Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 873

Manda was shocked. He didn\'t expect Hermes to know about the temple.

Hermes\' wisdom was so amazing that Manda suspected that everything sangira had done could not escape his eyes.

But Hermes didn\'t blame Manda. He just wanted to get his skills back.

Manda touched her chest and said, "if I give you my skills back, I will become a blind duck without merit."

Hermes said with a smile, "I only take back the skills I gave you, your divine power and your personality will not be affected. The skills given by tifeng will remain in your body, and your own skills will awaken. Maybe you have awakened, but you don\'t realize it."

Hermes didn\'t know my skills had awakened?

Maybe he knows and just wants to give me a step down.

Thinking of this, Manda didn\'t say any more. She drew a line on her chest with her fingers, dug out the divine blood stone and handed it to Hermes.

Hermes took the divine blood stone and stared at Manda\'s wound for a moment.

The wound healed quickly.

Without any excuse, Manda has become a God.

Hermes smiled and swallowed the divine blood stone into his stomach. He still didn\'t blame Manda.

"Go, I\'ll take you somewhere!"

"Do you want me to go to Qixing mountain to fight for you? I\'m not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but I\'m afraid my current situation is really not suitable for fighting."

"I won\'t let you participate in that battle. God knows which side you will stand on the battlefield. I want to take you to meet someone and meet the spies on Olympia."

Spies on Olympia?

He even knows who the spy is?

Why wait until today?

Is this spy related to me?

Heaven and earth conscience, sangira stole two stone tablets, but she had nothing to do with the spies.

Manda followed Hermes all the way, feeling more and more familiar.

This road leads to Tian Hou palace.

It\'s not Hera\'s palace, it\'s Rhea\'s palace.

Why come to Rhea\'s palace?

Is Rhea a a spy?

Yes, he is Cronus\'s wife. It is reasonable for his wife to be a spy for her husband.

But Cronus was pushed down from the throne by Rhea. Have they made up again?

Rhea is a respectable goddess. She must die at the hands of Hermes tonight. Manda feels a little sorry, but this is not something he can stop.

Entering the hall of the temple, Rhea was weaving. He heard Hermes\'s footsteps. He put down his work, turned back and said to Hermes, "you have finally come."

Hermes bent over and saluted, "grandma, I\'m here to..."

"I gave the slate on the cliff to Cronus. You can punish me as you like."

Rhea was so frank that Hermes was embarrassed: "can I know the reason behind it?"

"The reason is that I love my man."

"Can I know more? About the story between you."

RIA smiled. "The story is long. Do you really want to hear it?"

Hermes looked around. "Can I sit down and listen?"

As soon as Rhea waved, two stone chairs appeared behind Manda and Hermes.

They sat down. Rhea looked up at the portrait of Cronus above the temple and said slowly, "I love my man. I have loved him since he was born. This has never changed."

Hermes said, "but you pushed him off the throne."

Rhea nodded. "That\'s what I regret most in my life."

"Because he ate your child?"

"He ate my child?" RIA laughed. "Do you think he would do that?"

Hermes shook his head and said, "although I don\'t know much about him, I don\'t think he would do such a foolish act with his wisdom."

"You\'re right. It\'s just a lie made up by Zeus. My son is very good at lying and is nothing like his father."

Hermes said, "is it because Cronus was so cruel that my father denounced his atrocities in a metaphorical way?"

Rhea looked sullen: "Zeus has no right to scold him. Cronus is a good monarch, a good father and a good husband. All I do is to bring him back to me."

"Cronus left you?"

Rhea sighed: "after he became the king of God, he made many rules, and the whole world operated according to his order. How perfect all these things are, but he never knew how to be satisfied. He said that there were still loopholes in the rules, and he wanted to learn a more perfect order,

He has gone for hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, I miss him day and night,

Then he came back. I believe he will never leave me, never leave. I firmly believe that I am the happiest woman in the world,

But he stayed for a few years and left again. I don\'t know why or where he went. "

Hermes was also quite puzzled: "where the hell has he gone?"

Only Manda knew where Cronus had gone, but he dared not say.

Rhea then said, "I cried to my mother. As long as I could get my man back to me, I was willing to do anything. My mother told me a mysterious ceremony, and I did it. At first, I thought my mother just wanted to help me find my man. Later, I knew that he was a man who missed himself.

After the ceremony, I heard a terrible voice, my father\'s voice. "

Hermes frowned and said, "Uranus, the later God of punishment."

Gaia ordered Rhea to release the Lord of God\'s punishment.

Rhea said, "my father fell into a deep sleep after the defeat. The ceremony awakened him. I regret it. I had a chance to let him fall into a deep sleep again, but Zeus told me that his father would come back and I would see my man.

Thinking of him, I forgot all my senses. Indeed, my man came back. He was very worried and upset. I saw the fear of long absence from him. I was worried that he would leave again, so I listened to the children\'s suggestions and prepared the dinner for him,

He enjoyed the banquet very much. He enjoyed the happiness of his family gathered together. Until Zeus waved lightning to him, the smile on his face still didn\'t disappear,

My stupid children, I gave birth to them, but I don\'t know them. They hurt killers at the party and besieged their father, but they are not their father\'s opponents at all,

Cronus opened up and didn\'t kill them. I thought everything was over, but I didn\'t expect our father to appear. At that time, the strength of Uranus had not fully recovered. As long as my man picked up the sickle, he would be able to defeat him!

But I didn\'t expect that Zeus coerced me. He let lightning hover over my head to threaten my man,

My man didn\'t pick up the sickle. For me, he chose to compromise and gave up everything he had. His only condition is to let me continue to stay on Olympia and no one can hurt me. "

It turned out that Cronus gave up the throne under duress, which was a hundred thousand miles away from the deeds handed down.

"Zeus only wanted to ascend the throne at that time. He had no idea how powerful Uranus would become in the future," Rhea cried, "That was the last time I saw my man. No matter how many tears and confessions, I couldn\'t recover him. Suffocating thoughts and guilt tortured me for countless years until one day, I heard his voice again. At that moment, I understood the meaning of living again, and I was willing to give everything for him."

Hermes nodded, "so you took the slate and gave it to Cronus. You took eleven pieces altogether?"


"But thirteen stone slabs were lost on the cliff." Hermes looked at Manda.

Manda said with a dry smile, "that\'s just, I found it easily."

Don\'t hide it. Hermes knows everything.

Hermes\'s fake part manipulated Hermes to steal 13 stone tablets and hide them in the mountain stream of Olympia, waiting for RIA to get them.

Rhea took eleven pieces, while sangira inadvertently found the place where the slate was hidden and stole two of them.

It is precisely because of these two tablets that Manda had a very high level of status before becoming a God, more than five levels of status.

After all that should be said, Rhea happily went to death: "if you don\'t want to do it, I can jump into the Milky way by myself. Although I haven\'t seen him again, I\'m satisfied that I can do something for him."

Hermes was silent for a long time, shook his head and said, "you misunderstood me. Cronus is a wise God King. I look forward to having the same achievements as him one day, but now we have to regain the status of the gods. Neither I nor Cronus has the strength to defeat the Lord of divine punishment,

I knew you were secretly helping Cronus, but I didn\'t stop you. I came to you today in the hope that you could give me a chance to cooperate with Cronus. "