Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 888

Cronus said, "the slate is very important to Manda, but more important to CAOS. If they both want the slate, the relationship will not be so harmonious."

The celestial God sighed, "you are still so insidious."

Cronus smiled: "if one day he and CAOS join hands to make the world disordered, you will understand my pains today."

RIA asked, "where are we going now?"

"Go to Ayu."

"Aiyou island is at the end of the West Sea," said the God of celestial bodies, looking down at the earth. "Let\'s go down and find a suitable house first, and I\'ll fly over with you."

"Why so much trouble? The rules of distance can be changed." Cronus took Rhea in one hand and the God of celestial bodies in the other. His figure flashed in the air. It took less than a day to come to the sky over Aiyu island.

The celestial God exclaimed, "this is the unique skill of CAOS, which was really taught to you."

"He didn\'t teach, but I understood it. The rules come from chaos. Lifting the rules is still chaos. In chaos, distance can change and time can change."

The God of celestial bodies looked puzzled and said, "can you make it simpler? Is this rule or chaos?"

"If the boundary between chaos and rules is so simple, why should I be a believer in CAOS?"

Aiyou island has been conquered by the sea queen Amphitrite. As soon as they landed on the island, they were stopped by two siren sea demons.

"Who are you?"

Siren pointed at Cronus with a steel fork.

Cronus smiled and said, "I\'m a guest behind the sea."

Siren looked at Rhea again: "what about you?"

"I am the sister of Neptune and the aunt of Amphitrite."

It is true that Amphitrite is the daughter of the sea god Nereus, who is the son of Gaia. Although he is not the same father, he is indeed the brother of Rhea and the brother of Cronus and cleus.

Siren looked at cleus: "who is this child?"

Cleus scratched siren\'s knee and said with a smile, "I\'m not a child. I\'m ANFI\'s uncle."

The sirens were furious and stabbed clius with a steel fork. Before clius dodged, Cronus waved his hand, and the two sirens immediately fell into a deep sleep.

They boarded the three-tier island all the way, and met many sea gods and sea demons. Cronus walked all the way, and all those who stopped him fell asleep.

Cleus sighed, "are the sea gods so unbearable?"

Rhea said, "if Poseidon were still there, the power of the sea clan would not decline so much."

"My useless sons," Cronus sneered, "but I\'m curious where he went. I heard that he angered his mother, but her mother wouldn\'t kill him."

"Everyone says he\'s missing, but I think he\'s probably on Mount Olympia. I\'ve smelled the sea in the canyon. I suspect Hermes is swallowing his power," Rhea said

"Hermes, I\'ve always appreciated him. I really didn\'t look away. It\'s a pity that he cherished his believers and brought me a lot of trouble."

They came to the forbidden area on the top of the mountain. Cleus led them to the fourth island.

At the moment of seeing Cronus, kejero, with messy hair and beard, knelt on the ground and cried bitterly: "minister, you deserve to die!"

"What\'s your sin?" Cronus touched kejero\'s hair. "You\'ve suffered. Come with me."

"Minister, humiliating mission!"

"It\'s not your fault," Cronus sighed. "He\'s too difficult to deal with."


Tianping girl\'s behavior is a little strange. She has been staring at Manda these two days, but she doesn\'t talk to Manda.

Manda doesn\'t care much because he has a lot to care about. The problem of water has been solved, but the problem of food has not been solved.

According to the observation of paviu, a believer of the God of agriculture, the wheat in the farmland is growing well, but most of the wheat grains are empty shells. This year\'s harvest is very bad.

Manda didn\'t expect a good harvest. His only hope was to leave some seeds.

The life born on the celestial body will become a part of the celestial body. The seeds born on the celestial body can also be regarded as the life born on the celestial body, and can reproduce here. In that case, the food problem of Qixing mountain will be solved.

We should eat not only food, but also meat. There are also a number of livestock in Qixing mountain.

But after a long period of stagnation, the livestock also had problems.

Livestock can eat, but refuse to mate. They seem to have lost their desire to reproduce.

This is really a headache. You should ask Cronus more about the experience of creating Olympia.

But when I think of Cronus, I think of the suffering of those 82 years. Manda wants to open his hood and cut his head to pieces.

