Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 438: Mu Yunlan insisted on not leaving

One is cold, the other is lazy, other than that, there is no other appearance.

But when Su Zibao came back, Mu Yunlan found that Pei Yi gradually had other expressions. Just like at this moment, the doting and tenderness between his brows and eyes, the connivance and affection for this woman, there is no way to hide it, and it is so enviable.

If she hadn\'t done that back then, now these are all she can easily have. Su Zibao stole what originally belonged to her, so now Su Zibao is really the person Mu Yunlan hates the most, even Ye Chenxuan ranks behind her.

Pei Yi cuts vegetables, Su Zibao cooks vegetables, and the couple cook together.

Naturally, there was no way to solve the information that Mu Yunlan had just brought. It is reasonable to say that a normal woman who is a little more interesting will know to leave on her own initiative at this time.

Even if the loophole in the data has not been resolved, it will be obvious that Pei Yi has no time, and she will definitely be notified when there is a solution.

The family of four is at home, and she is an extra outsider.

Mu Yunlan also felt the rejection and unwelcome of her here. She felt that Pei Yi trusted her and helped her a lot over the years. Her status in Pei Yi\'s heart was definitely not low. But when she came here and saw this woman and her two children, she deeply felt that she was inferior to them.

It\'s a frustration that needs no words. In fact, Pei Yi didn\'t say anything, didn\'t do anything, and didn\'t even change her attitude towards her, but she just felt that as long as Su Zibao existed, there would be an extra layer of estrangement between Pei Yi and her.

She doesn\'t want to just leave now, because she understands that her existence will definitely make Su Zibao feel uncomfortable. Didn\'t the other party just cut it because he was too concerned about the unexpected situation? She felt uncomfortable, but it was not bad to be able to make the other person feel uncomfortable.

So at this moment, only Mu Yunlan and two small dumplings were left in the living room.

"Forsythia, go play with the model." Su Aochen looked at Mu Yunlan who was sitting ignorantly over there, and said to his sister beside him.

Su Lianqiao was pondering how to drive this uninvited person away, when she heard her brother calling him, and followed Su Aochen to get up with a bang. The two brothers and sisters took down a large number of models from the upstairs bedroom and sat down. Mu Yunlan was playing with himself on the opposite side.

"Auntie Mu, we\'ll have lunch at our house later." Su Lianqiao suddenly raised her head and looked at Mu Yunlan with a sweet smile.

It\'s the same as sending a guest. Our family is going to have lunch soon, you should leave quickly, don\'t interfere with our meal.

Mu Yunlan didn\'t seem to understand the meaning of the words, and said with a smile, "Thank you, I\'m not hungry, I\'ve eaten. I know that the loopholes in this data are difficult to solve, and it will take some time, so get ready to go with Pei Yi early. overcome difficulties."

Su Lianqiao pouted, people clearly meant to let you go, and they were ready to overcome difficulties together.

It was rare for such a beautiful family of four to reunite for a holiday, but this sudden addition of a person ruined it, and the other party was still looking for Pei Yi for business, which was justifiably annoying.

"Oh, that\'s it, Auntie Mu, I guess it will take a while for Daddy to have time. You should just sit and be bored and play with models!" Su Lianqiao smiled innocently. Since you don\'t take the initiative to leave, then I have to chase you in another way.


Mu Yunlan smiled and refused, "No need, let\'s play."

"Auntie Mu, you\'re welcome. I can\'t make this model, so please help me. My mother often said that Auntie Mu is not only beautiful but also ingenious. It\'s definitely not a problem to make a model!" Su Lianqiao walked away with a model When he got to Mu Yunlan\'s side, he handed her the model in his hand, with watery and cute eyes, "Auntie Mu, try it."

In fact, my mother never said such a thing, in order to drive her away, mother, I\'m sorry to you.

Just as Mu Yunlan was about to refuse, Su Aochen scolded his sister coldly, "Come back! Aunt Mu doesn\'t want to help you, why are you pestering people!"

Hearing this, Su Lianqiao was immediately aggrieved with tears in her eyes, as if she was about to cry at any time.

As a kind and gentle first lady in South China, if she doesn\'t say anything at this time, she will be sorry for her status, and immediately said gently, "I\'ll try. Don\'t cry, I\'ll try."

"That\'s great! Thank you Aunt Mu!" Su Lianqiao burst into laughter, and immediately handed the model to Mu Yunlan with joy.

As the acting person of the Pei Su couple\'s family, Su Lianqiao relied on her excellent acting skills at the beginning, and Aochen\'s little dumpling\'s pretending to be dizzy directly solved Chi Yaoyi\'s "touching porcelain".

It was her miscalculation that Mu Yunlan didn\'t raise vigilance against the two children.

So just after Mu Yunlan picked up the model for more than ten seconds, he fiddled with it casually. He had assembled most of the model, but all fell to the ground with a rustling, and some of the model parts fell into two pieces at the moment of falling.

Seeing this scene, needless to say, Su Lianqiao burst into tears.

The Pei Su couple, who were cooking together in a very tacit understanding in the kitchen, suddenly heard the cry from the living room and were startled. The two of them ignored the half-cooked dishes, turned off the switch, and hurried out.

"Mom, Daddy, Aunt Mu broke my brother\'s model. It\'s my brother\'s favorite model. I gave it to Aunt Mu, but Aunt Mu fell. I don\'t have a model to pay to my brother." Su Lianqiao cried aggrieved. Now, as soon as I saw the two of them coming, I ran down from the seat and hugged Su Zibao\'s thigh, crying with snot and tears.

Su Zibao originally wondered what was going on. Mu Yunlan wasn\'t so stupid to bully the two little dumplings in front of Pei Yi, but when she heard this, with her understanding of the two, she instantly understood that it wasn\'t Mu Yunlan. Yunlan bullied them, but they were bullying Mu Yunlan.

"Don\'t cry, don\'t cry, Forsythia is good." Su Zibao held Forsythia in his arms and wiped her tears.

Mu Yunlan was at a loss, with a very innocent expression, "I\'m sorry, I didn\'t do it on purpose, and I don\'t know why the model suddenly fell off."

Of course she didn\'t know. The model was originally built by Su Aochen in advance. It seemed that it was half-formed and very solid, but it couldn\'t be touched, and it would fall apart immediately if touched. When Su Lianqiao held the model and handed it to Mu Yunlan just now, it looked very casual, but the little guy actually paid special attention to the place where he had been holding his brother\'s explanation, and could not touch other places.

Therefore, the model was fine in Su Lianqiao\'s hands. As soon as she got to Mu Yunlan\'s hands, she randomly touched other places, and the model fell apart immediately. And the material of this model happens to be semi-brittle and not brittle, and it broke many parts at once.