Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 895

Typhon believed in the oath. Manda made the oath, and he immediately said the reason.

"Father\'s breath can blur the boundary of faith into the boundary of blood, because my father\'s creed is vague."

Is taltaltalos\' Creed vague?

Can ambiguity be a creed?

Typhon then said, "fuzziness is everywhere, but no one can use the power of fuzziness except his father. In order to maintain the power of fuzziness, his father is asleep most of the time."

Fuzzy power? What is that?

It sounds amazing. It needs a powerful primitive God to fall into a deep sleep to maintain.

Tifong said, "if you want to learn the power of ambiguity, I advise you to give up as soon as possible. I am his son, and I can only use his little power. My father will not allow anyone to touch the power of ambiguity. If you have no chance, please make a more reasonable request."

Manda shook her head and said, "don\'t mention it. You\'ve said the reason. I should fulfill my promise. Tomorrow I\'ll go to blame haze Valley to create a barrier for you."

Tifeng said, "I didn\'t do anything for you. Doesn\'t it still take advantage of you?"

"If I can see taltaltalos, even if we are even, even if we can\'t see it, I won\'t argue with you. At least you let me know another powerful power..."

"Don\'t say it, don\'t say it!"

Manda nodded and said, "I promise not. Let\'s go to the valley now."

"Can you not go?"

"How can I make a barrier for you if I don\'t go to the valley?"

"You\'d better not go like this. It\'s too embarrassing for me."

Typhon was very concerned about Hermes\'s view, that is, he had not betrayed Hermes at present.

Then why did he let Manda create a barrier, not to prevent Hermes?

Manda didn\'t ask much. After shuttling through the familiar Valley for half a day, Manda made a mark and covered the whole valley with a solid barrier.

It took a day to fix the loophole, left an exit for tifeng, and the barrier was completed.

Tifeng was very satisfied with this and promised to give Manda news in three days.

"I can\'t decide whether father wants to see you or not. His waking time is very limited. It depends on your luck."

Manda plans to leave Tieshan town quietly and find a suitable place to return to Qixing mountain, but not long after walking outside the town, Tieshan Viscount Lucen munchke actually follows up.

He wants to see the king off?


Seeing off the king should be more orderly. If not all the people go out, at least there must be a basic guard of honor.

What does he mean to be alone?


What for?

Because of the manor?

"I heard that his majesty can fly into the sky with a piece of land. I\'m a countryman. I\'d like to see it."

Manda smiled. "Do you want to fly with me or watch me fly?"

"It depends on your majesty. If you can take me off, it will be the glory of my life. If you can take my family off, it will be the glory of my whole family."

Two brothers of Luzon munchke appeared behind him. This time they didn\'t hide their breath. All three of them were in the angel position.

The Lord of divine punishment is really generous. He gave such a high treatment to anyone he picked up. Manda remembers that Lucen is just a blind duck. Does the Lord of divine punishment have the means to make people become God in one step?

Can\'t be arbitrary. Maybe this Luther is hiding too deep. I\'ve seen him before, and Manda doesn\'t see that he\'s an angel.

Lu Sen said with a smile, "the LORD said, it\'s impractical to find you between the third barrier and the fifth barrier. The sky is so vast. How can we find your Majesty\'s whereabouts by our strength alone?

So I chose to wait on the ground. I knew that his Majesty must miss Roma road country. I heard that his majesty had been to Blackwater city. I wanted to follow his majesty to the southwest. Unexpectedly, his majesty came to Tieshan town,

Your majesty still has feelings for his hometown, and I have deep feelings for your majesty. Don\'t hurry, your majesty. Stay with us for two more days. "

"Two days is enough? I can accompany you for a long time!" Manda suddenly rushed to Lusen. Lusen stood quietly waiting. He hoped Manda would start first. All the tactics prepared by the three brothers were based on Manda\'s first leak.

Will Manda show a flaw?

Yes, and a lot.

Manda\'s mind is very meticulous, but the process of fighting is not meticulous. He often needs to use his strong adaptability and speed to make up for his mistakes.

This is not a problem that can be corrected casually. If Manda deliberately corrects it, the tactics will become fixed and old-fashioned, but will put him in a passive position.

Lucen did his homework on this point. He angered Manda with words in order to catch the flaw after Manda shot.

