center was discovered in advance, and the crisis has also been lifted for millions of people who are always in danger of life. I estimate that after I die, I can still get a martyr title. It\'s still alive. Glory, death is great." Lei Lie smacked his mouth, looking very satisfied, "Maybe the people of Shancheng will come to pay their respects to my body at that time, it\'s not bad to think about it."

Pei Yi poured cold water indifferently, "In order to avoid panic among the people and prevent the people of Shancheng from losing their credibility with the government, this kind of abnormal and special dangerous incident will not be made public. I will give you a special contribution award. If you are in the martyrs\' row, don\'t even think about paying respects to the remains. already."

"Although it\'s not my style to do good deeds without naming names, but I\'ll just accept it." Lei Lie tutted and said faintly, "I can\'t crawl out of the coffin to defraud a corpse to protest."

But the more Lei Lie didn\'t care about gags, the more uncomfortable Su Zibao felt.

"Pei Yi, since there are people who specialize in the development of biochemical viruses, they must have detoxification solvents! Can we find who developed the biochemical viruses? I can buy it!" Su Zibao said.