Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 620: Too bottomless, nowhere to start

"Don\'t be in a hurry for revenge! The Zhu family is such a big behemoth, how can it be so easy to deal with." Seeing everyone thinking about a solution, Su Jiaxin came to comfort them.

She knew that because she was almost hurt, both Yanzhi and her sister could not wait to rush to kill Zhu Ziqi and Zhu Fuchang now.

But not possible. With the protection of the Zhu family, it is not so easy to deal with these two people. And now is the time when Cass and meco are at war, it is a very stupid choice to suppress the Zhu family commercially.

Not only will it have little effect, but it will also allow Cass to find weak points to break.

The major giants in the business world must have an immovable position in their main field, and others cannot easily shake it. For example, the Li family\'s Galaxy Mining, meco is very powerful now, but trying to suppress the Li family in mining is still a dream.

The same is true for the Zhu family. The road of commercial suppression was blocked, and Zhu Ziqi and her younger siblings came and went with a group of bodyguards, protected by the Zhu family, and it would be really difficult to deal with them for a while.

"It\'s not that there is no way, just do it without leaving any traces, so as not to be caught by the other party. And keep calm, they must be very vigilant these days, Zhu Fuchang was just like us, and Zhu Ziqi will pay attention to her no matter how stupid she is. Safe. So, it seems that the best way is to wait for them to relax their vigilance first, and then start..." Su Zibao sighed, "It\'s just that Zhu Ziqi and the others may attack you at any time during this time, I\'m very worried. ."

Su Jiaxin hurriedly said, "Sister, don\'t worry, we will definitely pay extra attention to safety now. We won\'t take notices of going out until their siblings have resolved it."

"Yes, something like this happened to Xinxin. I think we take half a month off and have a good rest at home. I want to spend more time with Xinxin." Lu Yanzhi said. He was afraid that Su Jiaxin would leave a psychological shadow.

Su Zibao nodded, "Well, I\'ll give you two weeks off. Half a month is enough, and they will be resolved by then."

"Sister, don\'t worry, if something happens to Zhu Ziqi and Zhu Fuchang, the Zhu family will not be so easy to give up. Even if it is solved for a while, the Zhu family\'s counterattack should not be underestimated. If you are not completely sure, I hope sister don\'t do it. Look at me now. Don\'t you just stay here? I\'m fine. I don\'t want my sister and you guys to be in trouble because of my relationship." Su Jiaxin said seriously.

Su Zibao was stunned for a moment, and couldn\'t help but smile, "I just found out today that my family Xinxin has grown up. I can think so far."

In the past, Su Jiaxin, with her rampant personality, Su Zibao was really worried that she would suffer and fall into the trap of others. When she came back, she found that she was still the same hot temper, so she could only let Yan Zhiduo look at her. But now Su Zibao knew that her younger sister had grown up unknowingly.

She will think more comprehensively, worrying about what danger will Su Zibao put in her rush for success. Compared with the possible troubles, it doesn\'t matter if she puts her own hatred further back.

"Sister, I\'m already married, I\'ve grown up a long time ago!" Su Jiaxin said in a sullen voice.

Su Zibao chuckled, "Yes, yes, you are already married, not that little girl, but a housewife."

Inexplicably pleased.

"It was originally!" Su Jiaxin looked at Lu Yanzhi and said coquettishly, "Am I right?"


bsp;Lu Yanzhi couldn\'t help raising the corners of his lips, "Yes, yes, not a little girl, but a big woman!"

The solemn atmosphere in the living room just now was swept away, and everyone laughed and became more relaxed.

This matter, temporarily come to an end. But for Su Zibao, it didn\'t end. She will definitely come up with a foolproof plan to avenge Xinxin.

Zhu Fuchang in the villa had a terrible night. It was not until the next morning that the medicines of those people were over, and Zhu Fuchang was rushed to the hospital.

When Zhu Ziqi received the doctor\'s call, she couldn\'t believe it, "What did you say? My brother is hospitalized? What\'s wrong? What a joke! He was fine yesterday, why is he hospitalized today!"

"Miss Zhu, your brother\'s condition is very serious and horrific. He must have a repair operation immediately, and please rush to the hospital to pay the bill immediately!" The doctor informed him dutifully.

Zhu Ziqi frowned, "What\'s wrong with him? What happened?"

"What happened, cough, it\'s hard to say." The doctor coughed and said, "His disease is an **** fissure, a serious **** fissure."

Zhu Ziqi felt nauseous for a while, Zhu Fuchang, you really know how to play, and you even put yourself in the hospital, let me pay you! Are you ashamed or not, the Zhu family has lost all face for you.

But Zhu Ziqi went anyway, paid him the surgery fee, and all those who played Zhu Fuchang ran away. They had long known that Zhu Fuchang was serious about revenge, and if they were treated like this, they would not be able to clean up Pei Yi for a while, so they could only vent their anger. So Zhu Fuchang ran away immediately after being sent to the hospital.

Zhu Ziqi didn\'t know what happened until Zhu Fuchang woke up from a coma the next day.

She was shocked and angry, Zhu Fuchang asked her to take revenge, but she couldn\'t do anything with meco for a while, just let Zhu Fuchang recuperate in the hospital, she would think of a way, and would not let them go easily.

For several days, after Zhu Fuchang\'s chrysanthemum explosion, the Zhu siblings and Pei Su and his wife were very calm, but everyone knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

"Still depressed about that?" Pei Yi walked behind Su Zibao with the shawl and put it on for her, "It\'s windy on the balcony, go in and sit."

Su Zibao\'s eyes were withdrawn from a distance. Just now, his eyes were empty and he was thinking about his own affairs. Now he has come to his senses, "It\'s okay. The room is stuffy. I\'ll stand here to blow the air and stay awake."

Pei Yi didn\'t speak anymore, just stretched out his arms around her waist, his handsome and angular face was like the most exquisite work of art, his eyes fell on the white scene in the distance, and said, "Zhu Fuchang is now living in the hospital, and there is no half of it. Don\'t even think about being discharged from the hospital. Zhu Ziqi is very cautious with her bodyguards when she goes in and out. But she will definitely hold a party in half a month from her birthday party. What price do you plan to make her pay? I\'ll arrange it. "

"Originally, I was thinking about how she treats Xinxin, so we will treat her. But I have checked her information. She has frequent **** with men, and has raised a few white faces. It seems that she is looking for someone to **** her and treat her. It\'s just a fun game, I don\'t think it\'s a punishment at all." Su Zibao said helplessly.

For other women, it is an unbearable torture, but it is nothing to her. It is estimated that when she is having a good time, she does not have less group sex.

Because this woman has no bottom line, she will have nowhere to start for a while. It\'s impossible to kill her.