Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 645: Breaking the game, it's actually a leftover product

Shen Xi shook his head, "I can\'t find it. Generally, the quality inspection is to check whether there are any prohibited elements added, or whether the content of certain elements exceeds the standard. But now the problem with Yashi is that the ingredients of some of the things in it are not neutralized, they are lacking. stuff, not more stuff, so I can\'t find it out."

"Okay, let\'s investigate first," Su Zibao said.

Three days later, Gu Yian collected a lot of feedback materials. It has only been more than half a month since Estée was launched nationwide. The main thing is to go to South China to investigate the situation and find the first batch of people who use this product.

The timing of side effects varies depending on your constitution. People with relatively fragile basic skin will appear strange and pimples the fastest, and the more serious ones have purulent and almost disfigured.

But the Guo family took the money to put everything down, and these people didn\'t want to file a lawsuit with the Guo family at all. The Guo family was quite clever at this point. If they didn\'t take money to oppress them, those dissatisfied people might have made trouble earlier.

Although data was collected, there was no immediate breakthrough.

"Easte\'s products will have side effects, and it\'s a sure thing. It\'s just that the time is different, and I also found that this kind of acne is very difficult to treat, and some of them have become purulent, which is a devastating blow to women who love beauty." Su Zibao said, "I bought Yapo at the beginning. The products of Shi are ordinary people, and the relatively wealthy consumers in South China use the cream. These ordinary consumers can easily be bought by Estee with money. They also do not realize that this kind of Symptoms may not go away for a lifetime, just to be happy to get a lot of money. If we do nothing, wait another three or four months, or half a year, as the coverage of Estee products becomes larger, those who really love beauty such as A girl whose life has been ruined will only think of suing Yashi. However, at that time, I don\'t know how many victims there are."

If you don’t know, it’s fine. If you know, you still pretend that you don’t know and let others suffer, and your conscience can’t handle it.

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao and said, "But now you have no basis and no evidence. Tell everyone this. Not only will those consumers not believe you, but they think you are a means to attack your opponents."

"I can\'t just not tell everyone because of this, right?" Su Zibao asked back, looking at Pei Yi, "I\'m a little confused right now, I always feel that this is a very important piece of information, we can do something, but all of a sudden I have Unexpected."

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, his sharp eyebrows raised slightly, "There are only a few people who have side effects now, even if those people come out to speak, the Chi family still has something to say. , Chi Yaoyi is the best target."

Chi Yaoyi.

Pei Yi reminded, Su Zibao instantly thought of a solution.

"Yes, starting with Chi Yaoyi and cooperating with the results of our investigation, all troubles can be solved!" Su Zibao\'s eyes lit up.

Shen Xi next to him still didn\'t understand why, "What kind of riddle are you playing? Why didn\'t I understand it at all?"

"I already know what to do next, so everyone can wait for my good news. This time, Yashi will definitely fail. The Chi family has set up a national sales channel so quickly, even if Cass contributed, he himself More. Now, the Chi family should feel distressed." Su Zibao smiled.

Cass, Chi family, Guo family, Yashi, our counterattack has begun.


p; "I didn\'t expect Chi Yaoyi to guarantee Estée products, but she didn\'t dare to use it herself." Su Zibao leaned on the sofa, her dark blue eyebrows frowned, this is the latest investigation.

Gu Yian smiled and said, "That means she doesn\'t trust Yashi herself. Is there anything in trouble for the eldest lady?"

"It\'s alright, it doesn\'t affect the overall situation. Indeed, if Chi Yaoyi was the first group of people to use Estee\'s products, there should have been a problem with his face." Su Zibao pondered for a while, and said, "I have prepared things, but Chi Yaoyi is vigilant to those of us, bribing is not safe and easy to expose, how can she be unknowing."

At this moment, the maid downstairs said, "Miss, Miss Han is visiting."

"Han Ruoyan?" Su Zibao nodded, "Okay, I\'ll go down now."

Gu Yian said calmly, "Since Pei Yi\'s identity was announced, Miss Han Ruoyan has been here more often than before."

"She didn\'t help us when she didn\'t know Pei Yi\'s identity. Don\'t say these words, let\'s go down." Su Zibao said. Recently, Han Ruoyan often came here to visit, and Su Zibao became familiar with her.

Although this Miss Han was born in a business family, she has no interest in doing business. She has a wide range of hobbies and is very knowledgeable. She is an ordinary rich lady.

However, because of her high status, the Han family does not participate in business battles, and she has no friends. Everyone is a casual acquaintance, and Su Zibao is her rare friend here.

"Why are you in a bad mood today? Did I come at the wrong time to disturb you?" Han Ruoyan asked with blinking eyes.

Su Zibao smiled slightly, "It\'s okay, I\'m really in a bad mood, it\'s a business matter."

"Then I can\'t help you. But if there is anything I can do, A Bao, don\'t be polite." Han Ruoyan said with a smile.

Su Zibao was slightly startled, Chi Yaoyi on her side was vigilant, but she was not prepared for Han Ruoyan.

"Let me tell you, Ruoyan, see if you\'re interested." Su Zibao explained the side effects of the Estee products they discovered and their current plans.

Han Ruoyan said in surprise, "So there is such a thing. The Chi family is also one of the top ten giants in the business world. How could such a thing happen? It\'s really unexpected."

"I guess the Chi family is not aware of the side effects of Yashi, otherwise Chi Yaoyi would never dare to wipe it on his face. They should be in a state of not knowing whether Yashi has any problems." Su Zibao said.

Han Ruoyan said enthusiastically, "No problem. Leave this to me. It\'s a small effort."

"Then ask Ruoyan." Su Zibao said.

Han Ruoyan smiled, "You\'re welcome, we are friends."

Su Zibao\'s plan was simple and very effective. Just need to go into Chi Yaoyi\'s house and find a way to do something with her cosmetics. Chi Yaoyi wears makeup every day. The research room has extracted the substances that cause allergies and acne in Estee products, and then blend it into Chi Yaoyi\'s loose powder.

As long as it is stimulated by these doubled amounts of things, Chi Yaoyi will be allergic immediately, and the same symptoms as those who have acne due to allergies to Estee products.