Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 868

Hermes saw the change of handwriting and saw it very clearly. It was not the result he wanted, nor was it the result Manda wanted to see.

Anyone who doesn\'t hate Manda doesn\'t want to see such a result. Fortunately, except for the three of them, other gods didn\'t notice the cliff.

As the ceremony continued, Hermes winked at Manda and asked him to divert the attention of the gods as much as possible.

Manda thought for a moment, suddenly hugged Aphrodite and said, "mother, I prefer your gift!"

Aphrodite stroked Manda\'s hair and said with a gentle smile, "it\'s not worth my pain."

Athena was furious: "Manda claudesai, you are so shameless. Who do you call mother?"

Manda rubbed her nose and said, "you are a goddess. You can\'t call your mother."

"You are presumptuous!" Athena rushed forward to fight Manda, but Aphrodite stopped her.

"What did he say wrong? Aren\'t you..."

"Shut up! Shameless woman, you have no right to point at me!"

Aphrodite gritted his teeth and said, "who do you say is shameless!"

At first, a dispute among Hera, Athena and Aphrodite triggered the Trojan War.

Now, this thrilling tear than the war staged again.

The gods left the ceremony of reaching the God behind and watched the direction of the war with excitement and tension.

Finally, things got worse and worse. The two goddesses forced Hermes to go to the public palace of the gods to make a judgment.

After careful research and discussion, Hermes finally decided that Aphrodite won. Athena was rude and had to apologize to Aphrodite.

Athena refused to accept it and refused to apologize to Aphrodite. Hermes comforted him privately, saying that the closest woman was, the more she had to bear more grievances for him.

Athena accepted Hermes\'s safety, but still refused to apologize. Unexpectedly, Aphrodite showed magnanimity and did not continue to entangle. In the disappointed sigh of the gods, the war was over.

When the gods dispersed, Hercules told Manda: "offending the goddess of wisdom is a very bad choice. You should think of countermeasures as soon as possible. It\'s best to have your father\'s help to calm the matter."

Seeing Athena\'s sad eyes, Manda could feel his anger at the moment, but what we need to worry about now is not this matter, but the handwriting on the cliff.

What changes have taken place in the handwriting on the cliff, which makes Hermes so nervous. Does it mean that Manda\'s class has been exposed?

Sangira engraved every story of Manda on the slate. After killing the pseudo divine angel, according to sangira\'s estimation, Manda\'s current position has exceeded seven steps. Can it be said that this thing has been shown on the cliff?

If this is the case, how should I explain it to Hermes?

Late at night, Hermes really called Manda to the cliff. Manda was nervous all the way. She really couldn\'t think of a suitable excuse. The only thing she could do was to deny it. As long as Hermes didn\'t find the slate, he insisted that it was a system failure in Olympia and had nothing to do with herself.

Hephaestus remained beside Manda\'s deeds, not only to prevent other gods from approaching, but also to study the causes of handwriting changes.

"Did you find out?" asked Hermes.

"I can only say that this is the will of Olympia. I don\'t know the specific causes and consequences, and I can\'t modify these changes."

Hephaestus, holding a torch and following his deeds, pointed out several changed positions.

Seeing these changes, Manda was a little more down-to-earth. Indeed, there was a mistake in Olympia, a very obvious mistake.

The story does not show Manda\'s personality, but Manda\'s name has changed.

The name of the true God did not appear, but there was an additional word after his original name - Manda Claude Sai error.

The word error appeared behind the name, which Manda could not understand, nor could Hephaestus. Hermes thought for a long time and seemed to understand the reason.

"As like as two peas, you must leave no trace at all, so that the contents on the stone slab will be exactly the same."

"It\'s not difficult, but you should know that it doesn\'t solve the problem," he said

"I\'ll solve the problem, so you don\'t have to worry."

Hermes took Manda back to his temple, expelled all the maidens and asked Manda, "did you do anything wrong on earth?"

Manda thought for a moment and said, "it\'s hard to say. What kind of thing is wrong?"

"Have you ever done anything to damage Olympia or offend Gaia?"

Manda shook her head. "I can\'t hurt Olympia, and I don\'t have the courage to offend Gaia."

Hermes smacked his lips and said, "it seems that the problem is not in the world, but in the mountains. It\'s my responsibility. I\'m too greedy, so it brings trouble!"

Manda scratched her head and said, "do you know why?"

"Guess, just guess, I let your temple rise to the fifth level first, and then let you become a God. This is inconsistent with the normal order of becoming a God, which caused the mistake of Olympia."

"But you said that Hercules also started from the fifth order."

"His situation is different from you. He was born a demigod, and..." Hermes gritted his teeth. "My father may have a special way. I\'m worried that this mistake will have unimaginable consequences. Don\'t tell anyone, including sangira, until I find a solution to the problem."

Manda returned to her temple, where six Ningfu served.

Sangira got permission from Hermes to spend the night in Manda\'s temple tonight. When the two were lingering, Manda kept staring into sangira\'s eyes and said gently, "I want to keep looking at you."

"Don\'t look," sangira blushed. "I\'m so embarrassed."

"I\'m going to look at you like this!"

Sangira recognized that it was a code word, and Manda wanted to see the slate.

"But I\'m really shy. I\'d better turn around. You can\'t see my face from behind." (clean up Ningfu around, so they can\'t see it)

Ningfu were outside the window curtain and heard their faces blush and heartbeat. Originally, they were not sleepy at all, but they didn\'t know why. When sangjila said she was going to turn around, a strong sense of fatigue suddenly rushed to them.

Soon, they all fell asleep under the influence of witchcraft. Sangira took Manda to the temple hall.

She took a slate from under the altar and looked at the deeds engraved on Manda word by word.

The next scene, both of them were stunned.

As like as two peas of the mandala Claude, the word "wrong" is exactly the same as that on the cliff.

The cliff has had a feeling with the temple. This mistake seems very serious.

Is it because the seventh order gods only have the fifth order temples, which leads to a system error?

Manda looked at sangira. Sangira shook her head. She didn\'t know why.

What will happen next?

Will the ceremony count or not?

Is Manda a real God now?