Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 896

A blue cloud floated in front of him, and the God of punishment smiled.

Someone is using his power, the power of bondage.

He lent this power to the angel lucent, who used it to prove that he was fighting Claude race.

There is his breath and his mark in it. Following the breath, you can naturally find Claude Sai.

Find him, then find the Seven Star Mountain, kill him, and then destroy the seven star mountain.

Such an alien cannot exist in the world and can no longer let this little character jump out and stir up the game again and again.

The Lord of divine punishment turned into a cloud and suddenly appeared in the blue robe.

Why is the robe hanging on the tree? Where\'s Luzon?

The Lord of divine punishment stood at the top of the tree and looked around. It should be near Tieshan town.

There are many mountains in Tieshan Town, but there shouldn\'t be so many trees.


Claude\'s witchcraft?

He knows I\'m coming? Prepared in advance?

It seems that something has happened to Rosen, but Claude is probably still nearby.

The Lord of divine punishment waved his hand, relaxed the witchcraft, and looked around. It seemed to be a valley of resentment haze.

There\'s breath. Someone\'s watching here.

Before the Lord of divine punishment could find the source of breath, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain and a tentacle pierced his knee.


Another tentacle appeared. The Lord of divine punishment grabbed it, turned his wrist and broke it.

Thousands of tentacles came from all directions. The Lord of divine punishment turned into smoke, flew into the air, avoided the tentacles, and was preparing to fight back with Liuyan. A black storm fell from the sky, surrounded the Lord of divine punishment and pressed it on the ground again.

The Lord of divine punishment changed into a man with a smile and said, "what a violent force, have you recovered?"

"Get away!"

The Lord of God was stunned. He heard tifeng\'s voice, but not only tifeng\'s voice.

Tentacles shuttle through the storm, constantly running through the body of the Lord of divine punishment. The Lord of divine punishment neither avoids nor parries. He stands in place with a smile and allows tifeng to attack.

Until the storm subsided and the wounds healed, the Lord of divine punishment smiled and asked, "are you satisfied?"

"Get out of here!"

Two voices, one tephon and one Gaia, they are all here.

Is this an ambush set by Manda?

Or did Tiffany plot against Luther?

Or with the help of Manda, Typhon and Gaia became allies of Hermes.

Whatever the reason, the Lord of God\'s punishment was not interested in fighting. He patted the dust on his body, jumped and left the earth.

Typhon\'s eyes looked up at the Lord of God\'s punishment and said silently, "how powerful is he?"

"You almost died at his hands, and now you dare to provoke him!"

"Mother, I didn\'t..."

"Shut up! Never do such a stupid thing again!"


Manda didn\'t take the blue robe with her, but sent it to the nearby haze valley.

Manda can come out of the picture, and the Lord of divine punishment can naturally come out of the robe. How can Manda make such a low-level mistake.

He took him back to the seven star mountain. He looked dejected and bowed his head, as if he wanted to fight with Manda to the end.

"No, I just want to ask you a few questions and answer honestly. I can let you live and even let you return to the Lord of punishment."

Luzon shook his head and said, "don\'t tell such shameless lies. Kill me and torture me. It\'s up to you. I won\'t answer any questions."

"This is what makes me curious. Why are you so loyal to the Lord of punishment?"

"Compared with everything the Lord has given me, my loyalty is not worth mentioning at all. Even if my humble body is destroyed a thousand times, or even ten thousand times, it is not enough to repay the Lord\'s kindness to me!"

Manda nodded and said, "if you think your body is so humble, I can only fight your soul."

He put his finger into Lucent\'s chest. Lucent tried to struggle, but lost his strength in an instant.

Manda pierced his soul and was searching for something else near his soul.

"What are you going to do? You, you want..."

Rosen\'s consciousness was somewhat incoherent, and Manda touched the special structure of the junction of his soul and body.

This is the way Hermes gave Manda.

Hermes\'s separation is conscious because consciousness can be separated.

Consciousness can be separated, which means it can be touched.

Manda\'s separation can make simple actions. It is through the touch of golden fingers that she separates part of her consciousness.

However, this method is very complex and needs to accurately grasp every detail.

After a dozen attempts, Manda finally succeeded.

Luzon\'s eyes were no longer decadent and became bright.

But his expression was stiff, without fear or anger, as if he had forgotten his current situation.

"Tell me, why did God choose you as an angel?"

"I am the blood of the Lord. There is no one in ten thousand miles."

Is he the blood of the Lord of divine punishment?

How can the blood of God\'s punishment Lord be mortal?

"How old are you?"

"Thirty three."

Thirty three years ago, the Lord of God gave birth to him?

God punishes the Lord without... How does he live?

"Your two brothers are also the blood of the Lord of God\'s punishment?"

"Yes, so is my father."

"Your ancestors shed the blood of the Lord of punishment?"

"No," ruthen shook his head. "They are not entitled to that honor. The Lord\'s blood belongs to my father, and the Lord chose my father first."

"Tell me the details."

Lucen\'s father, Iresh munchke, is the elder brother of the Marquis munchke. As the eldest son of the family, he should inherit the Marquis\'s title and territory.

But Iresh\'s father preferred the second son, and he finally became only a Viscount, or a Viscount without a fief.

Iresh, who was unfairly treated, chose to commit suicide at the age of 27. He took the deadly poison, but he didn\'t die. Lucen once heard his own description. He saw the Lord of divine punishment and was reborn.

The Lord of divine punishment gave him a new life, and he became the blood of the Lord of divine punishment. Since childhood, he taught his three sons to give everything in life to the Lord, which is also the reason why Luther is extremely loyal.

How many blood lines are there like this? Manda doesn\'t know, but Lu Sen knows something. After Sorens was killed, the Lord of Tieshan town was empty. On the recommendation of two royal ministers, Lu Sen obtained the fief of Tieshan town. These two ministers are also the blood of the Lord of divine punishment.

The Lord of God\'s punishment hides a lot of dead loyalty in the world. These people will eventually be transformed into angels by him. Of course, there are smart people like shakhiso who are at the helm and have also become an important source of angels.

Next, Manda is ready to ask the most critical question: "how did the Lord of punishment make you angels?"

"Forget, let\'s forget our body, forget our soul, forget our name, forget everything in the world, until we forget our existence, get the guidance of the Lord in confusion, get rid of the imprisonment of the world, and become servants who can be around the Lord!"

Forget everything, including yourself.

It\'s like a lost process.

The Lord of divine punishment holds the means of losing and breaks the boundary between God and mortals through the power of chaos.

This is just a subjective feeling. Manda also wants to know the means used by the Lord of divine punishment.

He was about to continue questioning when he saw Stanley running over in a panic: "there is smoke outside the barrier, blue smoke!"