Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 331: Pei Yi's Conditions

"You don\'t have to give him the church."

Su Zibao tutted, "Mr. Pei is a smart person, so he naturally knows that I don\'t want to give it to them, but I don\'t want to attract their attention, thinking it has nothing to do with me. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to withdraw now."

"You want to take the two of them with you?" Pei Yi suddenly asked for some reason.

Su Zibao glanced at him vigilantly, fearing that he would attack the two little guys, he said coldly, "So what?"

"Then you really have to ask me for help, because you don\'t dare to take them on an adventure." Pei Yi raised his eyebrows and suddenly smiled, "Okay, I promise you can. But in addition to the conditions you just said, I also want you to promise. I have another thing."

Su Zibao was afraid that he would make all kinds of unreasonable demands, and immediately said, "Yes, but it must be within my power, and it has nothing to do with the child."

Su Zibao will never offer anything about Su Aochen and Su Forsythia in exchange.

Her children, she will surely spoil them in the palm of her hand.

rather than come up with a deal.

Seeing Su Zibao so protective of the calf, Pei Yi smiled, "Don\'t worry, it has nothing to do with those two little dumplings, and it\'s not difficult for the strong."

Su Zibao still stared at him vigilantly.

"Hey." Pei Yi pointed to his head, his short black hair was still dripping wet, "Help me dry it."

Su Zibao breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he just blew his hair.

If he made any unreasonable demands, she would have to fight for the safety of the children for a long time.

But seeing Pei Yi sitting on the bed like an uncle waiting for her to blow her hair, as if she was sure she would agree, Su Zibao got a little sullen, "Don\'t you have long hands?"

"Huh?" Pei Yi raised his eyebrows, "If you don\'t agree, then Miss Su, please come back. If you don\'t send it, take a rest early."

Su Zibao gritted her teeth, now she understood how Klau was feeling.

But now she has become the oppressed party.

Bastard Pei Yi, how can you be so hateful.

Su Zibao walked to the dressing table and picked up the hair dryer. He walked reluctantly behind Pei Yi and helped him blow his hair.

The green fingers pierced through the hair, the hot air from the hair dryer hummed, and everything became so familiar.

I still remember that when she was in Pei\'s old house, she blew his hair like this. At that time, he didn\'t love her, and she didn\'t like him either.

The beginning of everything.

Now, she knows that he still loves Mu Yunlan, and she really won\'t love him anymore.

There was nothing in the room but the humming of the machine in the hair dryer, and both fell silent.

Wet hair gradually becomes semi-dry and finally fluffy and dry.

Su Zibao turned off the hair dryer, looked at Pei Yi and said, "I\'m going back, and if you agree on a good deal, you have to keep your word."

"Tomorrow I\'ll help you lure them away, but you have to wait for me and leave together." Pei Yi looked at her and said.

Su Zibao smiled, cunning like a fox, "No problem, Poole Orchard."

Wait for you to wonder.

Seeing that Su Zibao agreed so readily, Pei Yi knew that she would not go with him.

However, he does want to divert that group of people, both public and private.

He would not put his wife and children in such a dangerous situation.

Su Zibao walked out of Pei Yi\'s room, went to the room of the two little guys, and found that they were already asleep.

Looking at the watch again, it turned out that he had been in Pei Yi\'s room for two hours without realizing it, and it was already one o\'clock in the morning.

Su Zibao went back to his room and fell asleep.

Tomorrow, is to leave here

At that time, she passed the last level, and from then on, the sky was high and the birds were allowed to fly, and the sea was wide for the fish.

But when the imperial capital is reached, a new battlefield begins.

Four years later, when she went abroad in embarrassment, she thought that she would never return to that sad country again in her life.

But four years later, she has grown stronger and smarter, and there are still many things to do. At that time, she had already walked out of the relationship.

Just like meeting Pei Yi again in a foreign country at this time, she is no longer the Su Zibao who loved him too deeply and broke down.

Su Zibao lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling silently, Gu Yian came over and asked, "Is it resolved?"

"Well..." Su Zibao looked at him, "Tomorrow we will follow the plan, and Pei Yi will deal with the mercenaries of the Cass consortium."

Gu Yian smiled slightly, his handsome face was gentle and gentlemanly, "Okay. Then please close your eyes and rest, Miss. See you tomorrow."

"I\'an!" Su Zibao suddenly stopped him.

For the past four years, they have lived with each other. He was her housekeeper, her deacon, and his family.

"Huh? What are your orders, Miss?"

Su Zibao sighed heavily, "I don\'t want Pei Yi to disturb our lives again, and I don\'t want to have the slightest contact with him."

She was afraid, afraid of being too close to him, looking at him for too long, and accidentally repeating the same mistakes.

It is better to be far apart and not see each other.

"Then, after going to the imperial capital, I think the title that Mr. Shen prepared for the eldest miss can avoid a lot of trouble." Gu Yian said with a slight smile, "Not only Mr. Pei, but also the one who went abroad several times for you, causing Ye Mr. Ye, who has seized his ID and passport."

Su Zibao chuckled, "Well. That\'s all right, good night, Gu Yian."

"Good night miss."

Gu Yian turned off the light, exited and closed the door.

The room was completely silent, it was pitch black. Su Zibao looked at her hands, there were some familiar touches left on her fingertips, but she didn\'t say anything, just glanced and closed her eyes.

Early the next morning, Pei Yi had disappeared, and the rest were sitting in the living room eating breakfast.

"Miss Su, Mr. Pei asked me to follow you later." Bernard said suddenly.

The two little guys, Su Aochen and Su Lianqiao, looked at their mother at the same time. Could it be that the cheap daddy wants to go with him?

"Well, alright." Su Zibao nodded calmly, without the slightest change in his beautiful and delicate face.

Gu Yian handed the morning newspaper in his hand to Su Zibao, "Miss, this morning\'s freshly released morning newspaper. The headline on the front page is that the Cass consortium violently demolished the church in the middle of the night. The noise was too loud, causing dissatisfaction among nearby residents."

"It\'s really fast." Su Zibao picked it up, glanced at it, looked at the two little guys and Bernard and said, "Let\'s go after breakfast."

The three nodded at the same time.

Miffy next to him said worriedly, "Su, you have to be careful with your two children. Recently, there have been a lot of searchers on the highway. If anyone dares to embarrass you, even take out the title of earl. In our empire, No one can be disrespectful to the nobility."

"Don\'t worry, grandma, no one dares to stop us." Su Zibao smiled, calming the old man\'s heart.

In fact, the mercenaries of the Cass consortium don\'t care whether they are nobles or not, and they will definitely search, but apart from the lawless them, as long as they are still in this country, the status of nobles is still very useful.

The group ate a reluctant breakfast and got into the car.

Gu Yian drove, Bernard was in the co-pilot, and Su Zibao and his two children sat in the back.

Leaving the town of Geas all the way is smooth, out of the town is a straight road, there is a checkpoint in front of you, you must pass this checkpoint to go to Poole Orchard.

Wait until Poole Orchards to rest assured. There is Su Zibao\'s own orchard, and the people in it are all his own, and the helicopter parked there secretly.