Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 332: leave goas

The atmosphere along the way was a little tense. Even Su Aochen and Su Lianqiao didn\'t dare to play as they used to. The two brothers and sisters were very sensible, and at this critical moment, they would never cry.

At the same time, Crowe, who was violently demolishing the church, found a suspicious figure.

The man ran into the church under construction, disappeared immediately, and then came out with a box.

"Come on, chase him!" While asking people to chase, Crowe also took people to the place where the suspicious person had just entered.

Found out that there is a basement here.

The contents of the basement have been taken.

Oops, I was almost a step ahead of the enemy.

In order to block and capture this mysterious man who dared to take food from the tiger\'s mouth, Klau launched all the forces he could to encircle, chase and intercept.

The mysterious man happened to be in the opposite direction from the road that Su Zibao and the others left.

After the mercenaries who were originally guarding the checkpoint heard the news, they all closed their teams to pursue and suppress them.

So, not long after Su Zibao and the others hit the road, they saw several vehicles with mercenaries whizzing past them.

No one knew that they had passed by the real thing.

Su Zibao squinted at the passing mercenary, his lips pursed slightly. Sure enough, she knew that Pei Yi, a person with great powers, would definitely be able to do it.

Now you can leave Geas in peace and ease.

"Mom, aren\'t these people stuck at the checkpoint, why are they all gone?" Su Lianqiao asked curiously.

Su Zibao touched her little head, "They\'re going to catch the bad guys."

Bernard, who was sitting in the front row, twitched the corners of his mouth. Boss, your deal is really bad enough. She was dying for this woman. Not only did she not know it, but she also spoke nasty words and caught the bad guy.

Originally, Pei Yi said in front of Bernard that he could not reveal his tone, but when he heard this, he couldn\'t help humming, "I don\'t know who it is for."

"Huh?" Su Zibaodai raised her cyan eyebrows lightly, and said lukewarmly, "It seems that this mission is very important to him, and it is indeed a life-threatening task."

Su Zibao would not believe that Pei Yi would die for himself. This man who doesn\'t love her at all, never trusts her man, and even speaks directly with a bit of grudge against her parents. She doesn\'t believe it because of her life for a woman like her.

It was because of his mysterious identity and the tasks he had to perform, she believed.

But this time Su Zibao made a mistake.

At this time, Pei Yi, who was being chased and intercepted by a large group of people, looked at the tide of pursuers behind him, and bent his lips.

Now they can leave smoothly. He is really just for his wife and children, as for the task, tsk tsk.

Everything is under control.

The car drove all the way to the checkpoint, and the mercenaries of the Cass consortium left, but before leaving, they told the traffic police who stayed here to continue their search.

"Stop, check the car!"

Gu Yian slowly stopped the car, stuck his head out and looked at the traffic policeman and said, "Miss Count\'s daughter Jin Su took the young master Bernard of Marquis Yuri\'s family to visit Poole Orchard. Do you also need to search?"

A word swept into an earl and a marquis.

If those mercenaries were still there, they would certainly dare to investigate. But these ordinary traffic police really dare not.

"It turned out to be Miss Su\'s car, please!"

The road pole for release rose, Gu Yian looked at them and smiled, "Thank you."

The sedan exited the barrier smoothly.

After you can\'t see the level,

Gu Yian immediately shifted gears to speed up and drove all the way to Poole Orchard.

At this time, the ordinary fruit farmers here have been notified in advance to go home and rest, and there are only two guards who are responsible for guarding the helicopter.

Everyone hurry up and race against time.

Bernard watched them prepare to leave after carrying their luggage, and said quickly, "Pei Yi hasn\'t come yet."

"Tell him a word for me, he knows where the thing he wants." Su Zibao curved his lips, "I think we should reach the same destination by different paths, otherwise he wouldn\'t have agreed to let me go with the things so easily. "

From the first time he met the drug lord Poppy, Su Zibao knew vaguely that Pei Yi should be a mysterious person like some kind of special group.

As for which army and which position it was, she didn\'t know. And presumably not even Mu Yunlan knew about it.

A secret like this cannot be leaked even to the closest people.

Su Zibao wasn\'t stupid either. If the place he was taking things to was different from the place Pei Yi wanted to recycle, how could he help her leave so easily.

He is a public-private person.

"Bernard, Pei Yi should also be evacuated from here later. I have two spare helicopters here, and I\'ll leave the rest to you. Goodbye." Su Zibao waved at him.

If he hadn\'t gone from here, he wouldn\'t have let Bernard follow him.

Presumably he had already arranged his own way back.

However, Su Zibao had backed up one in case of an accident in the helicopter, just for them to use.

Not only helicopters, but also these routes and retreats, have a second option.

After all, she is now carrying this hot thing, and she can only succeed, not fail.

Bernard could only watch Su Zibao and the others leave, and the two little dumplings waved goodbye to the uncle very politely.

An hour later, Pei Yi appeared with blood stains all over his embarrassed clothes.

"Boss, Su Zibao and the others ran away without waiting for you." Bernard said dissatisfied.

Pei Yi smiled, "It was expected."

"Then what do you do now, you didn\'t get that thing, how can you do business when you go back?" Bernard said worriedly.

Pei Yi didn\'t care at all, and calmly wiped the blood on his forehead, "It doesn\'t matter, she will deliver things to the door. Tsk, a character like Shen Xi came out of the Shen family, and Su Zibao helped him. It seems that this Once, the Shen family can\'t collapse."

"Boss, Miss Su has left you a helicopter." Bernard said.

Pei Yi raised his eyebrows, "This is unexpected. It\'s been a long time since I flew a plane, so I just practiced so that I wouldn\'t get a handicap."

Last night, he had already sent a message to the people in the imperial capital, and he had to make sure that things were safe.

He doesn\'t care about the intrigue of the giants, he doesn\'t care about cheating, he only cares about this thing, it must be safe and secure in their hands, and there can be no mistakes.

"Boss, the wound on your forehead." Bernard pointed to his head.

"It\'s okay, let\'s go."

After a while, a second helicopter rose over Poole Orchard and faded into the mist.

The imperial capital, the Shen family.

Since Shen Xi inherited the identity of the second son of the Shen family, he has become the second young master of the Shen family again.

The Shen family treated him politely, and Miss Chi Yaoyi, who had been engaged to him and ruined the engagement because he was kicked out of the house, came to him every day.

In the eyes of outsiders, Shen Xi is now on the rise again.