Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 619: Zhu Fuchang's retribution

Just because Lu Yanzhi didn\'t make Zhu Ziqi happy, she could do such a vicious thing.

"It\'s for this reason. Just because Zhu Ziqi was rejected for an appointment, do you want to find someone to harm Xinxin like this?" Su Zibao stared at Zhu Fuchang, gnashing his teeth.

Zhu Fuchang used to be dishonest, but now he was beaten up for being honest. He asked and said, "Yes, that\'s why."

At this moment, Gu Yian also came with a bodyguard. It turned out that it had been over an hour before I knew it.

"What is the eldest going to do now? If we call the police, we can get his confession. Record everything he says now, and it will be the evidence at that time." Gu Yian stared coldly at Zhu Fuchang and said.

Pei Yi glanced at Zhu Fuchang in disgust and said, "The testimony that the criminal said after being beaten cannot be regarded as normal testimony. At that time, he only needs to go to the hospital to check a certificate of injury, and then say that these testimonies are all after being beaten by us. , we can say whatever we want him to say, everything is false, and it can be overturned."

"And I think A Bao doesn\'t want to call the police." Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, his deep eyes flashing.

He knew Su Zibao too well. Since this incident happened to now, Su Zibao never made a report, which means that she never thought of calling the police.

There are two reasons. The first is Su Jiaxin\'s reputation. Those who know the truth know that it was an attempted rape, and some people with sinister thoughts will always speculate maliciously, thinking that they just haven\'t found evidence of rape. Who knows what Su Jiaxin did when they were taken away. Bad for Su Jiaxin\'s reputation.

Second, with the family background of the Zhu family, even if they are desperate to fight a lawsuit with the Zhu family, they are not sure that they will definitely make Zhu Fuchang get what he deserves. Zhu Ziqi must not be involved, and she will inevitably shirk if she is not on the scene. Zhu Fuchang was caught, but he failed to commit suicide. He could also change his testimony and say he just wanted to be lewd, and the crime was a little lighter. In the end, even if Zhu Fuchang was allowed to stay in for a year or two after all the hard work, there were still many excuses that could be released.

There are too many roads inside. When it was time for Zhu Fuchang to accept legal sanctions, it should be that the Zhu family could no longer protect him. Otherwise, as long as the Zhu family is there, Zhu Fuchang will be fine.

"Well, I don\'t want to call the police. But Xinxin and Yanzhi are the victims. I want to ask them." Su Zibao turned to look at the two and said, "Xinxin, what are you going to do with him?"

Su Jiaxin was still in a state of shock at this meeting, with tears on her face, and said, "Sister, please deal with it, I know that my sister will definitely not let him go!"

"Xinxin, don\'t worry, my elder sister will definitely fight back!" Su Zibao sneered, glanced at the **** toys on the side, looked at Pei Yi and said, "Didn\'t Zhu Fuchang want to make people **** you? Then let him be turned around! These tools are He intends to deal with Xinxin, so use it against him now!"

Pei Yi nodded, picked up one of the chains and said, "Yes, this is much more enjoyable than beating him. The tools here are complete, and this iron chain just locks him up. These aphrodisiacs are very heavy, so they are fed to him. Eat these guys."

Zhu Fuchang and the others originally planned to treat Su Jiaxin like this at that time. They bought aphrodisiacs not for Su Jiaxin to eat, because they wanted to see Su Jiaxin cry and beg for mercy, but to eat them for themselves to maintain their "combat effectiveness".

Right now, whatever they plan to harm others, use it all on himself.


This hate! "Lu Yanzhi said ruthlessly, "Lock them in the room and let these people eat aphrodisiacs, and they will naturally take good care of Zhu Fuchang!" "

It\'s so cool to think that Zhu Fuchang will be turned by several men. Moreover, these men were specially recruited by him to record the video. All of them were strong and strong. After taking the aphrodisiac, it was no problem to play all night.

Fortunately, they came one step earlier, otherwise it would be Su Jiaxin who would suffer all this now.

"No! I\'ll give you everything you want! Do you want money? I\'ll give you money, and you can do whatever you want. Please don\'t do this to me, please!" Zhu Fuchang\'s face turned pale in fright, and he cried for a while. Pleas with snot and tears. Thinking of being smashed by a group of men, he squeezed the chrysanthemum.

Su Zibao sneered, "You know you\'re scared, right? You\'re scared right now, right?"

"Yes, I\'m scared, I\'m scared to death, please, let me do anything, don\'t do this to me!" Zhu Fuchang cried.

Su Zibao\'s expression did not change, and he said, "You are right. I was also very scared just now. I was afraid that my sister would be ruined by a scum like you! So, let you also feel what fear is and how you want to treat me. Sister, just let you bear it yourself!"

Pei Yi tied Zhu Fuchang with this special tool chain, Gu Yian neatly fed the remaining four men with medicine, and then everyone left when the effect of the medicine was about to start.

When I closed the door of the villa, I heard Zhu Fuchang\'s painful cries coming from inside.

Back at Qingjing Villa, Su Zibao\'s nerves that had been tense all the time relaxed. Lu Yanzhi has been comforting Su Jiaxin. Today\'s incident is really terrifying.

"Xinxin, I\'m sorry, I should have told you what\'s going on earlier, maybe you won\'t go today." Lu Yanzhi said with a self-blame.

Su Jiaxin has slowed down at this meeting, and said, "Yanzhi, it\'s fine, even if I know I will go, you see if you know that there is nothing wrong, then I can\'t find anything wrong. You are smarter than me. With so many, the bad guys tried their best to harm me, it\'s not that we can avoid it if we want to."

"Xinxin is right. Since Zhu Ziqi wants to harm Xinxin, even if it doesn\'t work this time, there will be another time. She won\'t give up! With the support of the Zhu family, she really dares to be so lawless." Su Zibao said coldly.

Pei Yi held Su Zibao\'s hand without saying a word, thinking about how to deal with it.

"Although I have taught Zhu Fuchang a lesson this time, I think Zhu Fuchang will hate us even more in the future, and Zhu Ziqi will never give up so easily. Next, what is the eldest lady going to do?" Gu Yian asked.

Lu Yanzhi slapped the table angrily and said, "I\'ll go directly to Zhu Ziqi and scold her! She knows that it\'s impossible with me, so she shouldn\'t look for Xinxin again, at most she hates me. But I\'m a big man, she I\'m not afraid of anything!"

"No! Yanzhi, you can\'t have an accident!" Su Jiaxin hurriedly grabbed his hand and said, "Don\'t be impulsive."

Su Zibao said, "Yeah, even if you scolded her and beat her, she would still hate Xinxin. Don\'t ask me why, this is a woman\'s way of thinking. If you think others don\'t like her, it must be because of other women, not because of her. Her own problems. If you don\'t like her, she\'ll blame Xinxin for sure!"

This kind of robber logic, Su Zibao has seen a lot.