Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 729: Accident, Pei Yi stalker

"We have our animal trainer mark and his baby from abroad, every day!" the host said loudly and left the venue.

A man in a tuxedo appeared on the stage, greeting everyone in a gentlemanly manner. And it was an adult tiger who appeared with him, causing everyone to exclaim loudly.

"Now show everyone every day, jumping through the fire ring," said the animal trainer.

Both Aochen and Forsythia looked at the stage brightly. It was the first time they saw such a performance, which was very new to the two children.

The fire ring on the field was lit, and the tiger jumped from the burning fire ring, causing everyone to applaud in unison. The atmosphere was warm, and the two little animals danced with excitement.

But just when everyone was happily watching the performance, the tiger suddenly rushed towards Su Zibao and the others, not knowing what was going on. The trainer hurriedly pulled the rope around the tiger\'s neck, but it didn\'t work at all, and the tiger threw the trainer away.

Su Zibao\'s face was startled when he saw the tiger hit the fence. The fence that could have been slammed into by ten adult tigers was broken as easily as a dead tree branch. The tiger ran off the stage and charged directly towards Su Zibao, who was sitting in the front row.

That moment seemed to be a long time, but in fact it was only a short moment, Su Zibao only had time to push the two children out, watching the tiger\'s teeth were about to bite her head, and could smell the stench.


Su Zibao closed her eyes when the calcium carbide was on fire, but the expected pain did not appear. Su Zibao suddenly opened her eyes, and there was another person in front of her.

Pei Yi held up a chair to confront the tiger, and the chair was just stuffed into the tiger\'s mouth. It turned out that at the critical moment, when the tiger almost took a bite, Pei Yi tugged at the rope around the tiger\'s neck, pulling it away from its lower mouth, then took a chair and stuffed it in the tiger\'s mouth to help Su Zibao avoid it. A catastrophe.

"Pei Yi!" Nearly dying, Su Zibao felt that he couldn\'t move his legs.

At that moment, she didn\'t even have time to be afraid, because death was coming so fast.

Pei Yi had been following them secretly, but she didn\'t show up because she didn\'t want to see him. If it weren\'t for the tiger suddenly jumping out now, he would only be a stalker silently.

"Go out with the child first, this tiger is crazy." Pei Yi said calmly.

Su Zibao wanted to say something, but looked at the two little dumplings who were sitting on the ground in fright, picked them up one by one, and ran out, "Pei Yi, you must be okay!"

"The tiger is crazy, run!" "What the **** is a fence, it\'s not useful, it scared me to death!" "Run, run!"

The entire venue was a mess, and everyone rushed out to run out, fearing that the tiger would bite them next. If it wasn\'t for Pei Yi\'s restraint, with the speed of this tiger, Su Zibao would never have been able to outrun it. She didn\'t dare to look back at all, she was afraid that she would not be able to move her legs after seeing Pei Yi, and this time, the other party was a tiger, not a human.

She stays here, it will only drag him down. Only by leaving can he be free from distractions.

The crowd was surging and there was chaos everywhere. Su Zibao came out among the crowd, hugging the two children tightly.

"Mom!" Forsythia cried with a wow, "It\'s terrifying, Mom, Daddy is still inside!"

Although Ao Chen didn\'t cry, his face was pale and frightened.

Su Zibao\'s eyes were instantly wet, and he could only hug the two children tightly, squatting outside the circus, feeling uneasy. Fortunately, this is a very honest family

A circus with regulations, after the accident, a security guard ran in immediately.

I don\'t know how long it took, in fact it shouldn\'t be long, but it was extraordinarily long for Su Zibao. Finally, Su Zibao saw Pei Yi come out.

He looked fine, but there was cold sweat on his forehead, Su Zibao rushed over to hug him, but was stunned the next moment.

He wrapped his arms around his back, only to find the blood dripping. His back was scratched.

"Pei Yi!" Su Zibao\'s eyes turned red.

Seeing that she and the two children were safe, Pei Yi smiled, "Don\'t be afraid, it\'s alright."

Pei Yi fainted. Fortunately, the ambulance had arrived at this time, and Su Zibao rushed him to the hospital. After inspection, it was found that his back was scratched, his left calf was bitten, and his limbs had some abrasions and bruises. The hospital immediately vaccinated him and performed surgery.

Aochen and Forsythia were not injured, they were just too frightened, they held Su Zibao\'s hand and refused to let go for a moment. Su Zibao also had some scratches on his body, which were caused when he was evacuating before, but compared to Pei Yi\'s injuries, it was not worth mentioning.

The operation was over soon, and his wound had been sutured, but he could only lie on the bed because of the injury on his back.

Su Zibao stayed beside his bed with his two children, "How are you? Does it hurt?"

"It\'s okay, isn\'t it just bitten and grabbed twice, it doesn\'t matter." Pei Yi reached out and picked up the falling hair on her cheek, smiling very nicely, "Don\'t worry, I\'m fine."

At this moment, Yan Xu and Bernard hurried over. Pei Yi was injured, and the two of them were notified immediately.

"Boss, I heard that you had a fight with a tiger today, great!" Bernard gave a thumbs up.

Yan Shu said, "Is the injury serious?"

"It doesn\'t matter, it\'s just some skin injuries. You should immediately investigate the animal trainer and the circus." Pei Yi said, "Normally, it is impossible for a tiger to break through the fence, but it rushed out easily. And that The reason why Tiger chose A Bao at that time must be found out. It\'s not like an accident, it\'s like a conspiracy!"

Yan Xu\'s face turned serious, "Boss, I understand. Let\'s investigate now! Do you want to send someone here..."

Pei Yi casually pointed at Su Zibao, Yan Xu immediately shut his mouth wisely, and took Bernard out to investigate.

The news of Pei Yi\'s injury spread quickly, and people came to visit one after another. Su Zibao and his two children were always with him. Pei Yi was discharged from the hospital and returned to the villa. He had a dedicated personal doctor, Eero, and it was more convenient to live at home.

Until it was dark, only Han Ruoyan was left in the house.

"Miss Han, it\'s getting late, you should go back first." Pei Yi said.

Han Ruoyan looked at Su Zibao next to her, bit her lip and nodded, "Okay. My driver just drove, so we can take Miss Su for a ride. Miss Su, let\'s go together."

"No, I can go back myself." Su Zibao refused directly, but also stood up and said to Pei Yi, "You rest early, I\'ll go back first, and I\'ll see you tomorrow."

Pei Yi grabbed her hand and said, "Wait..."

"Huh?" Su Zibao tilted his head slightly.

Seeing this, Ao Chen rushed over and hugged her thigh, looking at her with narrow eyes, "Today\'s tiger is too scary, don\'t go."

"Mom, don\'t leave. Forsythia is afraid and doesn\'t dare to sleep." Forsythia also looked at Su Zibao with water, and the aggrieved person was about to cry.