Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 728: Han Ruoyan's murder

After the Li family banquet was over, Su Zibao returned to Ye\'s house. The new year is approaching, the Ye family is getting rid of the old and welcoming the new, and is preparing for the new year, which is very festive. In the past few days, Fu Lilan stopped pulling Ye Hanyun on a blind date, so that he finally no longer had to fight his wits and courage to avoid marriage.

The cooperation project with the Li Group has basically been discussed, and there are still some details. Gu Yi has contracted the security department, and Su Zibao will not be involved. And the planning plan for the international trade fair after the new year is almost the same, and Su Zibao can finally rest for a while.

"A Bao, I have to buy a batch of New Year\'s goods today. It\'s really troublesome to celebrate the new year. There are too many bits and pieces. Let\'s go together?" Ye Hanjun looked at Su Zibao and said with a smile.

He has now mastered the correct way to get along with Su Zibao. A Bao is very housebound, and basically stays at home and does not go out. If she is asked to eat, drink and have fun, the possibility of her agreeing is very small.

But if there is anything to ask her for help, she will immediately agree.

Such as the New Year\'s Eve. Ye\'s family is such a big family, when is there a shortage of people to buy New Year\'s goods, but Ye Hanjun really doesn\'t want to see Su Zibao staying at home all the time, so he wants to take her out to go shopping, buy, play, eat and eat.

As a result, when Su Zibao heard that he wanted to help Ye Hanjun buy something, he agreed to help without saying a word. For the past two days, Su Zibao has been shopping for New Year\'s goods with Ye Hanjun.

She is a careful girl, and she purchased all the lists that Fu Lilan gave to Ye Hanyun. In case of special circumstances, it is just out of stock, and the most suitable replacement can be selected.

Even Fu Lilan, who had always been displeased with Su Zibao, changed her opinion. I feel that although this woman is from a small family, she is the leader of the family.

"Han Yun, I\'m sorry I can\'t do it today. I made an appointment with Aochen Forsythia before." Su Zibao said embarrassedly.

Ye Hanjun suddenly realized, "Oh yes, I remember, you two are going to see the circus together at night. But isn\'t that night?"

"The two little guys called me in the morning. Although the circus performance is at night, they can\'t wait now, so I\'m going to accompany them to go shopping and eat." Su Zibao smiled slightly and mentioned the two little troupes. Full of warmth.

Ye Hanjun said with understanding, "I understand, you haven\'t seen each other for so long, you should accompany them more. The streets are full of people during the festival, but it\'s not safe, I really don\'t worry about you alone. You and the two of them I won\'t disturb the small group party. I will arrange two bodyguards for you?"

"No, let\'s call if there is anything." Su Zibao said, " buy the New Year\'s goods, why don\'t you let Miss Yihuan go with you? You are too careless, girls are more careful about things like shopping lists. ."

Ye Hanjun smiled and waved, "No, no, I can do it myself. You don\'t have to worry about me, have fun."

How could you be so careless if it wasn\'t to make you feel that it was necessary for you to be with me. It was precisely because he deliberately acted as if he couldn\'t buy the New Year\'s gifts alone, that Su Zibao had been with him all the time.

If he can solve it alone, Bao feels that he doesn\'t need to go out with him.

"That won\'t work, I\'m not at ease. Call Miss Yi Huan, don\'t forget." Su Zibao urged.

Seeing her like this, Ye Hanjun had to smile along with her, "Okay, I\'ll call Yi Huan now and ask her to accompany me. Can you rest assured to play?"

"Yeah." Su Zibao smiled.


p; After coming out of Ye\'s house, Su Zibao arrived at the door of the villa. The two little guys were already ready to go. When they saw Su Zibao, they rushed over and hugged her thigh. And Pei Yi, as he said, did not appear.

"Mom, I want to eat a lot of snacks!" Forsythia said coquettishly.

Ao Chen\'s face was still paralyzed, "Food."

"Okay, let\'s go, let\'s go to the snack street first." Su Zibao said with a smile, holding a small dumpling in one hand, and walked towards the commercial street.

Since returning to the imperial capital, Su Zibao has not had such a good time with the two little dumplings. The two little ones were also very attached to her, and the three of them were so tired and crooked eating and walking all the way...

Han Ruoyan looked at the phone in front of her, hesitated for a long time, and finally made a call, "I want you to help me solve a person."

"time and location."

"Emperor Pearl Street Circus at 7 o\'clock tonight. I want you to act like an accident, take advantage of the natural conditions there, and then... you should know exactly how to do it."

The other end of the phone paused and said with a smile, "You have already prompted me how to do it, of course I know. Don\'t worry, I will let the other party die as you imagined, and it will definitely be exactly the same as you imagined."

Han Ruoyan\'s face turned pale and she bit her lip, "Her name is Su Zibao."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Han Ruoyan clenched her fists. It was the first time she did such a thing, she was a little scared. But thinking that Su Zibao is not dead, she will never get what she wants, so she can only do this.

Their tacit continuous play at the banquet made her extremely fearful.

Although she knew that Su Zibao would not come back, she was still afraid, afraid that she would come back, so only by killing her could it be done once and for all.

Now Su Zibao is still hanging out with two children, and with these two children as a bond, the relationship between her and Pei Yi will never be broken.

Circus, accident...

Exactly the same way you would imagine dying.

Yes, she had already thought of **** Su Zibao, and the other party knew what to do. It was as if she killed Su Zibao, the only difference was that she didn\'t do it herself.

In front of him is the scene of Su Zibao\'s tragic death.

Thinking of this, Han Ruoyan trembled violently, her stomach churned, and she vomited in the bathroom...

Su Zibao played with the two small troupes all day, and soon it was getting dark. He led them into the venue, and the circus performance finally began.

The first thing that appeared was magic, and the two little guys looked at it blankly. Su Zibao also clicked his tongue in admiration. Then there was the tightrope walk. He walked directly without hanging Weiya, which made the hearts of the audience lift up. Fortunately, nothing happened, and people had to sigh that the technology was superb.

"Mom, this tightrope walker is so powerful, so tall, I\'m going to faint when I look at it." Forsythia sighed deeply.

Aochen, this little facial paralysis, also praised, "It\'s really amazing."

"Next is our highlight!" the host announced, "First of all, ask the staff to raise the guardrail in front of the auditorium."

Suddenly, a row of fences rose in front of the auditorium, and the two little guys showed excited expressions. It was a thrilling performance when they saw this.