Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 386: the real problem between them

Su Zibao instantly understood that four years ago, she was designed by Mu Yunlan.

At such a time and place, in front of Ye Chenxuan, Pei Yi could only admit it. And at that last reunion, if Mu Yunlan didn\'t have a miscarriage in a car accident, Su Zibao and Pei Yi could solve this misunderstanding.

At that time, as long as they can talk calmly, everything will be understood. At that time, Pei Yi was really thinking of a way to explain it to Su Zibao.

But unfortunately, when they met again, they met Mu Yunlan and had a miscarriage.

In order to protect Li Han, Su Zibao could only admit that the person sitting in the car was himself. Mu Yunlan framed her for deliberately bumping her into miscarriage, and then everything collapsed, and there was no room for manoeuvre.

Four years ago, how much she really wanted such an explanation, how much she wanted such an answer.

But four years later, even this answer seems irrelevant.

Four years ago, it wasn\'t his child, he didn\'t get together with Mu Yunlan, and he didn\'t want to divorce because of this. But so what?

The most serious problem between them has long since been solved by a simple explanation.

The real problem is that since Mu Yunlan appeared, they have encountered an unprecedented crisis of trust. Do you believe in the person beside the pillow or in a ten-year old relationship?

Su Zibao probably understood now that Pei Yi didn\'t have any feelings for her at all, he was just a person who wouldn\'t trust others easily.

He trusted Mu Yunlan not because of love, just like he trusted Song Yingjie and Yanshu. These people are the people who accompanied him from the very beginning. They really share weal and woe, and they share weal and woe.

He doesn\'t trust himself, and it has nothing to do with love, but there are some things that often make him seem untrustworthy.

Four years later, she is no longer the woman who was jerky and willful in her relationship with her four years ago. Years have given her the best growth and the best precipitation.

The people who appeared in the car at that time, because of the unspoken relationship, everyone thought it was Lei Lie and Su Zibao.

Then the two of them bumped Mu Zifan and Mu Yunlan into a car accident, causing Mu Yunlan to have a miscarriage, not to mention Pei Yi, normal people would think that they were targeting Mu Yunlan.

If you know that Lei Lie and Li Han are in the car, then you can naturally believe that it is Mu Zifan.

That\'s the difference.

It wasn\'t that Pei Yi didn\'t believe her on purpose, but from the facts, it seemed that was the case.

But, he is her man after all. Everyone\'s disbelief doesn\'t matter, but his disbelief is the sharpest knife in the world, stabbed hard in her heart.

Once you have tasted that your heart is ashes, and then learn the truth of the present, you will feel that things are right and wrong, and there is no way to restore them.

It\'s not that you explained it, the original injuries don\'t exist anymore. It\'s not that this problem is solved, there is no problem between them.

Just like at this moment, if Su Zibao told Pei Yi that Mu Yunlan had come to him and said that he was carrying Pei Yi\'s child.

Will he believe it? Mu Yunlan was the pure and flawless woman in his mind like a white lotus, she was gentle and generous, she was kind and weak, she would never do such a thing.

How could Pei Yi believe that his Mu Yunlan had deliberately misunderstood Su Zibao.

He didn\'t believe Mu Yunlan\'s malice towards Su Zibao at all, nor did he believe Mu Yunlan\'s malice towards their relationship at all.

You see, the problem has arisen again.

If the source of the problem cannot be solved, what happened four years ago will only be repeated four years later. In the hurt and torture of each other again and again, wear off the feelings, wear off the likes, wear off the last little residual warmth.

And after what happened four years ago, Su Zibao didn\'t want to grind like this anymore.

She and Mu Yunlan are now on opposite sides. And Pei Yi can only choose to trust one person firmly.

As long as he trusts Mu Yunlan a little, he will definitely hurt her. Su Zibao is not a masochist, and he has made a lot of wounds by holding his heart out for others, and he has to repeat the same mistakes.

This time, I won\'t give you another chance.

"These are not important." Su Zibao retracted his chaotic thoughts and said lightly.

Pei Yi looked at her with a firm tone, "It\'s very important. Because I want you to know that I have nothing to do with other women. After I determined that the woman I will spend my life with in the future is you, there will never be any other women."

He wanted her to know that he was absolutely loyal to her.

Such a well-known number one **** in Haicheng could one day be able to do this for a woman.

He used to be romantic, he had countless women, and he never cared, but now, for a woman, he has received his heart and love for four years.

If this is not love.

For a moment, Su Zibao\'s eyes turned red, his nose was inexplicably sour, and his emotions were beyond words.

"Baby, I\'ve been waiting for you to come home. I\'ve been waiting for four years. Come back." The deep affection in his eyes was like the ocean pouring out, drowning her in an instant.

He was so determined that he didn\'t want to be with him, but he couldn\'t help but shake at this moment.

Times have changed, and four years later, he is still the only man who can make her heart move. Even if she doesn\'t like Pei Yi, she will never like others.

At this moment, the car stopped, and the two small dumplings opened the door and squeezed in. Forsythia giggled, "Mom, we\'re at the winery, hurry up, let\'s go together!"

But just after the door was opened, the two little guys were stunned.

What\'s the situation?

That cheap daddy was disheveled and hugged his mother, and the two of them "looked at each other affectionately". The most important thing is... Cheap daddy didn\'t even have his clothes on, and he was naked. He was really ashamed.

"Wow! It\'s not suitable for children!" Su Lianqiao quickly covered her eyes and shouted loudly, "I didn\'t see anything, I didn\'t see anything."

Su Aochen was also stunned for a moment. It seems that this bad guy has a lot of tricks to coax his mother so quickly? Mrs. Abao, your position is too loose. People will forgive him after jumping in the river for you once.

How can it be so simple, so that he will be bullied by him in the future.

Just like this little genius, I don\'t care how many models he sends me, I won\'t be bought off so easily.

Su Aochen turned his head proudly and pretended not to see anything.

"Cough..." Su Zibao regained his senses instantly, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face, only then did he realize that he had been held in Pei Yi\'s arms, and unknowingly, he had already arrived at the wedding scene.

He quickly jumped out of Pei Yi\'s arms, looked at the two little guys and said, "Forsythia don\'t shout, there is nothing. Let\'s go, the wedding has started, let\'s go in."

Pei Yi, who was thrown in the carriage, smiled helplessly. I was confessing affectionately, but I was interrupted by these two little guys. The atmosphere was so good just now, maybe the baby agreed to come back.