Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 305: Su Zibao's affection

In an instant, many thoughts popped up in Mu Yunlan\'s mind. There is a deep fear. Su Zibao\'s concern and concern for Pei Yi really made her feel that she was too considerate.

They were too affectionate and too dazzling to her.

But even if he walked over and said Happy Birthday to Pei Yi, he could only remind Pei Yi that today was his birthday, remind him of Su Zibao who secretly prepared a gift for him, and feel Su Zibao\'s affection even more.

And what can be done to keep him from going back tonight?

Mu Yunlan frowned tightly. If this continues, their relationship will only get better and better, and no one will be able to intervene.

Even myself.

Time passed bit by bit, and Pei Yi came back before eight o\'clock. Because he heard that Su Zibao had prepared a gift for him, he unconsciously had a trace of anticipation.

Although he never cared about other people\'s gifts before.

The villa was empty, and Su Zibao was not at home. Just in the living room, there is a big gift box.

Half-person height, the two of them hugged each other thickly, wrapped in a delicate gift box. With such a big gift box, Pei Yi gestured in surprise and said to himself, "This size, did A Bao give me a bathtub for taking a bath?"

Pei Yi walked around the gift box, a boxy box, colored wrapping paper, and tied with a big bow. There is a letterhead on the gift box.

Pei Yi picked up the letterhead and saw Su Zibao\'s handwriting on it: "Don\'t read it blindly, take it apart, the surprise is inside!"

Pei Yi laughed dumbly.

The soundproofing of the wooden box is very poor. Su Zibao and Pei Yi only followed a layer of wrapping paper. When they heard him say the bathtub, they scolded that this guy was really unimaginative.

At this time, she was wearing a maid\'s costume, holding the dinner plate props commonly used by maids in the comics, and inside it was a birthday cake she made by herself.

She, who has always appeared in the image of a strong woman and a celebrity, was dressed like this for the first time, and her pretty face was already red and dripping with water.

When Gu Yian said it, he added the line "Master, happy birthday", which must make Pei Yi instantly boil with animal blood and turn into a wolf.

Because she looks so attractive now.

Su Zibao felt nervous for a while, feeling that Pei Yi was standing in front of her, as if he was about to unpack, so he calmed down his emotions secretly.

Just waiting for Pei Yi to open the box, sweet and greasy said that infinitely shameful line.

"Jingle Bell…"

The phone rang, and Su Zibao heard Pei Yi answer the phone and shouted, "Alan, what\'s the matter?"

Unable to hear the subsequent conversation, Pei Yi took the phone and went to the balcony. After a while, it was Pei Yi\'s sound of going out and closing the door.

The empty silence before returned to the villa.

Su Zibao sat blankly in the gift box with a look of disappointment on his face, but thought that he might have urgent matters to deal with temporarily.

Anyway, no matter what, it is impossible for Pei Yi to stay home at night.

Big deal waiting for him to come back.

Thinking of this, Su Zibao simply leaned against the gift box and fell asleep. But in my heart, I was actually very upset.

Pei Yi, you bastard! As soon as Mu Yunlan calls you, you leave. Several meanings!

Su Zibao fell asleep in a daze, and when he woke up again, the villa was still silent.

Su Zibao took out his mobile phone and slid it open to unlock it. The time displayed on the screen was already half past eleven in the middle of the night.

In half an hour, his birthday will be over.

Su Zibao hesitated for a while, but still called Pei Yi.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed is off..."

Su Zibao sighed in disappointment. He prepared so hard, but the protagonist did not come back.

Suddenly, Su Zibao found an unread text message in his inbox, which was sent by Mu Yunlan ten minutes ago.

"Pei Yi is here with me. He won\'t be back today. Don\'t worry, Miss Su should rest early. Good night. Oh yes, it\'s his birthday today."

Su Zibao stared at the text message, biting his red lips.

Is Mu Yunlan calling him just to celebrate his birthday? She also knows that today is Pei Yi\'s birthday?

That\'s right, she knew the identity of Pei Yi\'s illegitimate child so early, and naturally she also knew Pei Yi\'s real date of birth. I\'m afraid that when they are together, every year is spent together today.

Although he also prepared a birthday present for Pei Yi, Mu Yunlan called him away with a phone call.

He still wants to celebrate her birthday with her.

Not coming back? Hehe, what are you going to do when you stay home all night?

Su Zibao felt a surge of anger in his heart. It took two weeks of secret planning to prepare tonight\'s present. For the cake and custom maid outfit he made by himself, Huanhuanxi wanted to surprise him, but now, Mu Yunlan let him go with a word.

Su Zibao came out of the gift box angrily, and the villa was empty.

Cards were left on the table, showing the breath that he had returned.

Mood fell to the bottom.

Pei Yi is now with Mu Yunlan for her birthday.

He glanced down at the maid outfit he wore to make him happy.

dang dang…

The clock on the wall showed twelve o\'clock. His birthday is over.

The birthday I wanted to spend with him ended like this.

Su Zibao stared fiercely at the cake he made by himself, turned his anger into appetite, and ate it unceremoniously.

"Since you won\'t come back, what birthday present will I prepare for you, and what kind of life will I have. I will eat it myself."

But after taking a bite, the originally sweet chocolate made Su Zibao feel bitter.

Why is chocolate so bitter.

Su Zibao put down the cake and sat blankly on the sofa. At this point, in the early morning, Pei Yi\'s birthday has just passed, and the Qixi Festival has just begun.

She sat alone on the sofa in the villa, staring at the empty house in a daze.

The most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air, the most afraid of the sudden scene of memories, the house is full of his smell and breath, full of the memories of the two of them.

But at this moment, she doesn\'t have him.

Yangcheng Cemetery.

Pei Yi stood silently in front of a tombstone, next to him was Mu Yunlan in a white dress.

"I suddenly thought that today is Auntie\'s memorial day, so I called you." Mu Yunlan said, "I shouldn\'t bother you."

Pei Yi said nothing, looking at the black and white photo on the tombstone in silence. How could he forget that today was his mother\'s memorial day, he knew it very well, since he was very young.

It\'s just that the more painful the injury is, the more I can cherish the memory of myself alone at night.

Luo Wenyi died in childbirth, and her memorial day was his birthday.

So no one ever celebrated his birthday, and he didn\'t need it. His birth was originally an accident, not expected, let alone blessed. Pei Tianyou only gave him disgust and abandonment, all of which told Pei Yi that he only appeared in this world with malice.

It\'s just that Pei Yi didn\'t know that there was actually a woman who wanted to bless him tonight. Thank you auntie for choosing to let Pei Yi survive, and thank you for having a person like Pei Yi in this world.

Even though his existence was not blessed by anyone, he was cherished by her.

Su Zibao knew that Pei Yi\'s birthday was today, and even more that it was Aunt Luo\'s memorial day. But she didn\'t want to see him so sad, so she just wanted to leave the warmest surprise to him. And Mu Yunlan, in order to draw out Pei Yi, did not hesitate to reveal this painful fact.

Su Zibao wanted him to laugh, and Mu Yunlan wanted him to be by her side at this time, even if his heart was full of grief.