Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 357: My ancestral grave is smoking

In the past two days, Su Zibao took Aochen and Forsythia to visit Pei Yi. Every day, he changed the way to prepare food, coaxing the forsythia into a happy mood. Ao Chen went with the model fragments, and Pei Yi began to teach him some model building experience.

Su Zibao\'s head hurts every time he sees this scene. What are you trying to do, Pei Yi? It\'s like a human trafficker who kidnaps children.

Three days later, Su Guoqiang Lin Xuejiao\'s plane arrived at Haicheng Airport. Sister Su Zibao went to pick up the plane and went all the way back to Su\'s house. The whole family burst into tears with excitement.

"Grandpa, grandma!" Su Aochen and Su Lianqiao shouted in unison, even the cold little guy Su Aochen was very close to the two old people.

Lin Xuejiao hugged the two little dumplings in her arms, with tears in her eyes, she said, "I have a grandson, Guoqiang, we are grandfather and grandmother."

"Okay, okay, Abao, you\'re back, okay." Su Guoqiang was not good at words. Looking at Su Zibao, he could only say such a simple sentence, but it contained deep fatherly love. In the past three days, he had heard Lin Xuejiao talk about what happened after he fell into a coma. If it wasn\'t for Su Zibao at that time, the Su family would have been annexed.

This eldest daughter, who had disappointed him countless times and finally made him happy, took on the burden of the family when the Su family was in crisis. He is proud to have such a daughter.

"Dad, you\'re finally awake. Mom, I\'m back." Su Zibao bit his lips, and his eyes couldn\'t help but get wet. The parents of the previous life have been sleeping, and now these people are the dearest family members in her life.

"It\'s good that the family is together, that\'s good." Su Guoqiang patted Su Zibao on the shoulder, his eyes reassuring.

On this day, the Su family was very lively. The family happily ate a reunion dinner, and the Su residence, which had been silent for four years, finally regained its former anger.

Only then did Su Zibao know what happened back then. At the beginning, Su Jianye of the Su family branch invited Su Guoqiang to visit the branch. After so many years, there has been little contact between the main branch and the branch. Su Jianye is willing to strengthen the relationship between the two, and Su Guoqiang is also willing to go. Dad is a person with a strong sense of family affiliation. Although he has no friendship with Su Jianye, he is indeed as respectful as his cousin, and he is not despised because he is the head of the Su family.

But I didn\'t expect this to be a trap set up by Su Jianye and Su Zhenzhe. At first, they coaxed Su Guoqiang to transfer Yuyanluo and give the shares to Su Zhenzhe. , and also planned to create a situation where Su Guoqiang died unexpectedly. As a result, Su Guoqiang was stunned by a cerebral hemorrhage caused by this unfamiliar white-eyed wolf and turned into a vegetative state. This saved his own life.

At that time, they were also panicked. When they saw Su Guoqiang\'s brain hemorrhage, they thought they were going to die, so they sent them to the hospital. They didn\'t expect that they would just turn into a vegetative state. If they wanted to do something to Su Guoqiang, it was too late. Fortunately, the doctor said that it was almost impossible to wake up. Only then did Su Zhenzhe feel relieved. He also thought about finding a way to do it later when Su Guoqiang returned home to recuperate. But it is a pity that Su Zibao sent Su Guoqiang abroad directly and did not give him a chance to do it.

Now that he learned that Su Zhenzhe was madly going to blow up his only two daughters and his grandson whom he had never met, Su Guoqiang was even more angry than he became a vegetative person, and sued Su Zhenzhe angrily.

"It\'s all my fault, if it wasn\'t for me back then... there would be no situation like this, so many things wouldn\'t have happened, and it wouldn\'t have nearly hurt you..." Su Guoqiang sighed deeply. He has always cultivated Su Zhenzhe like a son, and had high hopes, but he never imagined that it would be like this.

An unfortunate marriage is doomed to the tragedy of the next generation.

"Dad, don\'t think about unhappy things. Quickly help me think about it. When is the wedding time? I deliberately waited for you to come back before I would marry. If you don\'t come back, I won\'t marry." Su Jiaxin He quickly changed the subject and smiled politely.

Lu Yanzhi next to him touched his nose and smiled helplessly, "Thanks to Uncle Su, Auntie, and Miss Su for coming back and giving me this opportunity to write Xinxin in my household registration book."

"Hahaha..." Lin Xuejiao laughed, seeing Lu Yanzhi as her mother-in-law looking after her son-in-law, the more she looked, the more satisfied she became, "Okay, Xinxin is in your hands, I can rest assured. Thanks to you for taking care of Xinxin these years, otherwise I would have I have to worry about her. She is not as smart as her sister. She has such a squeamish personality. She is such a big person, and she is still so frizzy. Fortunately, she is a lucky person. I will trouble you to take care of her in the future. "

Lu Yanzhi smiled slightly, "What did my aunt say, Xinxin is very cute. It is my blessing to be able to marry her."

"Mom, listen, Yanzhi said so, what\'s wrong with me, I\'m so good." Su Jiaxin looked at Lin Xuejiao proudly, turned to Lu Yanzhi, raised her chin, and said, "Right?"

Lu Yanzhi nodded in cooperation immediately, "Yes, yes, to be able to marry such a good daughter-in-law as Xinxin, it is the smoke on my ancestral grave!"

"Who is your daughter-in-law, don\'t talk nonsense, I\'m not married yet!" Su Jiaxin blushed and stared at Lu Yanzhi with a small mouth.

He just looked at her and smiled, the eyes in his eyes doting.

Seeing such a pair of villains, Su Guoqiang and Lin Xuejiao were sincerely happy. The Su family is now in a double happiness. First, the father Su who has become a vegetable wakes up, and then the marriage of the youngest daughter Su Jiaxin is finally put on the agenda.

Seeing them form a pair, Lin Xuejiao remembered that when the baby was just married, when she brought Pei Yi back to her parents\' home, the young couple was also sweet and sullen. But now, Bao Bao came back alone with two children, and there was no sign of Pei Yi by his side.

"Baby, Pei Yi... how is he now?" Lin Xuejiao couldn\'t hold back, looking at her eldest daughter who was alone, she couldn\'t help asking.

Su Zibao didn\'t know why, his watery eyes blinked, "At home, he is injured, the doctor told him not to move around, he should lie on the bed."

As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell of Su\'s house ding-dong, the housekeeper opened the door, and the one who appeared in front of him was the one with the big bag and the small bag.

He was dressed in casual fashion, as handsome and handsome as ever, but his face was more calm at this time. Just like when I returned to my parents\' house with Su Zibao for the first time, I held gifts in both hands, looked at the people in the room, and smiled, "Congratulations to Uncle Su\'s recovery, and congratulations to Uncle Su and Auntie for returning to Haicheng."

In fact, Pei Yi knew the news about Su Guoqiang earlier than Su Zibao and the others, because he even arranged for this nursing home. Now that Su Guoqiang can wake up, he actually has to thank him. Not everyone is qualified to live in that sanatorium, and not everyone can hire such an authoritative expert professor.

So when Su Zibao saw him for the first time, he just raised his eyebrows strangely, "Didn\'t you recover from your injury, why did you come out?"

"Uncle Su and Auntie are going back to Haicheng. Of course I\'m coming, so it\'s not a problem." Pei Yi smiled.

Su Zibao nodded, "Oh yes, Dad would have to thank you for waking up..."

"Pei Yi, come in and sit, why are you sticking at the door? Come in and sit!" Lin Xuejiao said enthusiastically immediately. In my heart, I also hope that the eldest daughter can be as harmonious and sweet as Xinxin and the others.