Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 874

Manda looked at Hermes with admiration, not out of flattery and flattery, but from the heart.

In Hermes, Manda saw the mind and bearing of a generation of God King.

But Rhea was deeply skeptical. What Zeus said to him was far more beautiful than what Hermes said.

"Are you trying to intimidate my man with me?" Rhea shook her head. "Don\'t be delusional. I won\'t do such a stupid thing again."

Hermes said, "it doesn\'t matter whether you believe me, but I believe you must want to see Cronus. I will go to the mortal world to fight with the Lord of divine punishment. Cronus will also go at that time. Are you willing to fight side by side with me?"

Rhea\'s eyes were shining. He couldn\'t resist the temptation. After hesitating for a moment, she said to Hermes, "if you threaten me on the battlefield, I will kill myself immediately."

Hermes smiled and said, "if I abandon you on the battlefield, don\'t get me wrong. I\'m trying to get you back to him."

Rhea took a handful of soil and gave it to Hermes.

Hermes looked at the soil in his hand and asked, "is this?"

"This is the land of forgiveness. Take it, my mother will forgive you, and you can do your best on earth."

Only then did Manda know the function of these soil, and why Cronus\'s men were not limited in the world.

But why did Rhea give me such precious soil? Is this also Cronus\'s order?

Manda has just made an all-out effort in the world. Fortunately, he carried the soil with him.

Rhea agreed to promote the cooperation between Hermes and Cronus, and Hermes announced in the name of the Lord of the gods that Rhea\'s previous actions would not be investigated.


Leaving Rhea\'s temple, Hermes said to Manda, "do you think I\'m too tolerant?"

Manda shook her head. "You just don\'t want to waste your mind on those details."

"My mind should be wasted on the enemy, because the enemy is too powerful. There are always those stupid monarchs who use their careful thinking to calculate their own people\'s careful thinking, whether gods or mortals. When the enemy grabbed his hair and kicked him in the face, he was still thinking whether his subjects ate more meat last night," Hermes pinched Manda\'s face, "How about eating more? Eat more and gain weight. What\'s wrong with it?"

Manda nodded and said, "we\'re very similar."

"We are very similar in many places. How dare you say you are not my son?"

"Of course I\'m your son. I\'ll always be your son!" Manda smiled sincerely for a long time. Her face cramped with laughter, and Hermes didn\'t laugh.

"You should have seven steps," Hermes looked at Manda. "Before I come back, you should stay in my temple and don\'t go anywhere. I\'ll let pan and HEMA look at you."

"In fact, it\'s OK to stay in my own temple!"

"Your temple?" Hermes laughed aloud. "God knows what mechanism you have arranged in the temple. Pan Dou can\'t help you. I\'m afraid you can\'t see you all night. My temple has an invisible net. You can\'t fly. Wait until the war is over. If I can come back alive, you will see the glory of the era of the gods. If I can\'t come back, you should help pan ascend the throne,

I know pan is not qualified enough. No matter what means you use to cheat, kill or steal, in short, you should make him the Lord of the gods,

He is not as smart as you, nor as cruel as you, but he knows perseverance and sacrifice. When he becomes the Lord of the gods, you can all survive. When you become the Lord of the gods, pan will die. But if he really can\'t... You can replace him at the right time. Remember me. You must wait until the right time, or you will die without a place to bury. "

Hermes sent Manda back to the temple, explained briefly, and disappeared into the night.

Manda sat bored at the door of the temple, silently enjoying the scenery outside through the invisible net. HEMA looked ferocious and said, "don\'t play tricks, or I\'ll kill you immediately."

"Brother is so dignified. I dare not play tricks with you if I have the courage."

HEMA also wanted to make cruel remarks. Pan came over with a smiling face: "it\'s a long night and it\'s hard. Do you miss a girl?"

Manda nodded and said, "that\'s a little. Why don\'t you call sangira?"

"It\'s easy for others to say that sangjira can\'t," Pan slapped, and a beautiful Ningfu came over. "Isn\'t she beautiful enough?"

Manda glanced at her, her eyes lit up and said, "beauty, why haven\'t I seen such a beautiful girl? Seeing her, I\'ve almost forgotten what sangira looks like. Come on, come here."

