Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 644: He's the shield, she's the gun, Lelie and Boyna

Bai Yina looked back and saw that all those people were catching up, and they were all speeding up the car. The speed is not much slower than that of Leilie, so he hurriedly did not shout, "Hey, they are catching up, hurry up! Leilie, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Don\'t worry, watch me get rid of them. Compared with this young master, they didn\'t know where to play in the mud when I started racing." Lei Lie smiled proudly, and his speed jumped up suddenly.

Bai Yina couldn\'t help but chuckle, "What are you bragging about, how much older you are than others, and you say that others play with mud."

"Because when you were playing in the mud, I started racing. With that kind of stroller, isn\'t it amazing?" Lei Lie was proud.

Bai Yina laughed at the thought of a little kid running around in that kind of stroller.

It was obviously a thrilling time, but the two of them were racing all the way. They were not afraid, but felt very relieved.

"Bang!" A shot rang out.

Lei Lie and Bai Yina were both startled, the other party actually had a gun. When he found that he couldn\'t catch up, he shot directly.

"This Blue Wolf Gang is really not as simple as we imagined. All guns and ammunition in the country are controlled, and gangs are not allowed to have them. Your guns and mine are all equipped with the army, and all of them are black guns! "Boyina said.

Lei Lie glanced back at them, the motorcycle began to drift in an S shape, and said, "That\'s why I said it was a big fish."

"Leilie what are you trying to do? Do you want to catch them yourself? I tell you not to get rid of me!" Bai Yina said quickly, and unconsciously hugged Leilie tighter.

Lei Lie smiled, "Don\'t be nervous, I\'m still in the car, I can\'t run away. I really want to eat this big fish, the Blue Wolf Gang is so cunning, I hand it over to the police, and they won\'t be able to find their nest. It will only be a slap in the face. People in the underworld are shrewd, and when they hear your police movement, they all slip away. So I will wait for you to go and look for their nest."

"Count me in." Bai Yina said immediately.

While driving, Lei Lie avoided the shooting behind him, and he also bargained with Bo Yina. He multitasked and said, "Yes, but you must listen to me."

"Just listen to you!" said Bai Yina.

Lei Lie\'s lips lifted slightly, "At the intersection ahead, I\'ll slow down and stop for ten seconds, you immediately jump down and climb to sit in front of me."

"No, why, I can still be in the back..."

"After getting rid of this group of people so disobedient, let\'s go back to the bridge road, don\'t follow me when you go back to the police station." Lei Lie said coldly.

Bai Yina had to shut up. But she understood what Lei Lie meant, because the person sitting in the back might get shot, and the person sitting in the front would have the person in the back as a shield.

At the front intersection, Bo Yina obediently jumped out of the car, but instead of sitting in front of her normal posture, she was facing Lei Lie.

So the posture of the two people has become some kind of action that is very suitable for car shocks.

"Beautiful girl, you are sitting in this position, do you know that you are seriously violating traffic laws?" Lei Lie teased.

Bai Yina bit her lip, "What should I be afraid of when there are no traffic police here in the wilderness."


, Bai Yina, holding two guns in both hands, looked at the chasing people behind and hit their tires.

She is now sitting in front of Lei Lie, but facing Lei Lie, so she is facing those who are chasing after her. If Lei Lie wanted to be her shield, then she would be his gun.

However, Bai Yina also knew very well that Lei Lie did not like her because he liked her, but only because of his gentlemanly demeanor. If any woman encounters this situation, he will let the other party sit in front.

This is Riley.

Knowing that it wasn\'t to take care of her, Bai Yina, just to take care of girls, but it was Lei Lie like this that made people feel so warm.

I like it more and more.

"Bang bang bang!" Bai Yina burst several tires in a row, Lei Lie sincerely praised, "As expected of a frightening female SWAT."

In the Imperial Capital, in the office on the top floor of the Century Building, Pei Yi was looking through the information in his hand. The two composition comparison tables showed that 70% of the elements were the same.

This is not surprising. Today\'s testing equipment can analyze most of the materials, but there are several elements in the Ningxue Cream that are new elements that have been refined from a variety of raw materials. This substance can be detected. How can I get it out.

That\'s the crux of the recipe. Obviously, Yashi\'s products are imitations based on Ningxue Cream. They have a few ingredients that they can\'t get out.

"No wonder people say that the ingredients of Yashi and Ningxue Cream are similar, and the similarity is indeed very high. But for the whitening agent, Ningxue Cream uses ten kinds of raw materials, Yashi only uses one, and the rest is because of the elements. The molecules have undergone qualitative changes, and their machines cannot analyze them." Pei Yi said lightly, "Yashi\'s whitening product is a copycat of Ningxue Cream, no, it should be said to be a defective product."

Su Zibao looked at Yashi\'s material list and said, "Defective product? Why do you say that?"

"A\'bao should know that there is a rule about which medicines are used to neutralize the properties of medicines, and which are the main, the ministers, the assistants, and the envoys. In fact, the composition of cosmetics is also the same, especially the An ancient recipe such as Ningxue Gao is strictly configured in accordance with the ancient Chinese methods of middle, minister, assistant, and envoy, and it is indispensable." Shen Xi is worthy of being an expert in this field, and explained, "Yashi failed to find all of them. Therefore, they can only use the found materials, add some materials that they take for granted, and mix them together, and they happen to make such a new thing that has a little effect. However, there is definitely a problem with this thing. "

Estee products are defective products, and the weight is completely made by themselves. The products made in this way, because some elements happen to have a whitening effect, but I don\'t know any sequelae.

"However, since the sale of Estee products, nothing has happened." Su Zibao said.

Pei Yi said with certainty, "There must have been an accident. It\'s just that individual cases have not attracted much attention compared to the whole. But as time goes by, more and more people will have accidents. And the use of this product has People who have side effects are not completely sure that it is because of Estee products. Therefore, there is no news, and a few cases have been suppressed by them.”

"I know, and now I\'m going to collect and investigate those who use Estee\'s products and have side effects, at least to find out what kind of symptoms it will have first." Su Zibao said immediately, "We directly take the Estee products. Test, I don’t know if the quality test can detect any problems.”