Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 403: Ao Chen was scammed

Pei Yi\'s eyes were fast and his hands were fast, and his whole body seemed to be spreading his wings, and he flew over to hold Su Aochen in his arms, and the powerful thrust of the water flow directly hit Pei Yi.

If another ordinary person suffered such a sudden attack, he would definitely be washed down by this current. But Pei Yi couldn\'t measure it with common sense, standing firmly on the air cushion, his feet were like roots, standing like a loose, motionless.

At the moment when the stream of water sprayed out, Su Zibao also hurriedly snatched the Forsythia beside Su Aochen into his arms.

This was something they had negotiated before. If the water column should be sprayed out, Pei Yi will protect Aochen, Su Zibao will protect the forsythia, and give priority to protecting the two children and not let them fall into the water.

It\'s good for adults to fall, if you lose, you lose. The two babies can\'t swim, even if there are life jackets, try not to let them fall.

They are far ahead all the way, only others are sprayed, and they have never been in their turn. Su Zibao thought that there was no need to worry about the water jet at all, but he didn\'t expect that just one step away from the finish line, the position of the last water jet was inexplicably sprayed.

Now they are at the front, and the other groups are still behind, no one has reached the water jet here, and the water jet should not spray water.

The powerful water column pushed Su Zibao and the others back twenty meters, and the air cushion swayed several times, almost overturning.

Fortunately, Pei Yi\'s feet were firmly on the air cushion to maintain balance, while Su Zibao didn\'t have such a great ability, so he could only sit on the air cushion, with one hand holding the forsythia tightly, and the other holding Pei Yi\'s legs.

The place where the air cushion was slippery and did not exert any strength, only by holding his legs would not be washed down by the water.

After half a minute, the water flow stopped. This suddenness also startled the program director, the host and the onlookers. Everyone was waiting to see that the seven groups reached the finish line after passing the last water jet machine and became the first person to arrive, breaking the record of the third level that took the least time since the program was recorded.

But I didn\'t expect that at the last moment, such a problem suddenly occurred.

"What\'s the matter? The machine is malfunctioning?" The program director was so frightened that he jumped into the water with a thud, swam to the last water machine, and asked the staff.

Can he not worry? This is the boss of their emperor who has been sprayed by the water column. If it was sprayed by the water column during the normal game session, it would be fine. Now this is obviously because I don\'t know why, and it was sprayed inexplicably.

It was the first time that boss came to participate in his own show. There was an accident in his own show, and he had to take the position of director.

The staff member covered up and said, "I don\'t know what\'s going on, and I don\'t know either."

"Quick check, first turn off the jet switch of the water jet!" the program director said immediately.

And Su Aochen on the air cushion was blinded just now. He was about to answer the question, when suddenly a water column rushed out. If Pei Yi hadn\'t kept him in his arms, he would have fallen into the same place as Chen Tianci who was rushed out by the water column just now. pool.

This will react, with a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, looking at Pei Yi who is holding him and saying, "Can this water flow machine be manually controlled to launch?"

"Okay." Pei Yi\'s eyes turned cold. Aochen is not a purposeless child, since he said that, he saw or sensed something.

Su Zibao wiped the water on his face. Although he was sprayed by the water jet, his whole body was soaked, but he was wearing a life jacket, and he didn\'t have a good time, so don\'t worry. soggy

Son, a little more **** and charming.

"Forsythia, how are you?" Su Zibao asked.

Su Forsythia was very frightened, hugged Su Zibao tightly, and said, "Forsythia is fine, it\'s just too sudden, it\'s scary, Mom. I\'m not mentally prepared at all."

"Forsythia is not afraid, mother is here." Su Zibao patted her hair to comfort her, and looked at Su Aochen, "How about you, Aochen? The water column was directly facing you just now, are you alright?"

With Pei Yi\'s protection, Su Zibao was actually very relieved, but he couldn\'t help but care.

Su Aochen is much calmer than his younger sister. As the primary "target" of the water column, apart from being stunned at first, now he has become a calm and unchanging face as Mount Tai collapsed before his eyes.

"I\'m fine." Su Aochen said, "Let\'s finish the last level first."

Su Zibao said worriedly, "I don\'t know what\'s going on with that water jet, do you want to rest first?"

"No, brother Pei Yi is with me, there will be no problem with that water flow machine." Su Aochen said calmly. I can\'t believe that there are still people who dare to do something in front of Cheap Daddy.

Su Aochen\'s ability to recover from an accident is stronger than Su Zibao imagined. If it were another child, he would definitely cry in fear of such a thing, so he could continue to answer questions with such a big heart. Forsythia obediently nestled in Su Zibao\'s arms, motionless.

Sure enough, nothing went wrong this time. The water machine was surrounded by the program director, the host and some staff. The host apologized for the accident and said that the last ten questions could be left unanswered, and the end point would be crossed directly.

Anyway, the jets of this water jet machine are turned off, so they won\'t spray if they can\'t answer ten questions.

But Su Aochen calmly answered the ten questions before leaving. Let everyone have to look at this little boy with admiration.

After a few minutes, the air cushion finally reached the end with the efforts of two table tennis rackets.

After landing, the family of four immediately went into the lounge to change their clothes. The other groups are still trying to answer the questions and rowing, and the program recording has not ended.

The changing rooms are divided into male and female. Pei Yi takes Su Aochen to one room, and Su Zibao takes Su Lianqiao to one room.

When Su Zibao came out with the forsythia, he saw two people, one big and one small, who were almost carved out of the same mold, all with deep expressions.

With the same angular and handsome face, the same long, narrow and sinister eyebrows, the two of them sat side by side on the sofa, their left hand resting on their chin, and even their thinking expressions were handsome and harmonious.

It\'s as beautiful as a painting.

"What are you two in a daze?" The harmonious picture was broken, Su Zibao raised his eyebrows, it was strange, when did the paralyzed and arrogant Aochen have such a tacit understanding with this **** Pei Yi?

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, his voice was low and magnetic, "Aochen was tricked by someone. That water machine was manipulated by the staff. Aochen saw that the staff did not know what to do with the water machine, and it was suspected that the switch of the jet machine was turned on. , and then the water column sprayed out. The other party thought that children would not notice these details, so they dared to do it directly."

"So, we were tricked by our own people on our own territory?" Su Zibao\'s eyes instantly turned cold.

Because Emperor Jue is their own property, when the water jet suddenly sprayed water jets, Su Zibao didn\'t think about it at all, and thought it was a malfunction of the machine.