Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 385: Mr. Pei's business must be good

Although Pei Yi was soaked and embarrassed, when he walked back to the bridge, everyone looked at him with no ridicule, but an indescribable shock.

No one knows when an accident will happen.

Men are used to speaking love words, even because human nature is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so when encountering natural disasters or some emergencies, their instinct is to protect themselves, and only after weighing the pros and cons will they think of how to treat another person. .

Suppose there is an earthquake, and the person who swore that he would hold your hand and run together, perhaps the first reaction is to run out first, and then remember that you are inside.

However, it took less than thirty seconds for Pei Yi to jump from the car falling into the river.

He didn\'t think, he couldn\'t think anymore.

When the person you love has an accident, it has become an instinct to protect her and save her.

Otherwise, as long as he hesitated for another minute, he would be able to see Su Zibao coming out of the car, and he would not have jumped into the river.

It seems to be just a very ordinary little thing, but it is this instinctive reaction, this instinctive habit, that is particularly moving.

Do you know that it has become a habit to have someone love you, protect you and watch over you?

I got it now.

Even if he doesn\'t say anything, it can make people feel the heavy love that is about to overflow.

This wasn\'t a romance that he had specially arranged, but it was more romantic than the confession that lit up in front of everyone in the imperial capital a few days ago.

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, and the two intact little guys beside her, with a sense of relief, and hugged her into his arms.

He was soaking wet, but at this moment, Su Zibao didn\'t push him away. He just stood silently, his eyes a little complicated.

"Young Master Pei, fortunately, I prepared a spare dress before, you can change it in the car." Lu Yanzhi walked over and said. Pei Yi was still dripping with water all over his body.

In the extended version of the sedan, the rear seat has raised the windshield, no matter from which angle, no one can see the person in the car.

The welcoming team continued to drive towards Century Winery.

Pei Yi changed his wet shirt and trousers into a clean formal suit. Su Zibao was sitting in the same car with him. This guy had to drag her into the car just now. Seeing that he just jumped into the river, Su Zibao was too embarrassed to throw him away.

As a result, it is too late to regret it now.

He actually changed his clothes in front of her like no one else was.

Su Zibao had no choice but to sit with his back to him, watching his eyes, nose, nose and heart, as if he couldn\'t see or hear anything. But I can still hear the sound of the people behind me changing clothes carefully.

"The tie is on your left, take it for me." A magnetic voice came from behind.

On the left is a tie box, with a dark purple tie lying in it. Su Zibao picked it up and took it apart, took out the tie and handed it back to him habitually, "You..."

Before he could finish speaking, he stopped abruptly.

Pei Yi asked for a tie, but Su Zibao thought he was all dressed up, but he didn\'t expect that this person was wearing pants, and when she turned her head, she was still wearing her upper body, and just picked up a white shirt and put it on her body.

Before I had time to button up, the **** collarbone and the strong and well-defined abdominal muscles were revealed, which was a charming mess.

Pei Yi is a typical person who dresses thin and undresses with flesh, and has a dazzling figure. With a handsome face, and such a good figure, sitting in a nightclub within ten

In minutes, a rich woman will come to the door and sleep on him overnight. If he really does a certain profession, he must be a leader in the industry.

At this moment, seeing Pei Yi\'s good figure, Su Zibao suddenly wanted to go to Siberia.

Looking at each other, Pei Yi\'s hand on the button paused, and the lip line rose slightly, "Miss Su likes it, just look at it."

Very simply unbuttoned, just put his hands in his pockets and looked at her coolly.

But this poss is also handsome and sexy. There was an ambiguous atmosphere in the air all of a sudden, as if there were invisible pink bubbles gurgling.

"No, I just thought of a little thing." Su Zibao made no secret of his naked eyes gazing at him, teasing with a smile.

Pei Yi raised his sharp eyebrows lightly, "What\'s the matter?"

Why does it feel that she is not thinking of a good thing.

"With Mr. Pei\'s figure and face, if he goes bankrupt and can\'t make a living in the future, a certain profession must be a good choice." Su Zibao made a serious judgment, "I believe that Mr. Pei\'s business will be very good. It would be good too. Get rich, that\'s all."

Is she deliberately saying that he is suitable to be a duck and a cowherd?

Pei Yi took a step forward, a strong smell of male hormones that belonged to him came to his face, Su Zibao habitually took a step back, but the other party\'s hand was already on her waist, his voice was low and magnetic, "If If Miss Su sees her, it\'s free."

"Let go." Su Zibao glared angrily, stretched out his hand and pushed him away, but the other party was like a wall, unable to push him.

Pei Yi\'s handsome face gradually enlarged in front of Su Zibao\'s eyes. Su Zibao thought he was going to say something ** like before, but saw his eyes suddenly become serious. Su Zibao was not used to being serious.

"Baby, the child that Mu Yunlan was pregnant with four years ago is not mine."

Su Zibao was stunned for a moment, and couldn\'t help but feel some doubts in his heart. At first, Mu Yunlan went to her and said that the child belonged to Pei Yi, and then she went to Pei Yi to confirm that Pei Yi chose to default.

As a result, more than four years have passed, and the other party will tell her again that the child is not his.

Between Pei Yi and Mu Yunlan, someone told a lie. For some reason, at this moment, she actually hoped that the one who lied was Mu Yunlan. But facing Pei Yi, even if Su Zibao believed his words in his heart, he would not show mercy.

"It\'s not yours, is it still Ye Chenxuan\'s? Pei Yi, what tricks are you going to play? Four years ago, I gave you a chance to ask who your child was, but you chose to admit it. Now the children are gone, you can tell me again. Me, that\'s not your child, isn\'t it a bit ridiculous." Su Zibao\'s lips were poking, full of ridicule and ridicule.

Pei Yi asked calmly, "What if I have evidence? After Alan\'s accident, Eero has been taking care of her, and there are records of her physical condition and cases. There are also some documents and appraisal reports that can prove that this child has a relationship with her. I don\'t care."

I... rely? Do you have to be so well prepared that even the evidence is ready.

Under normal circumstances, Pei Yi admitted that the child was his, and what was not his basically became his. But now, he really has the ability to prove that it is not his.

"Four years ago, Ye Chenxuan already found out that Alan was pregnant, and Alan didn\'t plan to have this child. But if Ye Chenxuan knew that it was his child, he would imprison Alan at all costs. I helped her and made Ye Chenxuan mistakenly believe that it was his child. If it is not his child, the Ye family can\'t afford to lose face, so they can better assist Alan in the divorce. Once there are children, not only Ye Chenxuan, but also the Ye family will not agree to their divorce. "

One explanation, four years late, but if so, everything makes sense and makes sense.