Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 55

The stall owner is a man in his thirties. He has dark curly hair, a pair of dark green eyes, a mask similar to an eye mask, a strong southern mainland accent, speaks in cadence, just like singing, and has a unique sense of rhythm and rhythm.

"Have you taken a fancy to this stone statue? Good eye!" the stall owner came close to Manda, picked up the stone statue, gently stroked it twice, and said slowly, "Hestia has a different kind of beauty. Only people who are different know how to appreciate it."

It turned out to be Hestia, the kitchen god. Manda thought it was Demeter, the goddess of harvest. His image of God has always been very vague.

No matter whose statue it is, you must accept it if you can accept it. It\'s a priceless treasure.

"How much is it?" asked Manda again.

"Don\'t be so anxious. Tell me what you like about her?"

"I like her simplicity and gentleness," Manda said casually.

"This is not a decent reason." the proud stall owner full of art doesn\'t seem to be so easy to fool.

"Just tell me how much it is. Don\'t you want to do business?"

"If I can\'t find a suitable owner for my goods, I\'d rather not do this business."

What a strange businessman. If Manda hadn\'t wanted the statue too much, he wouldn\'t have bothered to say more nonsense to him.

After pondering for a long time, Manda remembered Kunta\'s words praising Hestia. He didn\'t remember many sentences. He only remembered Kunta\'s saying that the most special place of Hestia was silence. Like this statue, her eyes were slightly drooping and with an imperceptible smile, people seemed to be able to integrate into her quiet state of mind in an instant.

"I like and like her tranquility. If I can have a warm home, I hope to quietly feel the sweetness of food, quietly enjoy the care of the goddess and the grace given to me by the goddess after every prayer and under her gaze."

The stall owner remained silent for a moment, reluctantly satisfied with Manda\'s answer, and then offered a price: "this statue needs three gold coins. I want to remind you that it has no magical function, but I\'m sure it has been illuminated by the divine light. As you said, it can give you a peaceful beauty. I believe that beauty must come from the goddess."

Three gold coins are really not expensive. The real price of this statue is even more than 300 gold coins. Manda was about to take out her money bag, but the stall owner took out another statue from the wooden box.

"Hephaestus, it\'s a little ugly. Do you want this statue?"

God of fire and craftsman, today\'s harvest is too great. Manda nods hard, but the stall owner\'s exam is not over yet.

"It\'s so ugly. Why do you want it?"

Manda thought of the sentence in the divine spectrum and said in the deepest language: "the ugly is not the gods, but the secular eyes."

"But Aphrodite also betrayed him."

"God also makes mistakes. If you give him another chance, I believe he will never let his husband down."

God makes mistakes. One of the characteristics of ancient gods is that they have human nature. Pointing out their mistakes is not blasphemy.

This sentence moved the stall owner. He pushed the mask on his face and said softly, "two stone statues and five gold coins."

It\'s really lucky that the same luck can appear twice in a row. Considering the wine money given by Denison, Manda has only three and a half gold coins. How can such a good opportunity be missed.

"Please wait a minute. I\'ll borrow some money from a friend." Manda just wanted to find the fat knight. Suddenly he saw the stall owner\'s wooden box. Will there be any surprises there.

"Are there any other stone statues? I want them all."

The stall owner smiled and took out the third stone statue from the wooden box: "another one, Hermes, do you want it?"

"Who are you talking about?" Manda couldn\'t believe her ears.

The stall owner frowned: "don\'t use that blasphemous tone. I\'m talking about Hermes, the patron god of merchants and travelers and the messenger of the gods."

"Yes, yes, this must be." Manda couldn\'t control her emotions. He stretched out his hand to grab the statue.

The stall owner shrunk his hand and said with a smile, "how much do you think the stone statue of Hermes is worth?"

Manda remembered a fable from her reading and blurted out, "if I buy those two stone statues, can I have this stone statue?"

When the voice fell to the ground, Manda turned his eyes, foamed at his mouth and fell convulsed. He was punished by Hermes.

During the sanctions, Hermes gave him two Oracles: first, the story was false, and second, he hated the story.

Seeing Manda suddenly fall to the ground, the stall owner was startled, and the fat Knight Stanley also came over.

"Mr. poet, what have you done to my friend?"

The stall owner\'s nickname is "poet". The "poet" waved his hand and said, "I didn\'t do anything. Your friend suddenly fell down."

After twitching for a while, Manda got up and asked, "how much is this statue?"

Maybe he likes Manda\'s temperament, or maybe he is afraid of knights. The stall owner shows rare generosity.

"As you said, five gold coins and the two stone statues are sold to you. This is a gift."

"That won\'t work!" Manda shook her head desperately. "I\'ll give you six gold coins, a stone statue and two gold coins."

The stall owner looked at Manda in surprise and saw Manda turn to the fat knight and said, "Lord Stanley, can you lend me three gold coins?"

"I never lend money to others," Stanley shook his head and turned to smile, "but I don\'t like to owe others. You saved me 60 gold coins and deserve 10% of the reward."

Manda looked down and saw that Stanley had put on the belt. He only spent thirty gold coins.

Stanley gave Manda six gold coins. Manda changed hands to the stall owner, bought three stone statues, and went to the "witch" stall owner to buy some herbs to treat trauma.

After leaving the black market, Stanley always sent Manda back to the tavern and drank two glasses of wine. Stanley gave Manda a piece of advice: "don\'t leave the tavern easily before the new year. Sergeant Kampala has been punished and is going to find you to vent his anger."

"Who is sergeant Campora?"

"It\'s the divine punishment warrior who once fought with you. You broke his axe. He\'s a sergeant of the divine punishment army."

Divine punishment army is the army of divine punishment. Unexpectedly, that guy turned out to be a soldier.

"Won\'t he trouble me in the tavern?"

Stanley pointed to the flag on the door: "no matter how arrogant he is, he can\'t change the rules of survival. This is ox horn Town, and Viscount gassac is the master here."

When Stanley left the pub, worm hurried down the stairs.

"Have you bought any herbs?"

Manda handed the herbal medicine to worm. Worm smelled it, nodded and said, "the color is very good. Didn\'t the knight see it? I remember old yaman once said that herbal medicine is illegal and can cause death."

Manda hung her eyes and said, "why didn\'t I hear you talk about these things before I left?"

"I didn\'t remember." worm took the herbs and hurried to the kitchen. Toka went to help worm, leaving Ogg sitting alone in the corner of the hall.

Manda handed him two packets of herbs: "this is medicine for treating trauma. One packet is eaten and the other is sprinkled on the wound. I don\'t have such a good heart. Take care of yourself."

Ogg took the herb, lowered his head and said, "thank you. I can\'t take care of the mother and son. I can only give them back to you. I\'ll leave tonight."

"Where are you going?"

"The great prophet told me that my dream is far away, and I will embark on the journey of practice."

Manda shrugged, ignored Ogg, found a place where there was no one, opened the "Jurassic Dragon Island" and put three stone statues in it.

That night, Ogg left quietly. Toka cried for a long time. He repeatedly said that Ogg was a good man and begged Manda to keep him.

Manda is too lazy to explain that he is a good man, I am not a bad man, and I didn\'t drive him away.

The next morning, the bruised Ogg climbed back to the tavern. Manda said, "the journey of practice is over?"

Ogg pointed to the outside of the door and said, "there is a madman outside. When he sees me, he will catch up and fight. The great prophet told me that if he doesn\'t come back here, he will be killed!"

Manda gritted her teeth and said, "the door is closed."