Giant Monster in Marvel

Chapter 204

A fancy apartment in Manhattan, New York.

Nagini, who opened the door, looked at the embarrassed Dr. banner in front of him. He couldn\'t help joking:

"Long time no see, Dr. Benner. I heard you\'ve been super brave lately?"

In the face of Nagini\'s ridicule, Dr. Banner\'s face showed a helpless wry smile:

"Don\'t laugh at me. You don\'t know that feeling. It\'s very bad. But Nagini, I really thank you. If it weren\'t for your help over the years, I really don\'t know if I could survive."

Seriously, Nagini has really helped herself a lot over the years.

Before he came, he hesitated. After all, his situation was very dangerous. Dr. banner didn\'t know whether Nagini would set up a game and waited for him to get in.

But the moment he really saw Nagini, the scenes of these years came to mind, and he regretted it.

If Nagini really wants to set up a game, he has too many opportunities.

This made him feel guilty about his previous thoughts.

Feeling the guilt of Dr. banner, Nagini\'s face was a little more strange. He didn\'t know what Dr. banner thought. He could only sigh in his heart that human feelings were really complex.

However, he enthusiastically took them into the house: "there are spare rooms at home, and they are very clean, but you\'d better go to Betty\'s room to sleep tonight!"

"The room has a bathroom. Because I\'m the only man in the family, I can only wrong you to wear my clothes."

In the face of Nagini\'s enthusiasm, Dr. banner waved his hand with a little restraint:

"It\'s all right. It\'s already good."

Nagini smiled. He didn\'t speak, but directly took Sam to the kitchen. Although the two had been in correspondence for eight years, they met for the first time in eight years.

Nagini cooked dinner, while Sam made trouble for himself.

This made his eyes a little more helpless. The old woman is really beautiful and very spiritual, but her cooking is really poor.

The two have known each other for 18 years. Sam also knows that Nagini likes finger cookies, but the ugly Nagini wants to cry because of her finger cookies.

It is either hard like an iron pimple or flat, like a beach of loose Baba.

However, although the cookies don\'t look good, they taste good. After all, Sam\'s mother is good at making bear cookies.

So, eighteen years ago? You look like you\'re only six?

Tut Tut, this old cow gnawing grass, really don\'t grind it!

Dinner is BBQ barbecue, mushroom cream soup, vegetable salad and coarse grain bread, as well as a bottle of Lafite from \'82. Nagini doesn\'t like drinking, but it doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t have wine at home.

In fact, in addition to Raffi in 82 and 59, Nagini still has two bottles of Kangdi in 45, but what he doesn\'t understand is that excluding the two bottles from Wilson, it seems that there are 600 bottles of Kangdi in 45?

I have drunk a lot these years. Why haven\'t I finished these 600 bottles?

At the end of dinner, although I haven\'t seen each other for eight years, they won\'t seem strange because there are always letters between the two sides.

Pepper won\'t come back tonight. In fact, she didn\'t come back half a month ago.

Probably because he was stimulated by Nagini, Tony recently flew around the world with Boz on the grounds of global business, so their relationship has heated up rapidly.

But Nagini knew that the next time Tony couldn\'t help cheating, their relationship would deteriorate again.

So, slag, or Tony slag!

In addition to the wisdom in their blood, the stark family also has slag attributes that can\'t be hidden.

At the end of the dinner, the host and guest enjoyed themselves. Nagini found an excuse to go to the rooftop. He didn\'t want to stay to wash the dishes. As a high IQ elite, Dr. banner naturally knew a little about this kind of thing.

In the heaven, Nagini drank milk happily and looked at Dr. banner standing at the skylight nearby. Nagini shook his head:

"I can\'t tell you the specific reason, but I\'m sure that no one will monitor the whole of America."

Dr. Boehner didn\'t know where Nagini\'s confidence came from, but looking at the other party\'s calm look, he finally moved forward, but only half of his body.

Nagini shook his head. He understood Banner\'s practice, so he didn\'t say anything. Anyone who has been pursued with this intensity for eight years will do so more or less.

Staring at the brightly lit New York, Nagini flashed a question in her eyes:

"What are you going to do next?"

