Giant Monster in Marvel

Chapter 203

General Ross came again. Half a month later, he appeared at Nagini\'s house again, but this time not for letters.

By the way, let\'s say here,

Miss Betty was not at home, and the little sister Sam and Nagini\'s beloved Knight 15 disappeared together, although many people don\'t think that a knight 15 should have this level of horsepower and configuration.

But most Americans know that Nagini spent at least $30 million on refitting the car.

Silk pajamas, a glass of milk, and a plate of ugly finger biscuits.

On the open-air balcony of Nagini\'s house, he stared at general Ross in military uniform. He refused the Cuban cigars handed over by the other party. Then he took out a box of women\'s cigarettes for two dollars and gold from his pocket and took a sip. His eyes were full of fun:

"Remember what I told you half a month ago?"

General Ross\'s face turned black. Although he was old, he had no Alzheimer\'s disease.

Seriously, he didn\'t want to find Nagini, or he wouldn\'t let bronkis inject second-generation serum.

The effect of serum is no problem. Bronkis is also a very excellent soldier. After injecting the second-generation serum, his strength has changed dramatically in all aspects.

If he is equipped with powerful weapons, even a strengthened soldier may not be his opponent.

General Ross, who has greatly improved his strength, is full of confidence in this fight. He is excited to get rid of his arms and make a big fight with the super soldiers injected with second-generation serum and the two ultrasonic guns purchased from stark group!

Then all this was smashed to pieces by hawk.

As for your own super warrior?

It is estimated that there is no hope of being kicked by Hawke with a crushed fracture of the whole body, unless he is a natural martial arts genius, but none of them.

Of course, this is nothing.

For ordinary people, this matter is very serious, but for general Ross, it can be easily solved with a little energy.

What really bothered him was that Hawke\'s battle at Calvert University was posted online.

America is a free country. There are many people who are not afraid of death.

Let alone a general Ross, even the president of the United States should be exposed. One of the most serious political scandals in the United States [Watergate incident] is one of them.

Eight years ago, Nagini\'s situation was an accident. Firstly, he saved the earth. Secondly, this matter involves aliens, so MIB has the obligation to carry the pot.

But he is different this time. There are no aliens or saving the earth, so this time, there is only one way left in front of general Ross:

He must solve Haoke. Only by solving Haoke can he get through this crisis smoothly.

In front of the country, there is no friendship, only interests.

The same is true among politicians.

So general Ross found Nagini. He hoped that Nagini would come forward to solve the problem. As long as he could solve the problem of hawk, he could make up for his mistakes.

However, Nagini took a sip of milk. He calmly looked at general Ross:

"How can I help you?"

In the face of Nagini\'s rhetorical question, general Ross looked no surprise.

Before he came, he thought of this problem. The biggest reason why Nagini can\'t help him is Nagini\'s special identity.

Although most people\'s memories of the battle eight years ago have been erased, the data are still preserved.

The top level has always been very afraid of Nagini, especially when it has the permanent immunity of the five powers. It is like a bomb that will explode at any time. No top level will like such Nagini.

Nagini is also aware of this, so he has been honest all these years.

Although it is becoming more and more popular and influential internationally, compared with what he has done?

Seriously, Nagini has been really restrained these years.

General Ross also appeared here because he "knew" Nagini\'s concerns: "I know what you\'re worried about, but don\'t worry. As long as I can solve the impact of hawk, I will bear it all!"

However, the next second, what general Ross didn\'t think of was that Nagini rolled his eyes and looked at him speechless: "what do you think? You caused it. Do you still want me to take the blame?"

General Ross was stunned. A flash of amazement flashed in his eyes. Does it mean that Nagini\'s convergence over the years is not to make up for the rift between the two sides?

From each other\'s words, it seems that Nagini doesn\'t care much about it.

There was a flash of doubt in his eyes. What he was about to say was overthrown because of Nagini\'s attitude.

He thought for a while, and the words that had come to his mouth became: "aren\'t you friends?"

Nagini shook his head and a serious look flashed in his eyes: "Sam and Betty are friends, but that doesn\'t mean Betty and I are also friends."

With a slight frown and a fast running brain, general Ross, who couldn\'t tell what Nagini thought, asked, "what do you want?"

This is a test. He doesn\'t really want Nagini to make a condition, but wants to know what Nagini wants.

Nagini also knew that the other party was testing himself, but he didn\'t care.

