Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 734: pamper her

Han family? He doesn\'t need it at all. I\'m sorry to have dared to force A Bao to leave, he doesn\'t need such a partner. There is also the unsolved case of the circus. Although no clues can be found, there are ten ** related to them.

The Han family hurt A Bao, that is his enemy. For the enemy, he Pei Yi will never be soft-hearted.

"Where is she?" Pei Yi asked directly.

The maid said, "Miss Su is still in the kitchen."

"Come here with a cane." Pei Yi looked around and said.

The maid was stunned for a moment, and immediately obediently found a crutch. Pei Yi got up from the bed and limped out of the bedroom door with a cane.

He was caught by a tiger and bit his right foot, making it difficult to walk. It was an ordinary person who could only lie on the bed, but his body\'s ability to recover was abnormal, and the pain of the wound was completely negligible for him.

"Mr. Pei, where are you going? If you need something, I can get it for you." The maid said quickly. Seeing that Pei Yi was planning to go downstairs, he was really worried that he would fall down accidentally.

Pei Yi raised her lips slightly, "I need Su Zibao, can you bring her to me?"

The maid suddenly choked. If Mr. Pei wants Miss Su, she can\'t help it.

Pei Yi smiled, and now he was going to find Su Zibao, in a good mood, "Go on, I don\'t need anyone to follow me here."

The maid glanced at Pei Yi\'s crutch in embarrassment and had to back away. Pei Yi just limped down from the second floor and walked to the kitchen.

Just happened to see Su Zibao standing in front of the soup pot in a daze.

Pei Yi wanted to walk carefully behind her, but he ignored that he was a **** now. Unlike before, he could keep up quietly, and the slight noise instantly caught Su Zibao\'s attention.

Su Zibao turned around abruptly and found a person who was next to him. He took a step back unexpectedly and almost fell on the stove. Pei Yi put one arm around her waist, took him into his arms, and raised a slight upward arc on his lips, "I\'m so happy to see me, so I want to throw it into the pot and add some ingredients to the bone soup?"

"Who saw you happy! It was you who suddenly appeared and startled me." Su Zibao glared at him and said, struggling for a while, when he saw a crisp clicking sound from his injured foot, his brows wrinkled unconsciously. It hurts to pull the wound. Su Zibao froze for a moment, not daring to move, for fear that if he exerted too much force, his foot injury would be aggravated.

"If you\'re injured, just stay on the bed and be a hooligan with a cane." Su Zibao was angry, but there was a hint of anger in his voice, "Let me go!"

A lazy smile appeared on Pei Yi\'s handsome face, "Don\'t let it go. It\'s just taking advantage of the injury to take advantage of the danger. Are we Miss A Bao going to make our savior crippled?"

Su Zibao was stunned. What\'s the rhythm of this style? How did this guy become a rogue in a second. It\'s really a bit of the shameless posture of Pei Sanshao in the past.

"You, threaten me!" Su Zibao\'s watery eyes were full of accusations.

Pei Yi nodded calmly, "Yes, I\'m a threat. I\'m your savior now, I\'ll do the math, one life in the circus, another in the Tianqi mining area, I don\'t remember the earlier ones, anyway, save me I can\'t count how many times you have done. I heard that in ancient times, saving a life had to be done with one\'s own body. You see that I have saved you so many times.

Well, in this life, in the next life, in the next life, in the next life, you will marry me and repay your kindness. "

Su Zibao\'s face turned red, "Smelly shameless! Shameless! Rogue!"

"I haven\'t done anything to you, but you\'ve already scolded you. Shouldn\'t this kind of line be spoken later? Or are you suggesting that I want to do something to you." Pei Yi\'s eyes were on her body Looking at him unscrupulously, that unbridled gaze made Su Zibao feel like he had touched his whole body, "That\'s right, I eat you while you cook in the kitchen. This is a good suggestion."

This beast! Su Zibao\'s face is really red than tomatoes now, what shameless proposal is he making! How can this guy be in estrus anytime and anywhere as long as he is alone with her!

"I\'ve already promised to join you for the New Year, and this is the repayment. Don\'t think about what you promise! Don\'t think about being in the kitchen! Shameless!" Su Zibao said angrily.

"Don\'t get excited, the soup in the pot is about to boil." Pei Yi reminded with a chuckle.

Su Zibao glared at him, turned around and turned down the heat in the pot, added a little chives to the pot, and said, "It\'s cooked, please go out to eat."

However, just as she turned around, Pei Yi hugged her from behind, leaned into her ear and said, "I want to eat you."

Su Zibao felt his cheeks go numb in an instant, "Don\'t make a fuss, go drink your sparerib soup. I\'m going to make porridge for Aochen and Forsythia, and they should come down for lunch later."

"You cook yours, I\'ll eat mine." Pei Yi\'s lips fell on Su Zibao\'s neck and kissed lightly.

He really intends to... in the kitchen...

"Your foot is injured and you are still so wave!" Su Zibao gritted his teeth.

Pei Yi\'s voice was hoarse, "You are too delicious."

Hearing Han Ruoyan and Su Zibao\'s words just now made him extremely angry with the Han family, it was like taking the strongest aphrodisiac, just wanting to put Su Zibao under his body and punish this stupid woman who dared to make her own decisions. Take good care of her, pamper her well...

And Su Zibao originally finished talking with Han Ruoyan, and his mood was very low, and he was saddened by a pot of pork ribs soup alone. Unexpectedly, Pei Yi suddenly broke in, so that all her feelings of depression and sadness just now were swept away, panic and shame followed, and her emotions were dominated by him.

"You... if you dare to mess around, I\'ll shovel to death, believe it or not!" Su Zibao bluffed.

Pei Yi\'s lip line was slightly raised, and the words he said were ambiguous, "It\'s almost like killing me."

"Hey, hey, don\'t make trouble, I really want to cook porridge." Su Zibao admitted defeat and begged for mercy, I really don\'t understand how this guy suddenly got sperm on his head! She was really afraid of being alone with him, she couldn\'t stop him at all.

Pei Yi\'s eyes were burning with desire, "You pack the dishes, I\'ll pack you. It won\'t affect your lunch."

"Hey, Pei Yi! Stop the bastard!"

"Baby, don\'t be distracted, the pot is going to burn." Someone smiled evilly, and his voice was full of malice.

"Ahhh, my porridge!"

In the restaurant, Ao Chen and Forsythia looked at the sumptuous lunch in front of them, and the maid standing next to them said, "Little Miss, Little Master, Miss Su and Mr. Pei are cooking, so I won\'t eat with you. Tell the two of you to eat by yourself."