"I\'m going to see someone tomorrow. If I\'m lucky, it may solve my problem."

"Are you sure?"

"What\'s the problem?"

"Samuel sten, a university professor, I don\'t know if you know this man. He is a very excellent expert in cell biology."

Banner was stunned. His eyes flickered with thought. Finally, he shook his head: "I don\'t know."

His memory is not bad. Dr. banner is sure that there is absolutely no such expert in cell biology named Samuel stern in his memory.

Just looking at Dr. Banner\'s expression, Nagini scratched a hint of ponder on the corner of his mouth:

"Are you sure you don\'t need to think about it?"

Banner hesitated for a moment, but finally his eyes nodded firmly: "I\'m sure, at least now, I don\'t know Professor Samuel sten."

However, the next second, Dr. Benner was stunned by Nagini\'s words:

"He has another name, Mr. LAN!"

Subconsciously, the pupil of Dr. banner contracted, and a flash of consternation flashed in his eyes. Then he frowned: "Mr. LAN? Did he have an accident? Or..."

Dr. banner doesn\'t think the cell biology expert, but he knows Mr. LAN because he is the "enthusiastic netizen" who can suppress the monster in his body.

So how does Nagini know each other? Is it because Mr. LAN has been controlled by the military?

Nagini, who judged what was in the other party\'s mind through Dr. Banner\'s expression, shook his head at the moment:

"You think too much. The military doesn\'t know this Mr. LAN, at least not now. The reason why I know is because I have a friend who is very good at collecting intelligence, Dr. Benner. I have some bad news to tell you."

After knowing that Mr. LAN had not been exposed, Dr. banner couldn\'t help sighing a sigh of relief, but when he heard the bad news mentioned by Nagini, he couldn\'t help trembling in his heart:

"What news?"

Nagini looked at each other, and his deep eyes were somewhat strange: "some time ago, Mr. LAN bought a batch of special materials. He may be cloning some kind of cells."

He didn\'t directly tell Dr. banner that he was cloning his blood, but he believed Dr. banner knew what he meant.

Sure enough, Dr. banner understood. He even realized the seriousness of the matter. His face changed, and his pupils were even a little green:

"It\'s impossible. He\'s not such a person!"

However, the next second, in Nagini\'s deep eyes, a touch of gloom suddenly appeared. His expression was calm, but his eyes glittered cold:

"Calm down, don\'t get excited. There are Sam and Betty downstairs. Believe me, neither you nor they want to see what happens next."

Nagini\'s cold eyes, like a basin of cold water, poured hard on Banna\'s heart. He soon calmed down and his face was a little more bitter:

"What should I do?"

He felt that fate was joking with him. Dr. banner never thought that Mr. LAN would clone and cultivate with his blood.

Facing the confused Dr. Benner, Nagini shook his head: "don\'t ask me, ask yourself, and I\'m not sure whether this information is true. At the best, maybe my friend is wrong?"

The next morning, Dr. Benner, who had thought about it all night last night, finally planned to follow the original plan. He didn\'t want to be a monster, but he had a chance in front of him. He didn\'t want to give up.

Moreover, if the other party really cloned his own blood, he must destroy the blood sample anyway, and must destroy it immediately.

You know, Nagini said yesterday that although the military doesn\'t know Mr. LAN yet, it just doesn\'t know now, which doesn\'t mean it won\'t know in the future.

If you remember correctly, he and Betty investigated Mr. LAN yesterday.

In other words, they have left traces on the Internet, so they must destroy the blood samples before the military finds Mr. LAN.

After breakfast, after finishing the plan with everyone, Miss Betty grabbed Dr. Benner\'s hand:

"I\'ll go with you!"

Sam looked at Nagini nodding slightly. She thought:

"I\'ll drive you."

However, Nagini put down his glass and shook his head. "You can\'t go, nor can Betty. Dr. banner can only go alone."

Miss Betty was stunned and a doubt flashed in her eyes: "why?"

Nagini didn\'t explain. He looked at Dr. banner with deep eyes: "you should know what I mean."

Dr. Benner nodded. Different from his shyness and shyness in the past, his eyes glittered with serious and irresistible persistence: "Nagini is right. I can only go alone in this matter!"