Ningfu got into Manda\'s arms generously. Manda started directly. She was not polite at all. Seeing that she was about to enter the key link, Manda suddenly raised her head and said, "brothers, just look at it?"

Pan smiled and said, "is there any pattern in the world I haven\'t seen?"

Manda nodded and said, "what my brother said is reasonable. That little brother is clumsy."

From the ordinary prelude to the climax of ups and downs, Manda\'s exquisite skills made the two gods blush.

What hasn\'t pan experienced? Can he lose control of such a scene?

He\'s really out of control.

He turned his face a little, and suddenly Ningfu exclaimed, "how has he softened?"

Pan took a deep breath in his airway: "he should have softened long ago."

"He\'s all soft!"

Pan was surprised and touched Manda. He saw that Manda was half like a melted wax statue, turned into a pool of candle oil and penetrated beyond the barrier.

"This, this, this is separation!" HEMA exclaimed.

Didn\'t his father take away his skills? Why can you still use a split?

Even if he can use his avatar, why can he escape outside the invisible net?

Pan quickly lifted the invisible net and wandered on the field for a moment, but found no trace of Manda.

Manda used all pervasive skills when he escaped. He is now completely invisible.

"How to do?" HEMA said with a flustered face, "it\'s only less than one night..."

"Don\'t worry! He must have gone to his temple. His woman is there and the stolen slate is there!"

Pan and HEMA ran all the way to Manda\'s temple, but the temple was empty, with only six sleeping Ningfu.

HEMA grabbed a Ningfu and slapped her in the face. Ningfu opened her sleeping eyes and looked at HEMA in a trance.

"Where\'s Manda?"

Ningfu shook her head and said, "I haven\'t seen him."

"Where\'s sangira?"

"She came and left again."

HEMA left Ningfu aside and looked everywhere for the slate; "As long as those two stone slabs are still there, this bastard will be reluctant to go."

Pan touched the altar, put his nose up and smelled it. He smelled a faint smell of paint.

"It\'s a painting!" Pan Shen roared, shaking HEMA\'s chest, and a witch painting was shattered.

Before, Manda had recorded the scenery on Olympia mountain with witch painting. The first scenery he recorded was his own temple, and the record was very perfect because there was the skill of confusing the false with the true.

After the witch painting was broken, the temple completely disappeared, leaving only an open space, not even a stone slab.

HEMA shook his head and said, "it\'s impossible. Did he move the whole temple?"

"Find him! He can\'t get out of Olympia!" Pan roared. "Find the bastard and break his leg!"

It\'s not so easy to find. Manda is now in the forbidden area near the top of the mountain. Sangira has been waiting here for a long time.

When Manda and Hermes visited Rhea together, sangira put down all Ningfu with witchcraft, took away all the figures of the great temple with the small temple, replaced the great temple with a witch painting, and then took the slate to the forbidden area on the top of the mountain.

The two giants guarding the forbidden area fell into a deep sleep under witchcraft. Manda looked up at the sky. He knew that Olympia and Ayo island had similar structures, and he knew that there was a layer of celestial bodies on it.

Now is not the time to explore celestial bodies. He is taking his bride home.

Manda pulled sangira\'s hand, kicked her feet on the ground and jumped into the sky.

They flew all the way to the edge of the barrier. Sangira shook her head and said, "we can\'t get out here. No one can break through the barrier. We have to go near the pinholes. I know the location of the two pinholes."

"You know, don\'t pan know?" Manda shook her head. "Pan has been waiting for me there."

"What should we do?" sangira hugged Manda tightly. She believed Manda would have a way, but she really couldn\'t figure out where the way came from.

Manda\'s fingers pressed against the barrier and gently drew an arc, and a crack appeared on the barrier.

Sangira stared at Manda.

Manda cleared the rift and flew out of the barrier with sangira.

"You, how can you..."

"Good lady, ask again when you have something to say at home."

Manda swooped down, crossed the fifth barrier and began to fly laterally.

Sangira shook her head and said, "our home is below, and the earth is far from us."

Manda shook her head and said, "we don\'t go to the earth. Our home is in the sky."