The corners of the mouth were frivolous, and the deep eyes flashed a touch of seriousness: "samples of the second generation serum and copies of all relevant materials."

Without thinking about it, general Ross subconsciously refused:

"It\'s impossible!"

The samples of the second generation serum are very precious. For technical reasons, there are only a few.

Moreover, the second generation serum has terrible power, enough to turn a normal person into a super soldier in an instant!

Nagini has been so terrible. If there is a second-generation serum, who knows how strong Nagini will be?

As for the copy of the second-generation serum?

General Ross also wouldn\'t give Nagini. In most people\'s hands, these materials are not as useful as a bag of paper towels, but in some people\'s hands, their value is immeasurable.

Snuffed out half of the lady\'s cigarette in his hand, and Nagini shook his head: "since you don\'t agree, forget it."

General Ross didn\'t speak. He looked at Nagini coldly, looking uncertain. He seemed to weigh the pros and cons, until at one moment, the phone rang around his waist:

"What\'s the matter with me? Damn it, are you sure? OK! I\'ll go back right away!"

General Ross breathed a sigh of relief when he hung up the phone.

He took a deep look at Nagini, didn\'t say anything, just snorted coldly, and then turned away without paying any attention to the idea of Nagini, the owner of the house.

Nagini was not angry either. He drank the last mouthful of milk in the cup, and a thought-provoking smile crossed the corner of his mouth: "steady!"

In a motel in New York, Miss Betty, who looked a little embarrassed, looked at Sam with a guilty face: "I\'m sorry, if it\'s not really impossible..."

But Sam didn\'t let Betty go on, but waved his hand disapprovingly: "it\'s okay, aren\'t we friends? Speaking of Benner, how many years have we not met?"

Different from the manic Hulk in the report, Dr. banner has a bit of shyness and shyness on his face: "more than eight years, nearly nine years."

Betty shook her head helplessly. Banner\'s character is so. If she hadn\'t found Banner\'s good at the beginning, she really doubted each other\'s character. Would she be single all her life?

But now is not the time to think about it. Looking at Sam, Betty flashed a serious look in her eyes: "how much money do you have with you?"

America is an overdraft and excessive consumption. As an adult, you don\'t have many credit cards. You\'re embarrassed to take care of others.

Although her father was a general, Betty refused all general Ross\'s help because the relationship between the two sides was very rigid.

But because of this, all her credit cards were frozen.

So an hour ago, Betty contacted Sam on the hotel phone and asked if she could send her some cash, and then there was this meeting.

But to Betty\'s surprise, Sam shook his head and said, "I don\'t have any money with me."

As soon as the voice fell, Miss Betty was stunned: "ah?"

Then Sam turned his eyes: "ah, what? Since your credit card is frozen, the information must be locked. You don\'t think you can have cash? Does Ling Jing plan know? Besides, where are you two sleeping tonight? The dump? Or the sewer?"

Aside, a touch of embarrassment appeared on Dr. Banner\'s face. He thought about it and finally said weakly, "I\'m fine."

But Sam stared at Dr. Benner. She said angrily, "of course you have no problem, but Betty is white and tender. I can\'t bear her to suffer and come to my house at night."

Betty\'s eyes flashed with emotion, but finally she shook her head: "forget it, if it\'s found out. It\'s bad for you and Nagini. We both owe you a lot."

What she did not expect was that the old woman was now surprisingly strong. She waved with great hands and said with no care: "nothing, I has the final say in my family."

Looking at the majestic Sam, Dr. banner couldn\'t help feeling that Sam was still as strong as before.

But Miss Betty, who knew the situation at home, had a strange look on her face: "are you sure?"

She looked stiff. The old woman seemed to want to say something, but looking at Betty\'s strange eyes, she couldn\'t help feeling angry: "well, in fact, Nagini asked me to do so. He said that the home was safe, and there were some things to tell banner."

Betty nodded with a flash in her eyes. "I\'ll tell you, when did you turn over?"

But Dr. Benner, who was on one side, had a hesitation in his eyes: "Sam, what\'s Nagini looking for me?"

On the surface, Dr. banner is the same Dr. banner as before.

But after so much experience, he is actually different from before. At least the former Dr. banner would not be so cautious. Sam, who was unaware of Banner\'s intention, flashed a bit of confusion in his eyes:

"I don\'t know. He just said you might call me, and then you called. But Nagini said it had something to do with Banna."