Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 735: He's so cute to match her

"Daddy and mom are cooking? Isn\'t this already done?" Forsythia asked, pointing at the table full of Caihu.

The maid smiled and said, "This is what the chef made in the second kitchen."

"Oh." Forsythia nodded understandingly. There are four kitchens in their house, and it seems that one of them is occupied by two people.

Are your parents doing something delicious?

In the afternoon, Pei Yi was sitting on the sofa drinking bone soup, while Su Zibao next to him was brutally killing the boss on the screen with a gamepad. He just drank the soup leisurely, watching Su Zibao play games, giving pointers from time to time.

"The cooldown of the skill is over, release the skill... Hide, idiot, what are you running back, this attack is a sweep, the attack range is ten miles, you should jump up..."

Su Zibao glared at him angrily, "Shut up for me!"

So Pei Yi immediately closed his mouth and stopped talking while drinking the soup. As a result, within three minutes, Su Zibao\'s game character died, which made her angrily throw it aside.

So depressing! Pei Yi fell asleep again, and the porridge in the pot was also mushy. Then they were directly on the marble table in the kitchen cubicle... well, that\'s okay, but because he was injured, he had to accompany him to the bathroom to wash.

Is there such a sad person as she is? After being forced, you still have to serve this uncle to take a bath? Simply, outrageous!

Su Zibao was completely convinced by this grandfather and couldn\'t play him at all. So I wanted to play some games to vent my anger and cut the boss like Pei Yi, but I still couldn\'t win.

It\'s too unsatisfactory, why did he let him go further? The last time she was in the ward had already made her regret it, but it happened again today.

Su Zibao was full of resentment. Why is he so spineless, why are you afraid of this guy, he is so badly wounded, he kicked his injured right foot to see if he dared to mess around. But if she really let her down, she couldn\'t bear it.

Isn\'t this guy injured? How come he is still so alive after being injured.

"Don\'t be angry, turn on the double mode, and I\'ll fight with you." Pei Yi took her shoulders and smiled softly.

Su Zibao glared at him, "Who wants to fight with you. The boss is you, and I will kill you!"

Pei Yi\'s sharp eyebrows were raised slightly, his long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were compelling, "Are you sure?"

"You..." Su Zibao pursed his lips, this guy is a little scary, but who is afraid of him!

"I\'m sure, I want to kill you!" Su Zibao snorted coldly.

Pei Yi stared at her for a few seconds, and Su Zibao\'s heart was trembling when he saw it, but he didn\'t expect him to smile dotingly, "Okay. If you want to kill me, I will give you my body and soul."

"Who wants your **!" Su Zibao\'s ears turned red.

Five minutes later, Su Zibao successfully killed Pei Yi. The two of them played the battle mode, and then Pei Yi took two steps to symbolically manipulate the characters, and was abused by Su Zibao.

This scene seems to be the same as many years ago.

"Wow, a piece of equipment exploded. Now it\'s more fun than before, and it\'s even equipped with explosive equipment! Come on, I\'ll kill another round." Su Zibao picked up the exploded things into his backpack, just like a Small profiteers are just as complacent.

Seeing her smiling like a flower, Pei Yi unconsciously raised her lips slightly.

"And you, isn\'t it a bit technical to die?" Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi and said contemptuously, "To die is too untechnical. Killing is meaningless."

The smile on Pei Yi\'s lips froze. This woman, who accompanied her to be killed, also disliked that she died too quickly and had no pleasure.

Well, in that case...then die a little slower.

Next, Pei Yi still didn\'t fight back, he just avoided and escaped from the beginning to the end, but Su Zibao was stunned to chase and kill him all the way without killing him. This time, Su Zibao, who didn\'t kill Pei Yi, was unhappy. He looked at Pei Yi, who was manipulating the character to run, and deliberately hit Pei Yi\'s arm with his elbow.

Pei Yi almost twisted her hand in a conditioned reflex, and he had an instinctive reaction to this sudden attack. But realizing that it was Su Zibao who shot, he suppressed his own instinctive reaction, and was hit so stiffly.

When a normal person was hit by Su Zibao so suddenly, the game controller in his hand would definitely fall off. That\'s what Su Zibao planned. Take advantage of Pei Yi\'s gamepad, when he can\'t manipulate the characters, hack him to death!

But it was Pei Yi, a pervert, who not only held the game controller as steady as a rock, but almost killed Su Zibao.

Pei Yi, who was hit inexplicably, and Su Zibao, who was expecting the handle to fall, looked at each other, and there was a trace of confusion in their eyes.

Why can\'t he handle the one who is confused, how can she hit me when the other is confused?

The air froze for a second, and Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao\'s burning eyes staring at the handle, and reacted instantly, so he let go of his hand without hesitation, neatly and cooperatively, and the game handle fell firmly on the carpet.


Then Pei Yi still pretended to be watertight and looked surprised, "Oh, the handle fell off."

The corner of Su Zibao\'s mouth twitched, someone was holding the handle tightly after being hit, but after looking at her, he instantly let go and fell. Do you think I\'m a fool? You obviously threw it yourself! You are astonished.

However, in order to cooperate with her, he is really... quite cute.

Su Zibao couldn\'t help but chuckle. Putting down his gamepad, he said, "Forget it, I know I can\'t kill you anyway. Stop playing."

"Your heart is in your hands. If you want to kill me, just stab me." Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, and sweet words came at his fingertips.

Su Zibao pursed his lips and glared at him, "Give it back to you. I\'m not a human organ dealer, what do you want your heart to do?"

"Be with your heart. So that it won\'t be lonely and cold." Pei Yi curled the corners of his lips.

Su Zibao pushed him away, "Do you think my heart is as hungry as yours?"

"Birds of a feather flock together."

"Hey, shut up for me!"

"..." Someone was resolutely silent.

The two were playing on the sofa when the maid suddenly came over and said, "Mr. Pei, Miss Han is here to visit you."

She came really fast. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. If Pei Yi didn\'t let her eat and spend the night, she would probably stay here and refuse to leave.

"Just say I slept." Pei Yi didn\'t want anyone to disturb his and Su Zibao\'s two-person world. But looking at Su Zibao, who had a bad face in front of him, a cold arc was raised on his lips, "Forget it, invite her in."

After Han Ruoyan came in, the maid said that Pei Yi was in the bedroom and it was not very convenient to see her now, so she asked her to wait in the living room for a while.

But Han Ruoyan waited for a while, but neither Pei Yi came out nor Su Zibao\'s figure, and a premonition suddenly rose in her heart that they must be together.