As long as there is one flaw, he is sure to win. The three brothers concentrate on looking at every detail of Manda and compare the information they collected before in their mind.

Manda\'s first attack probably didn\'t use skills. He basically started with sharp claws. Generally, he first used the fingers of his right hand, and his first flaw was under his right rib.

Once the first attack fails, Manda will attack continuously with golden fingers. At this time, Manda basically doesn\'t consider defense and is almost full of flaws.

If you can\'t seize the opportunity, you should do a good job in defense, because the most dangerous moment will soon come.

Once suppressed by Manda\'s offensive, Manda will wait for the opportunity to use skills to win and choose the most advantageous skills in different situations. This is Manda\'s best means.

If several skills fail to work, Manda will retreat immediately and try not to fight. This is another characteristic of Manda. At the moment, if you grasp the rhythm of pursuit, you will have a chance to give him a fatal blow.

All the routines are figured out. They are ready to catch Manda\'s first flaw, the flaw under the right rib.

But Manda rushed halfway and suddenly disappeared. Lu Sen was surprised and quickly ordered the two brothers to open the shield.

If Manda doesn\'t attack according to the fixed routine, the three of them must defend well. The best way to defend is shield. There are no dead corners in all directions, regardless of Manda\'s claws or skills

The train of thought continued, but Manda had already appeared and tore the shield from behind Lu Sen. the two brothers quickly helped Lu Sen build the shield again. Manda raised his hand and tore it. Moreover, he was not in a hurry to attack. He waited for them to do a good job of the shield and tear it together. From the ferocious smile, he enjoyed the process.

After more than a dozen shields were torn, Luther calmed down, took out a blue cloak from his arms, shook it at Manda, and a piece of blue smoke came out.

The cloak is a sacred thing given to him by the God of punishment. This blue smoke comes from the binding force of the God of punishment.

Lu Sen intended to deliver a fatal blow with smoke when Manda escaped, but according to this trend, Manda has little chance to escape, and they don\'t have much time to support.

Under the cover of smoke, Manda was silent. The two brothers looked at Lu Sen, but they didn\'t dare to rush forward.

"We are now in the past, will smoke bind us?" they don\'t know about smoke.

"The LORD said to me," as long as we are pious enough, we will not be bound by him. "

The youngest brother asked, "but if our piety affects Claude Sai, will he break free?"

Lu Sen shook his head and said, "don\'t doubt the power of the Lord, don\'t doubt the wisdom of the Lord, and don\'t doubt the sacred things given to us by the Lord. We just need to be careful enough, and the arrest action will be safe."

"I\'ll go forward and make a test first. If there is no abnormality, can the two brothers catch Claude Sai together?"


After answering, Luther shuddered.

His brother is willing to take risks instead of his brother, which Luther agrees very much.

But this "can you?" is really strange.

Did your brother speak just now?

The voice was the same, but my brother\'s cheek didn\'t seem to move.

Luzon looked down. His cloak was gone and turned into a picture.

This is a hand-painted witch painting by kalke, which hides a large number of exquisite witchcraft.

The blue cloak hides the binding power of the Lord of divine punishment. It is absolutely equivalent exchange.

Manda appeared beside him. Just now he imitated the voice of his brother and asked, "is it OK?"

When the cloak was lost, the three brothers were ready to fight. Manda put her fingers against Lucen\'s neck and said with a smile, "don\'t move, don\'t you want to accompany me for a few more days? I\'ll give you a chance!"

Ruthen shouted, "leave me alone and fight with him for the glory of the Lord!"

After a moment of fighting, the heads of the two younger brothers landed one after another, and Manda\'s fingers still rested on Lu Sen\'s neck: "it\'s too difficult to fight to death. It\'s good to say that the Lord of divine punishment wants to find seven star mountain or me?"

"You kill me!" Luzon refused to answer.

Manda said with a smile, "forget it. I\'ll take you to the seven star mountain. You found me and the seven star mountain. It\'s a great achievement. I\'ve accomplished you."

Before leaving, ruthen looked at the cloak in Manda\'s hand, with resentment and reluctance on his face.

Manda also looked at the cloak: "this is my booty. Do you think I should take it back to the seven star mountain?"