Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 887

"You have contacted me many times. If you kill me, you can get the sickle. I\'m afraid I\'ve died many times. The full version of the sickle is not so easy to take, right?"

Cronus was silent for a moment and said, "maybe it\'s just that I\'m kind to you?"

Manda almost smiled and burst into tears. "You? Kindness? You only regard me as a tool. Even if you really know kindness, you won\'t leave it to a tool."

"I said so much to you because I really regarded you as a friend. I defeated Uranus and CAOS. Although the means were not glorious, I did it. How long can you deal with me with you?"

"What\'s strange about defeating CAOS," Manda looked up. "I\'ve defeated him many times and convinced him to lose every time."

While talking, the voice of Tianping girl suddenly came from the door: "my believer, come and boil water and ask your woman to wait on me to take a bath."

Manda reached out and made a gesture of invitation. Cronus turned and left Manda\'s cabin.

The full version of the sickle is really not easy to get, not to mention that CAOS warned him.

Why did CAOS side with Manda? Do they have the same idea? Do they all want the world back to chaos?

According to Rhea, Manda\'s true God is called error.

There are some origins between error and chaos. They are all destroyers of order and rules.

Seeing that his status is not low, he may be above the seventh level. With a treacherous temperament and a sickle, Bai Zhao may not be able to defeat him even if he fights alone.

The sickle has the characteristic of recognizing the Lord. How can Manda willingly hand over the sickle?

While thinking, I suddenly saw the girl Tianping appear in front of me: "where\'s the firewood?"


"How can I boil water without firewood? How can I take a bath without hot water?"

"You have bathed many times today."

"How many times do I need your care?"

I don\'t need to take care of it. I need to boil water. Cronus\'s expression is very ugly. Fortunately, girl Tianping can\'t see it.

In fact, the water doesn\'t need to be burned. There is hot water in the river. Cronus saw the busy God of celestial bodies when drawing water.

"You really work hard."

Cleus was concentrating on mending the barrier and said casually, "I\'m helping you pay your debt, son of a bitch!"

"I\'ve recovered. It\'s time for us to go and find a chance to take RIA with us."

Cleus looked back. "Do you look down on promises so much?"

Cronus said, "What promise did you make to Manda? I didn\'t hear a word."

"I\'ll work for him. It\'s enough to save your life."

"If one day, Olympia is destroyed, are you willing to do the same thing?"

"What does that have to do with me?" cleus shook his head. "I\'m not the owner of that mountain."

Cronus thought: you are not the master of this mountain.

Three days later, cleus helped Manda mend the barrier, made an inner barrier for Manda, and painted a special witch painting between the two barriers with kalke.

The disguise made by witchcraft has taken effect. Cleus hopes that Cronus can inject the force of order into the barrier and make the Seven Star Mountain truly invisible.

Cronus refused immediately. He was in a bad mood. He couldn\'t get the sickle. He couldn\'t even find the Seven Star Mountain in the future.

Before leaving, the celestial God will do one last thing for Manda.

"Let me help you make new celestial bodies."

Off the ring, the uppermost celestial body.

This celestial body has an important use to maintain the balance in the mountains, including the balance of temperature and force field.

Manda chose the central position of the Seven Star Mountain, chest star mountain, as the uppermost celestial body.

He has tried the technique of leaving the ring, but it is really difficult to control a whole mountain to fly up twice. Moreover, once there is a problem with the upper Island, it will cause the collapse of the whole seven star mountain. The flying height is not high enough or too high, and it is impossible to maintain balance.

Thanks to cleus\'s help, otherwise the day would have to be postponed for at least a year. Manda has stored so much food and water, which is what she is preparing for this day.

"The height may be more refined. It must be above the six fold barrier, between 3000 feet and 5000 feet..."

Cleus is still calculating. Manda brought the ruler of the Milky way.

Holding it in his hand, the God of the celestial body jumped up: "this is his bone!"

"Keep your voice down," Manda covered the mouth of the celestial God. "Do you want to burn her bath water?"

After measuring the height, they expelled everyone around the chest star mountain. They checked the mark again, and Manda began to use his skills.

Even with the help of cleus, Manda will take at least three days to complete the second flight, which is the complexity of the art of leaving the ring.

At the moment, Cronus had an idea.

Take advantage of Manda\'s absence and capture the Seven Star Mountain as a threat to force Manda to hand over the sickle.

Manda cares about the seven star mountain so much that she will give in. After getting the sickle, Manda must leave the world. The sickle recognizes the Lord. If he stays here, he will cause great trouble. If Manda insists on not leaving, he can only kill him.

Next, it depends on Hermes\'s attitude. If Hermes\'s ambition is limited to origino, he can choose to fight with him, hit the Lord of divine punishment, and let the Lord of divine punishment continue to be afraid of himself.

If Hermes\'s ambition goes beyond origino, he can first destroy part of the barrier of Olympia, so as to frighten Hermes and make him no longer have more ideas. He can unite with himself against the Lord of divine punishment.

In another world, this situation is called the tripartite confrontation, which integrates the wisdom of a heroic era


A bucket hit Cronus on the back of the head.

"How long will it take to draw water?" the balance girl drank

There is another word in that world: reality is sometimes so skinny.

The soul of CAOS is here, and Cronus has no possibility of conquering the seven star mountain.

Why do you still have such an idea when you know you can\'t do it?

Cronus took a bucket and looked at the surrounding scenery. He always felt that the seven star mountain was a little similar to the Olympia mountain.

Keep it first and let me see what kind of world you can create.

The complete sickle is a deterrent to the Lord of divine punishment after all. Even if it is not in his own hand, it just exists in this world.


Three days later, Manda and cleus fell from the sky.

The original place of Xiongxing mountain has turned into a flat land, leaving only a small river flowing here.

When the seven star mountain left the ground, the river became extremely hot.

When the Xiongxing mountain soared twice, the river that soared above the six layer barrier became more hot, but the river left on the Qixing mountain cooled rapidly. With the accurate calculation of the height, the river finally reached the normal temperature, and the problem of water source was solved.

After the Seven Star Mountain Rose, a downward force field appeared, and people were trapped by stagnation under the action of the force field.

After the second flight of Xiongxing mountain, the upward force field is formed in the vacuum zone, which offsets the downward force field.

The area of the vacuum zone is larger than that of the Xiongxing mountain. It spreads from the head star mountain to the tail star mountain, covering most of the left-wing mountain and the right-wing mountain. In this area, the astringent problem is solved.

Since bringing the seven star mountain into the air, Manda has finally succeeded in making the residents who follow him live the same life as the ground.

The difference is that here, they no longer have to live in fear under the gaze of the gods.

The celestial God returned the barrier bracelet to Manda without any conditions or requirements.

"I know that after we leave, you will immediately transfer the Seven Star Mountain, but if you still retain the least trust in me, I can at least hear from you when I need you."

Clius and Cronus chose to leave. It\'s rare that girl Tianping was merciful and released Rhea.

"Clumsy, annoying, go with your man!"

Rhea was very grateful. When she left, she secretly gave Manda a slate. This scene was seen by the balance girl.

Out of the barrier, Cronus whispered, "did you give me anything?"

RIA nodded, "here you are."

Cleus looked back and said, "what have you done? Stop counting on him. He just saved you."

"Nothing," Cronus shrugged. "Manda and CAOS are too close. I hope they stay away."