Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 306: Ye Hanjun asked Pei Yi to celebrate Qixi Festival

Although it was midsummer, the night in the cemetery was cold.

Mu Yunlan has been standing with Pei Yi, he doesn\'t need a word of comfort or sympathy. Mu Yunlan knew him well, so he didn\'t say anything.

Pei Yi\'s cell phone was out of power, Mu Yunlan thought of this, and remembered the text message he just sent not long ago, looked at his slender and silent back, and lowered his eyebrows slightly.

There was no need to do anything at all, and Pei Yi would treat her wholeheartedly. Now that he needs to use small means to keep him, a lot has changed in the past three years.

But this time, she didn\'t allow herself to go wrong again.

This night seems very long.

"Pei Yi, it\'s already early in the morning, and the night is cold and dewy. Let\'s go and rest first." Mu Yunlan said, "I booked a hotel."

Pei Yi looked at the tombstone with an unknown heavyness and sadness in his eyes, "Go back, Alan. I want to stay here with her for a while."

"I\'ll be with you." Mu Yunlan said.

Back then, between life and death, I chose to let myself survive, and then passed away.

Although Pei Yi had never met her, she knew that she must be the most amazing mother in the world.

Therefore, he must do what his mother did not do in those days.

More than 20 years have passed, with the death of my mother and the fire that year, all the evidence of fraud about Pei Tianyou was destroyed.

But it doesn\'t matter, he will use other methods to grab the things in Pei Tianyou\'s hands one by one.

"When she left, she must have been very unwilling. If she could have been selfish and let her survive, she might have avenged her grandfather\'s family and herself. However, at that time, she chose to keep it no matter what. Me. Even though I am that person\'s son, she doesn\'t hate or dislike it." Pei Yi looked at the familiar and unfamiliar woman on the tombstone, and the black and white photos vaguely showed her gentleness and kindness back then.

Mu Yunlan said softly, "Mother\'s love is great. You are now avenging your aunt. She is in the spirit of heaven and will definitely feel relieved for you."


The night got darker.

At the Haicheng Hotel, Ye Chenxuan looked at the empty room, and Mu Huashang and Ye Hanjun sat opposite him.

"My sister hasn\'t come back since she went out at night. I don\'t know about the rest." Mu Huashang said.

Ye Hanjun raised her eyebrows, "Didn\'t my sister-in-law say where to go? She went out alone? It\'s too unsafe for such a big beauty to be out alone at night."

"Sister won\'t let me follow, I think she has something to do." Mu Huashang frowned.

Ye Hanjun touched her chin, and her beautiful peach eyes flashed with suspicion, "It\'s strange, she doesn\'t have any friends here, and she doesn\'t go home at night, what can she do? The Mu family is here, and there\'s nothing she needs to do alone, right? ?"

"If you want to talk about friends, it\'s only brother Yi. Apart from brother Yi, my sister doesn\'t know anyone else..." Mu Huashang actually suspected that Mu Yunlan and Pei Yi had a private meeting again.

Ye Hanjun glanced at Ye Chenxuan and said with a smile, "It\'s simple, I\'ll find out by calling Su Zibao."

For some reason, there was a glimmer of joy in his heart that he didn\'t even notice. It can be considered that he has found an upright reason to contact her.

They haven\'t seen each other since the last time they met in Jiangnan.

"Hey, dear Miss Su, a long night of unintentional sleep..." As soon as the opening remarks started, the other party rudely interrupted.

"Ye, I\'ll give you a

Minutes, let\'s talk quickly. "

Su Zibao was running to celebrate Pei Yi\'s birthday with Mu Yunlan. He was angry and sad. Ye Hanjun insisted on hitting the gun, which would be bad luck for him.

Ye Hanjun raised his eyebrows lightly, "Su Zibao, you\'ve eaten gunpowder, so you have such a big temper?"

Su Zibao, who was sulking at the chocolate cake, sneered, "59, 58, 57..."

"Wait, don\'t count, I said." Ye Hanyun stood up from his seat in a hurry, "Tomorrow is the Qixi Festival, I\'ll make an appointment..."

Su Zibao continued to interrupt, "30, 29, 28..."

"I want to invite Pei Yi to celebrate the Qixi Festival! Can you give him the phone?" Ye Hanyun\'s words made Mu Huashang stunned. Doesn\'t this guy just want to know if Pei Yi is with Su Zibao? Even used this trick.

Su Zibao, who was sitting on the sofa, heard this sentence and wondered if he had heard it wrong. She thought that Ye Hanjun was full again and was trying to provoke discord and ask herself, but when asking Pei Yi, which one did this sing?

"You made an appointment with Pei Yi, for whom, your elder brother? Are you going to duel on the Qixi Festival?" Su Zibao was incredulous.

Ye Hanjun smiled and said, "I can\'t pry your corner, can I pry Pei Yi? Now in this popular era, if I and Pei Yi make up a pair, it will just happen to avenge my eldest brother. What do you think?"

make base...

Su Zibao had a speechless expression, "Can\'t you see that you still like men?"

"I\'m not limited to men and women. I\'m suitable for all ages. I\'m not afraid of being cold. I can attack or defend." Ye Hanjun smiled and said, "How about it, is Pei Yi willing to make an appointment with me?"

Su Zibao was shocked by Ye Hanyun\'s candid words for a while before he regained his senses, and said dryly, "Pei Yi is not here. But if you invite him to celebrate the Qixi Festival, I advise you to give up your mind. He doesn\'t like men, even if you are older. It\'s impossible to be handsome."

Pei Yi is not here. Ye Hanjun sharply caught this sentence, and there was a hint of pride in his eyes.

Su Zibao, you have tricked me so many times, this time finally got me back.

"Oh... Then where is he? I\'ll ask him myself." Ye Hanjun asked.

Su Zibao frowned and said coldly, "I don\'t know."

"You are his wife, and you don\'t know?"

Su Zibao sneered and said disdainfully, "Do you have to report to your wife when you go out to prostitutes."

"It turns out that Sanshao Pei went to prostitutes, no wonder Miss Su is so angry. Haha... If that\'s the case, then I\'ll disturb you. Oh, by the way, Pei Yi doesn\'t like men, you like men, you can come with me tomorrow on Qixi Festival. How\'s it going?" Ye Hanjun smiled.

But the next moment, all I could hear was the beeping sound after the phone hung up.

Ye Hanjun shrugged and didn\'t get angry, and looked at Ye Chenxuan, "Brother, Pei Yi is not here, and Su Zibao doesn\'t know where he is. I guess it\'s more likely to find a woman. I can feel Su Zibao\'s anger through the phone, and it\'s raging. ."

"That should be with my sister." A trace of unhappiness flashed in Mu Huashang\'s eyes.

Ye Chenxuan\'s face was sinking like water, he suddenly stared at Ye Hanyun and said, "Hanyun, you are too close to her."

"It\'s not for your revenge, eldest brother. I originally thought that that **** Pei Yi would dare to be unclear with Mu Yunlan, so I would take his wife, but I didn\'t expect Su Zibao to be too shrewd to take advantage." Ye Hanjun smiled. laugh.

Ye Chenxuan reminded, "Don\'t forget her identity, it\'s okay to play, but don\'t take it seriously."

"Don\'t worry, women are outsiders. I\'m a veteran, so I don\'t know how to play tricks." Ye Hanjun disagreed.