Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 402: Chen Tianci's revenge

He was unconvinced and felt that if it wasn\'t for his parents\' drag, maybe he would have gotten the results in the seventh group in the second level.

Isn\'t it just a puzzle? Although he couldn\'t fight the last level, there was a 30% weakening over there, and there was still a chance to win, but his parents were not good enough. Looking at other people\'s parents, he found 50 badges in half an hour.

He could also extend it by half an hour, but his parents came out in ten minutes.

Chen Tianci was very unconvinced that he lost, and he lost his temper. Feng Xueli was used to spoiling her son, so she could only apologize to him. And her husband is a strict wife, in short, Chen Tianci is just like the uncle at home, and both parents have to provide for him.

Now because my parents are "not good enough" to lose, of course I can\'t be angry. Fortunately, now this level is more than answering questions, the parent is only responsible for rowing, mainly relying on himself.

But soon, Chen Tianci realized that he was wrong.

They were all rowing with ping-pong paddles. The seventh group of Pei Su and his wife had already rowed to the position of the first water machine. The proud guy who he disliked the most started to answer the questions, and their plastic air cushions were slow. It\'s a little bit open, and it\'s still half the distance from the first water machine.

In fact, everyone else\'s speed is similar, but there is a pervert like Pei Yi, which can\'t be judged by common sense. The program team added their family, which was completely beyond the scope of normal competition. Those who didn\'t know it thought they were here to smash the game.

"Hey, can you hurry up! We\'re all going to answer the questions over there!" Chen Tianci said angrily.

Feng Xueli tried her best to use her racket to flush the water, and said, "Son, Mom has done her best. This table tennis racket is not good. I don\'t know what happened to the show team. It\'s too slow to make such difficult props."

"You see that everyone else has gone to answer the questions, and you still blame it for being slow." Chen Tianci complained.

Feng Xueli comforted, "Son, don\'t be afraid, they have to answer correctly, we are definitely better than them, and we must answer faster than them!"

"Hmph, that\'s natural. You are all holding me back." Chen Tianci said with disgust.

Finally, Chen Tianci and their plastic air cushion finally arrived at the position of the first water machine. The distance of 20 meters had exhausted Feng Xueli.

But before Chen Tianci could start answering the question, suddenly the water flow machine spewed a stream of water, caught off guard, and directly rushed Chen Tianci down from the air cushion.

"Godsend!" Feng Xueli and her husband hurriedly went into the water to find their son.

Chen Tianci knew how to swim, but he was also choked on the water, and said angrily, "I just started answering the question, why did the water jet spray!"

But when he looked at the group of people he hated the most, Chen Tianci immediately understood.

Seven groups have already answered ten questions and passed, while the remaining six groups failed to answer and were sprayed by the water jet. It\'s just that the others were not as fast as their group, unlike Chen Tianci who was facing the water flow machine, so he was washed down directly.

Although the rest of the people were also sprayed by the water jet, they were at a distance, and they were prepared, so apart from them, no one fell into the water.

Originally, their group should be the strongest group except for Pei Yi and his group. The strength of the first two levels is obvious to all. They can\'t get the first place, but it is no problem to get the second place. But now the third level has directly scored 0 points, let alone the second and third, it is estimated that it will become the last place.

"It **** me off, he

The answer is so fast, it\'s only a few minutes, it\'s all your fault for being too slow, and they take the lead! "Chen Tianci said angrily.

Feng Xueli comforted, "Don\'t be angry, son, this time we have bad luck, come back next time."

"No! I can\'t take this breath! Just now he must have seen me in front of the water machine and deliberately let the water flush me, otherwise why would I just fall and everyone else would be fine." "Mom, you have to help me out!"

Feng Xueli not only didn\'t think about the pestle, but followed him and said, "Okay, Mom is angry for you. If he dares to deliberately cause you to fall into the water, I want him to fall into the water. Don\'t worry, I will ask your father to find the staff member, and I will let them also. Fall into the water."

"Hmph, this is not relieved!" Chen Tianci was unrepentant.

Feng Xueli said, "This is not our site, and we are not familiar with the people of the Emperor Jue. When the meeting is over, I will ask the staff to ask them what their origins are. If I dare to offend my son, I will make their family unable to get along! You dare to fight for the first place with my son without even looking at who they are."

"Yes, I have to make them unable to get along and dare to fight with me." Chen Tianci was satisfied and smiled smugly.

Feng Xueli\'s husband, Chen Yibo, immediately went to the staff at the finish line. The reason why they came to participate in this variety show is also because the staff in this show have people under their Chen family. A few days ago, Chen Tianci, the eldest young master, lost his temper at home and wanted to find a fun place. A distant relative of a branch below the Chen family worked in the Haicheng Dijue Company, and also participated in the work of the baby\'s breakthrough.

As soon as he heard that the eldest young master was looking for a place to play, he suggested this place. Chen Tianci was very happy, and he also got a handsome reward.

Feng Xueli is from the Feng family in South China. The Feng family in South China, like the Xia family in Yangcheng, is the first family in a certain city. Its status in the entire South China region is not comparable to the four giants, but it is also famous. Feng Xueli is Feng Danhui\'s cousin, and has a high status in the Feng family, but she married the Chen family far away in her early years, so she doesn\'t know Pei Yi and Su Zibao, nor does she know some wealthy families in the upper-class society in South China.

She must have heard the names of the four giants in Haicheng, but she didn\'t know the people here. If it was her cousin Feng Danhui, who has been in the circle of celebrities in southern China, she would have recognized the Su Zibao family long ago, and there would not be the current conflict.

The Chen family is more powerful than the Feng family, but they have little influence in the South China region. Chen Yibo doesn\'t have much status in the Chen family, otherwise he wouldn\'t marry Feng Xueli.

But Chen Yibo gave birth to a good son. Chen Tianci is the most talented, intelligent and most powerful one in the Xiaozi generation of the Chen family, and is deeply liked by the old man of the Chen family. Even Chen Yibo didn\'t dare to offend his son, the whole family doted on him, pampering him with a lawless and selfish character.

In the past, they were people who walked sideways in their own land, and no one dared to offend him. Now, when they came to South China to play and play, they even encountered people who were against them.

Chen Tianci has never been an unyielding person, so Su Aochen is not pleasing to the eye as soon as he comes.

Su Zibao and the others don\'t know what Chen Tianci\'s family thinks. At first, Su Zibao was a little worried, afraid that the two little guys would fall into the water, but found that as long as Aochen and Forsythia answered the questions calmly, coupled with Pei Yi\'s magical rowing speed, they would have already left the other groups behind. Worrying about the water flow of the water jet, it was so steady that he led the way to the last position of the water jet.

Just arrived at the water jet machine, Aochen was about to answer the question as usual, when suddenly without warning, the jet of water jetted out of the water jet machine, rushing directly on Su Aochen\'s body.