The hood must be lifted, and his expression of fear and pain must be seen.

Manda was gnashing her teeth in hatred. The balance girl pushed the door and came in: "I want..."

"If you want, go to Quinta and guatel. I\'m not in the mood now."

"I want to play mahjong with you!"

"I have to play mahjong in the evening. I\'m not free now."

"I want to bet with you!"

"Yes, remember to wear more clothes."

After a long time, Tianping girl finally couldn\'t hold back: "I want slate."

Manda looked at the balance girl and didn\'t speak.

Balance girl said, "I don\'t want it for nothing. I can exchange things with you. Tell me what you want, but I won\'t teach you soul repair."

Manda asked the waiter to call sangira and ask her to give the third slate to the balance girl.

Sangira was distressed for a while. This slate had just arrived, but she would not disobey Manda\'s orders and never asked why.

The balance girl took the slate, looked at Manda and said, "just give it to me?"

Manda nodded.

"What do you want?"


"Why not?"

"Because you deserve it."

Treating Cronus was a business, and Manda subcontracted it.

As a contractor, he received great help from cleus, including the repair of the outer barrier and the establishment of the inner barrier, as well as the second flight of the chest star mountain.

As a practical worker, Tianping girl also deserves her reward. Although the slate is very precious, since Tianping girl spoke, Manda did not hesitate to give her the slate.

Balance girl still couldn\'t believe that Manda would be so generous. "You should know how precious this thing is."

"Yes, I know."

"You don\'t know what will happen if this thing comes to my hand."

"Yes, I don\'t know. So what?"

Manda accidentally released tifun. Some people said it would have very terrible consequences, but in fact it was not so terrible.

Manda took the initiative to release the God of celestial bodies, and some people said it was a very terrible consequence, but now it seems that the God of celestial bodies has not done earth shaking things.

Anything can have terrible consequences, and a sneeze can trigger a storm.

Manda is too lazy to take care of so much. If she works hard, she has to be paid. This is the reward that girl Tianping deserves.

The balance girl held the slate and said, "I want to come to you tonight to play mahjong."

"As I said, you can. Remember to bring more money and wear more clothes."

When the balance girl left, sangira asked, "what is playing mahjong?"

"I teach you, it\'s an art."

Late at night, Tianping girl arrived as scheduled wearing heavy clothes and carrying a heavy money bag.

There are two more people on the table tonight, one is sangira and the other is moaira.

The balance girl looked unhappy: "what are they doing here? Isn\'t it enough for two?"

"The battle of four people is more complete."

The balance girl shook her head and said, "this is a battle between you and me. It\'s not fair to these laymen."

Manda said with a smile, "it\'s really hard to say who is a layman. If you\'re afraid, it\'s still time to go now."

Balance girl sneered: "even if you can\'t win, can\'t you win them?"

After an eight point hourglass, the balance girl still has an inner skirt, and Moira has nothing.

Manda was looking at the cards, and sangira was touching the gold coins in front of her: "I didn\'t expect that the game was so interesting."

There was a noise outside, and girl Tianping had a bad hunch.

"Why is it so noisy?"

"Because a lot of people came," Manda said

"Who are they?"

"People who like to watch the excitement, my family members have come, and there are many good people who don\'t like sleeping. There are almost hundreds of people."

"You are so mean..."

Manda touched a card and looked at his expression. The girl\'s face turned white.

"You shouldn\'t be..."

"Yes," Manda pushed the card down. "I\'m willing to meet their wishes."

The balance girl lowered her head and said in a very small voice, "just leave this dress for me."

"That won\'t work," Manda said decisively, looking at Moira beside her and saying to the balance girl, "you can learn some skills from her."

The balance girl looked at Moira contemptuously: "what skills can you have if you lose all the first?"

Mo Aila said solemnly, "I know how to cover it. I can run fast and cover a lot."

"Shame, what a shame!" the balance girl pulled her inner skirt and finally didn\'t want to take it off. "You say, why do I know how to be shy?"

Manda shrugged and didn\'t know how to answer.

"You win, leave this skirt to me, and I\'ll teach you the skill of repairing the soul."