Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 356: Pei Yikeng Aochen

Pei\'s house, afternoon tea time. All the people were sitting in Pei\'s living room gossiping. Originally, Su Zibao planned to take a look at Pei Yi and leave, but this guy coaxed Su Aochen to come here to build a battleship model. Su Zibao couldn\'t leave the little guy here alone, so he had to stay.

This guy really has bad intentions. Su Zibao slandered.

"After Yunting Entertainment was acquired by the Chi family, there have been many big moves recently." Song Yingjie looked at Pei Yi and said, "Even Chu Feimo was signed by them. Back then, Chu Feimo was arrogant, and Yunting Entertainment was in the entertainment industry. When he was a leader, he refused to sign a contract, but now he is willing to go to Yunting Entertainment, which was acquired by the Chi family."

Yan Xu smiled lightly, "At the beginning, Chu Feimo naturally had the confidence not to sign a contract, but now the throne of the film and television industry is the banquet, and no one can shake it. Chu Feimo\'s reputation is far inferior to that of the past. Just a star."

Four years have passed. Lu Yanzhi and Su Jiaxin, who made their debut in the entertainment industry back then, have now become figures at the level of movie stars and actresses. The two of them are also the most popular on-screen couples in China today. Although some fans are very aggressive, most fans are very optimistic about this pair, which is why the two of them dare to announce their relationship and are ready to get married.

Chu Feimo back then was far inferior to Lu Yanzhi today. Yao Lianyi back then was not as good as Pei Shishi and Luo Bingwan today.

The Yunting Entertainment that Su Zibao created in her previous life was defeated by her four years ago, but she didn\'t expect it to be acquired by the Chi family now? Su Zibao knew that the Chi family was a business giant in the imperial capital. Their family\'s projects involved many fields, and they invested in almost any industry they saw making money. Optimistic about which area, where to invest.

Now it seems that the other party is optimistic about South China, and also optimistic about the entertainment industry.

"The Chi family also acquired Ruilan from the Zhao family. Originally, we Suxiu had already trampled Ruilan to death, but another Chi family appeared, and Ruilan has a tendency to revive." Su Jiaxin raised this and frowned.

Su Zibao looked at her, "Ruilan was acquired by the Chi family? When did it happen?"

"It was only half a year ago that they paid a lot of money to poach Yanzhi and JC Studio, but they didn\'t succeed." Su Jiaxin was indignant. "Fortunately, they were not poached, otherwise our Su Embroidery would collapse again."

Designers are the soul of clothing. As a high-end brand, if the top designers are poached, Su Embroidery will have the same situation as four years ago.

Su Zibaodai raised her blue eyebrows slightly, "Did the Chi family collect junk? Yunting Entertainment and Ruilan clothing are all our defeated soldiers, and he also ate them all."

"Because it\'s cheap. Yun Ting Entertainment was crippled by Emperor Jue, and Rui Lan was overwhelmed by Su Xiu\'s suppression. It is said that the Chi family\'s acquisition was at a very low price, so it must have made a fortune." Lu Yanzhi said.

Yan Xu said, "At present, it seems that the Chi family has a tendency to enter the business of Haicheng. However, it is normal. The development of South China has been getting better and better recently. Last month, five new cities were planned. After getting the contract of urban construction planning, I ran to the Urban Construction Bureau a lot. Xiao Xiaodai couldn\'t sit still anymore. When I went to the Shen family banquet in the imperial capital last time, I asked me privately if Pei Shao had any questions about the new city. No matter what plan, I can\'t let Yucheng Real Estate take the lead."

"Hey, Yan Xu, didn\'t we all leave after the banquet that day? When did you meet Miss Xiao alone? Why don\'t we know." Lu Yanzhi smiled teasingly, raised his eyebrows and looked at his uncle beside him. Nader said, "Bernard, you are

Did you go with him? "

Bernard immediately dismissed the suspicion with an innocent face, and waved his hand, "No! No!"

The crowd laughed.

Su Zibao listened to them quietly. He hadn\'t noticed it before, but now he can see that these people\'s acquaintance is definitely not a day or two, and he probably knew each other very early.

"Hey, I heard that a mine was accidentally blown up when the road was being built in the Yaobei District. Do you know that?" Song Yingjie said, "It hasn\'t happened for so many years. , as long as you explore it, you can find that the mine can\'t even be detected by the initial instrument. I heard that it is a magnetic field with its own anti-interference, so that now I even check what the mineral resources are and the storage capacity. Don\'t come out. Miss Yun Lan, isn\'t Mu Zifan the boss of Galaxy Mining now? Do you have any inside information?"

Su Zibao\'s expression did not change, but his eyes narrowed slightly. Galaxy Mining is actually the industry of the Li family. The Li family has many subsidiaries. For example, the cosmetics company is developing very well. Even the Baixue brand, which specializes in cosmetics, is far behind. However, their core enterprise is mining.

Mu Zifan is the husband of Li Han\'s sister Li Xiyi, who stole the property of the Li family and is now the CEO of Galaxy Mining Group.

Mu Yunlan smiled and said, "Everyone knows that the Yaobei District is the territory of the Ye family. It is absolutely impossible to tell me about the Yaobei District. I naturally don\'t know about the relationship between Yi Zifan and me."

"That\'s really a pity. A mine that cannot be detected by the general technical level is usually a large piece of fat. Pei Shao, are you interested in entering the mining industry? I am very interested in this mine." Song Yingjie Hehe smiled, and suddenly slapped his brain, "Hey, I\'ve come to your senses, don\'t think about the mines on the Ye family\'s site, don\'t expect it."

At the beginning, in order to help Mu Yunlan get a divorce, Pei Yi strongly suppressed the Ye family and forced Ye Chenxuan to retreat.

Su Zibao had just returned to China, and he devoted himself to helping Shen Xi get home, but now he has a general understanding of various domestic developments.

At night, my mother called, and my father finally woke up, and he could be transferred back to China in three days. Lin Xuejiao asked their sisters to come over without the hassle, just wait for the two of them to come back.

Su Aochen, who had been fighting the battleship model for a whole day, still couldn\'t finish it, looking at the model\'s little brows and frowning tightly.

"Isn\'t the boss deliberately making things difficult for people? This is obviously one of the three most difficult models created by the group of model enthusiasts. Even those senior players need at least a month to complete it. He let such a small child one day. It is obviously an impossible task." Bernard spoke Chinese with a European accent, looking at Su Aochen who was sitting on the tatami in distress and said, "And he didn\'t even give the drawings, I remember there were a few in it. In part, it requires special patchwork skills, which is different from the general model."

Bernard had played this thing before, but he finally gave up after looking at the blueprints. It was too brain-burning.

Yan Xu patted him on the shoulder and said, "That\'s natural. Otherwise, how could the boss give him a gift? The boss is treacherous. Just wait, this is just the beginning. I really don\'t see it, the boss is quite good at coaxing children."

Su Aochen held a large box of model fragments, looked at Pei Yi and said, "Wait, I will definitely be able to spell it out."

"Well, I believe in you. Aochen, come on." Pei Yi smiled and waved his fist to cheer him up.