Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 56

For three days in a row, there was no business. All the pedestrians near the tavern were driven away by Kampala, the God punished warrior.

It doesn\'t matter to earn less wine money, but it\'s too hard to be blocked at home every day. Manda doesn\'t even have the courage to pee outside.

"When I get to the second level, the first one will kill you." Manda opened the window on the second floor and looked provocatively at Kampala outside.

Kampala took a half broken Tomahawk and hooked her fingers at Manda, with a provocative smile on her face.

How can I get to the second level? The answer is on the stone statue, but the top priority is to find Kunta to crack the ciphertext on the stone statue.

Two days later, in the new year, Werm will report back to the valley. After leaving the valley for so long, this is the first time that Manda looks forward to contacting the count. He needs the count\'s support and Kunta.

But worm didn\'t want to go back to the valley. He was so upset that he didn\'t even want to brew wine.

"I\'m going back tomorrow. Do you have anything to tell the count?" was the first time worm asked such a question.

"I have a lot to say to the count. Why don\'t you take me with you." Manda also gave an unexpected answer.

"You can\'t go to the valley, no, you can\'t go without the count\'s order!" worm became very flustered.

Manda smiled, "what the hell are you trying to tell me?"

Worm\'s gray face slowly turned pale, and the next topic made it difficult for him to speak; "You want to tell the count, don\'t you?"

Manda was stunned and turned to look out of the window. "Don\'t you tell the count about this?"

"If the count knows, they will die."

"Don\'t you want them to die?"

"Of course I don\'t want to. They\'re not bad people!"

"Who is the bad guy?"

After arguing for a long time, Manda found a problem. He and worm were not talking about the same object. Worm wanted to keep Toka and Manda wanted to drive Kampala away.

"Toka\'s mother hasn\'t recovered yet," worm rubbed his hands. "I want to keep them for a while."

"Stay after the new year. As long as the madman blocks the door, they can\'t go anywhere."

"I want them to live longer."

"How long is it?"

"I think, when Toka grows up..."

Manda carefully examined worm\'s facial features: "Toka is really not your son? Did his mother have a relationship with you..."

"Don\'t tell such disgusting jokes!" worm\'s facial features were not distorted, which proved that he didn\'t lie, but Manda felt that Toka did look a little like worm.

He took a gulp of wine and gasped, "I don\'t want to go back to the valley. I\'m worried that the man outside will break in and the people in the valley will follow. I want the child to live here all the time."

Manda\'s heart turned and a conspiracy was born. It was a great opportunity to control worm.

"You want to make a deal with me, don\'t you?" Manda smiled.

"Well," said worm, clasping his teeth, "from now on, all the income of the tavern belongs to you. I won\'t interfere, but you have to promise not to tell the count."

"Deal!" said Manda, quite simply, turning again. "I\'ll keep it a secret for you, but the count sends someone every month. Can you hide it from them?"

"So... I need your help."

Manda nodded and said, "so, this is another deal. I can help you deceive them, but you must do me a favor first and help me take something to the valley."


"The new year is coming. I want to give a gift to my friend, but not the count."

Late at night, Manda began to copy the ciphertext on the stone statue. He first chose the stone statue of Hephaestus. Even if the count found it, he would not expose his own God.

After copying the ciphertext, he thought about nailing the parchment in an ancient book and giving it to Kunta as a gift.

The binding process is very complex, and it is inevitable that there will be some defects. In the process of trimming, Manda hesitated.

Can this book really reach Kunta? Worm is not good at lying. How to explain if the count notices?

Can Quinta really find a special page in the book? Can he understand Manda?

Will the count find out in the process of translation? How to bring it out of the valley after successful translation? A series of questions forced Manda to change his mind. He had to calculate the count once.

Take out a piece of parchment. Manda wrote down some features that the count could use:

1. Very greedy

2. Very suspicious

3. Very careful

4. Be able to tell lies, but not incomplete truth.


The next day, worm was ready to leave: "what gift do you want to bring to Kunta?"

Manda shook her head and said, "I\'ve changed my mind. I want you to take Kunta to the pub for two days."

"Are you crazy?" said worm angrily. "It\'s not something I can do!"

Manda smiled darkly: "you can do it. From now on, every word I say to you is the truth. What I want to do is for his sake. You just need to convey it to the count truthfully. He will let you bring Kunta."


Worm stood uneasily in front of the count. If it wasn\'t for Toka, he would never run to the count and die.

According to Manda\'s instructions, he reported a good news to the count: "Manda found two stone statues from a businessman, which are very similar to the stone statues bought from the drawing city last time."

As soon as the count\'s eyes brightened, he gently stroked the string and said, "the little guy has found something good again. Let him buy it back."

"Manda is not sure whether the two statues are true or not, and whether the two statues are the same as the previous statues. The words engraved on them are similar."

"Whether it\'s true or not, and whether it\'s the same or not, buy it back." the count smiled magnanimously. As Manda expected, he was greedy. He wouldn\'t miss such a precious thing.

"Each stone statue needs 300 gold coins."

The generous smile disappeared, and the count turned to look at worm with four more eyes in a moment.

Worm was nervous, but he was just repeating Manda\'s words truthfully. For him, there were no lies in his words.

The extra eyes were taken back, and the count smiled again and said, "tell me directly what he wants to do?"

"He wants to take the previous statue to Niujiao town and compare it with the new statue."

"That\'s impossible! I won\'t let him touch those statues again!" the count knocked on the neck, and the cold air filled the whole room.

He could never give the statue to Manda. He even worried that Manda would cheat the statue away with a subcontracting scheme.

Worm dared not speak, and the room was quiet for a while, when the count asked again; "Is there any other way?"

"He said there was another man in the valley who could recognize the stone statue."

"Kunta!" the count smiled. "Take him. I\'ll only give you one day. At this time tomorrow, you must bring Kunta back to me."

Werm left the valley with Kunta. The count continued to play the harp and played a song. The count suddenly laughed.

"I will have a legion of believers of the LORD God, and I will enslave them. The great Typhon, I will wash away the shame of that year for you. Please give me the Oracle, please give me the artifact, and please give me the name of God."